I'm having a three way deadlock and I can't decide ;-;
They were in the last year, haha. If it happened between lat summer and this summer, it's eligible. :B
no Plumenkranz ;_;
Fixed! this is why I tell y'all not to change ya names in the Awards season lmao
Not gonna lie, tempted to vote Cat because her winning this would be hilarious.
I would never be bros with a Lightning stan
Y'ALL REALLY THOUGHT WE WAS DONE WITH CYCLE 2? we are now i promise Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Boy Wonder @Sebax @Shuhbooty Boy Wonder's Samples Spoiler: Scene of a Play Fade In. SCENE: A low-class apartment. In the living room sits 22-year old JACK. The television is on, but muted. JACK sits in the computer chair facing the television, but his head is in his hands. On the table coffeetable behind him rests a family photograph, his cell phone, and a business card. A knock at the door startles him. He jumps to his feet and considers removing his hoodie, but decides against it and answers the door. Two young women, younger than him, stand in business suits. The one who knocked has purple highlights in her black hair, which is in a ponytail. She looks agitated. The other has short brown hair styled in a bob and shows no emotion. JACK (confused) How can I- GIRL 1 WITH HIGHLIGHTS (interrupting) Are you going to let us in, Mr. West? JACK (taken aback) Excuse me? GIRL 1 That’s you, correct? Jackson Hector West, age 22. Son of John West and the late Mir- JACK Yes! I mean, yeah. That’s me. But…Jack, please. GIRL 1 (sounding irritated) Of course it is. Now are you going to let us in? JACK (moving out of the way) Oh, uh...yeah, of course. GIRL 1 (studying the apartment as she walks in) I am Amelia and this is Angela. We’re AEGIS Special Agents. I was told you wanted to meet. JACK (returning to his seat, he motions to the couch) AEGIS…yeah, right. Um, do you want to sit down? ANGELA (monotone) I do not require a seat, but thank you for the offer. AMELIA I’d rather stand, thank you. Mr. West, we’re actually on a schedule so if this is about the offer- JACK (rising to his feet, he shows AMELIA the photograph) The offer? Of course it’s about the offer! I told your boss that I don’t want to be a hero and I don’t want to be in AEGIS’ pet hero project, and he sent me this! ZOOM IN ON THE PHOTOGRAPH, SHOWING A YOUNG JACK WITH BOTH PARENTS. ON THE BACK, A NOTE READS “Don’t you want to know how your mother really died?” AMELIA (understanding) Ah. He didn’t tell me he sent you this… JACK (sits back down) I-my mom died from cancer. I was there. I was in the hospital with her when she passed, so was my dad. So what the hell is AEGIS playing at? AMELIA Angela, what is AEGIS? ANGELA (as if reading from a script) AEGIS is a worldwide organization under the United Nations based in the United States founded by Marcus Steel, the first director of the organization.. AEGIS’ primary purpose is to protect the public from superhuman, extraterrestrial, and paranormal threats that require more resources than normal government agencies can offer. To that end, AEGIS is composed of several departments. The primary force under AEGIS are the agents that offer back-up to superheroes –AEGIS sponsored or free agents- and clean up after superhuman battles. JACK (confused) What does that have to do with my mom? AMELIA I couldn’t tell you. JACK What? Don’t give me some “classified” bullcrap! AMELIA (scowling) It’s not that. I simply don’t know, Mr. West. It’s above my paygrade. All I know is that AEGIS has quite the file on your mother, one my clearance doesn’t allow me to see. Think about it: Why would AEGIS have a file on your mother? JACK Are you telling me she was a supervillain? You’re crazy if you think I’ll believe that AMELIA Possibly. She could have been a superhero, as well. Maybe it’s where your powers come from. You’ll have to ask my father for more answers. JACK (taking back the photograph) Your father? AMELIA Adopted father. Marcus Steel. JACK (surprised) Marcus Steel’s your dad? The director of AEGIS? AMELIA (obviously irritated) Founder. He’s not the director anymore. He’s my adopted father. ANGELA He is something of a father figure to me as well. JACK Wait, you said you were AEGIS Agents. How old are you two? AMELIA (slightly red in the face) I’ll have you know that I’m almost 18! I’m more mature than you, I assure you. I…didn’t really have a childhood. ANGELA I was built four years ago. JACK WHAT? ANGELA I am an android, Mr. West. I take your surprise as a compliment to my humanoid form. I did ask for a more realistic body this time. JACK (not even pretending to understand) And you? Let me guess, you’re a test-tube baby. AMELIA (Fuming) My personal nature is none of your business! I am simply here because I was sent to bring you to base. You turned down our offer once before, Mr. West, and I don’t understand why my father is so adamant about your inclusion. Fortunately, I have some authority over the Ally Project so I’m going to ask you only once and then we’re leaving, with or without you. Will you join the Ally Project and be a licensed superhero under AEGIS’ supervision? JACK (fists shaking) I guess I don’t have a choice, huh? Steel won’t tell me the truth about my mother unless I join the little sidekick team he’s working on? AMELIA We are not- JACK (interrupting) Fine. I’ll do it. AMELIA (taken aback) Wh-excuse me? JACK I have my powers for a reason. I can figure out what reason that is myself. But I can’t find out the truth about my mother by myself. If AEGIS is willing to tell me what they know, then I’ll agree to your terms. AMELIA (reluctantly holding a hand out) Fine. My father will be pleased. Welcome to the Justice Allies, Agent West. JACK (shaking her hand) I’m getting an actual code name, right? END SCENE. Spoiler: Short Story #1 "Waaaah, ahhh, waaahhhh!" I wasn't sure why I was crying. Maybe it was the fact that some strange man in white had just slapped me in the ass, or the fact that here I was in a brand new world, but either way, I just couldn't stop wailing. I felt warm hands placed around my small body as I was put in some not-so-strange woman's arms. "Congratulations, Mrs. Ronson, it's a lovely baby boy. Have you decided on a name yet?" I heard someone else crying and realized it was the woman, but her sobs were different from mine. Did I know her? Being in her arms felt right so maybe.. I stopped crying and cuddled in. "He's so cute...And yes. Jesse, after his grandfather." ~~~ "But, mom! I don't want to go! I want to stay with you!" I begged and pleaded, but she simply shook her head. "Don't you want to go make new friends, Jesse? You'll love school, everyone's so friendly!" She looked at her watch hurriedly. I looked up at her, tears in my eyes. "No! I bet school is lame!” Man, did I call that or what? “I want to go home!” "It'll be alright, Jesse, I promise. Now come on, you're going to be late. How about I buy you some ice cream afterwards?" I sniffled. I could see pleading wasn't getting me anywhere besides late for my first day of school. "Chocolate?" She smiled and my tears stopped. "Two scoops, like always." ~~~ "Mom? Why are you crying?" She never cried. What could be wrong? I was so excited to tell her about my new art project, but how could I tell her when she was crying? "Mom? Mommy?" I walked up to her and tugged on her shirt as she sat on the chair, her sobs drowning out any words she was trying to say. "Mommy? Please, say something, Mommy." I started to cry, too. I told her just the week before that I would never cry again. I was eight years old. I was a man. Just like Dad. Then it hit me: he should be home from work, but Dad’s car wasn't in the driveway. "It's going to be fine, Mom, I promise." I left her to run to her bedroom to find her cell phone. I could call Dad; he'd know what to do. But when I ran into the room, the closet was open. All of his clothes were gone. I turned around, more confused than ever, and walked back into the living room to see Mommy staring at me, her eyes blood red and her sobs escaping like hiccups. I started crying even more. "Mom...where's Dad?" ~~~ "I'm sorry, Mrs. Ronson, but Jesse has to repeat the fourth grade." I didn’t care. School sucked. ~~~ "No, Jesse, you are much too young to go to that party! Besides, it's a school night." "But, Mom! I'm 14! All of the cool kids are going!" "I don't care if the Queen of Sheba's going to be there, Jesse, you're not going!" "But the cool kids-" "Then I guess you're not going to be a cool kid. My decision is final!" "That's not fair! I hate you! I wish Dad was still around!" She was right. I wasn't a cool kid. I never became one, either. I was always out of place. But still…that was harsh. ~~~ "No way, man. My mom would kill me if she found out." "Come on, Jesse, don't be a tool, man. One hit's not gonna kill you. Trust me, you'll feel gooood." I was skeptical, but I took the joint anyway. ~~~ "Sorry, Jesse, I already have a date for freshman prom." "Eww, not with you!" "Sorry, I'm going with someone else." "I don't think I'm going." "Jess, dude, we're cousins. I'm not going to prom with you." The girls in front of me each flashed into the next one, but they all seemed to say the same thing: "No." ~~~ "Mr. Ronson! What are you doing? Drugs? On school property!?" Uh oh. I went hysterical. Maybe because I was high and just got caught, but no way, man, no way would I allow the principal to do what he was planning on doing. "Please, Mr. Burroughs! Suspend me, expel me, paddle me! Just don't call my mom!" Please, oh, please, don’t let her know about this. ~~~ "No, Jesse, I'm not going to senior prom with you." "Sorry, already have plans." "No can do, but I'll save you a dance, alright?" "If you asked me last week, I totally would have! But Ryan already asked me!" "Sorry, I hate to say this...but...I just don't want to go with you. I'll see you at the after-party, though, right?" ...There was a party? "Sure! I'll go with you!" Wow. She actually said yes. Am I dreaming? Cheerleader. Honor student. President of the Spanish Club. Me? I'm the pothead in the background. No way in Hell am I ruining this. ~~~ She was beautiful. Long blue dress. Her hair curly as never before. She went a little overboard on the tan, but I wasn’t complaining. I looked down at my simple tuxedo as my mom flashed her camera too many times, blinding us, embarrassing me, and crying in happiness. I put the corsage on her wrist and got into her car. Sure, it was embarrassing to have her drive us to the prom, but it was either her Mustang or my minivan. ~~~ As we danced, I couldn’t stop thinking about her eyes . ~~~ Oh my god, she's so ****in' sexy, I remember thinking. Her dress was on the floor, my pants were almost off. I couldn’t believe it was happening. ~~~ "I am so sorry. I never...it's my first time, I didn't think that would happen!" "Jesse, it's fine. We'll do it right another time. I like you, you idiot. I don't care if you're a premie." I was on top of the worl-wait, did she have to say 'premie?' ~~~ "WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled. I didn't know what else to do. I looked down at her shirt on the floor, right next to the necklace I bought her. She was in tears, covering herself. He was sitting next to her, shirt off and pants unzipped, biggest and dumbest smile on his face. "Jesse, no, wait! It's not-I can explain!" Maybe it was an accident. Maybe we could have worked it out. I don't know. I just ran out and drove away. Later on, I called her, left a voicemail calling her something I shouldn’t have called her and told her we were over. ~~~ I wanted a car. Hell, a new computer maybe. But no, instead, Mom gave me a check for 200 bucks and took me out to eat. Other kids, they got brand new cars for a present when they received that acceptance letter. I was mad, but I understood. She was a single mother. I was a jobless teenager. We had to get by. Figured I’d use the 200 bucks and buy her something nice. I ended up spending half of it on pot. "I'm so proud of you, Jesse!" Good. Hold on to that, Mom. ~~~ "Jesse, this came in the mail for you." "Thanks, Mom." I shrugged her away and unpaused my game. I knew what it was. Angela had invited all of the seniors over on that Ski Resort thing. ~~~ " You're a good dancer. I’m Jesse," I said it timidly, but hell, this girl was hot and was dancing with me. If I was sober, I probably wouldn't have said it at all. I tried to unblur my vision to get a better look at her. "Thanks. I'm Thomas by the way." It must have taken me ten seconds to realize what happened, but I remember thinking that party took a turn for the worse. Wow, if only I knew. ~~~ "BLIMPS FLOAT MY PLANE!" I woke up after passing out. "Where the heeeellll?" I wondered where I was, my head throbbing, and stood up. "Mothersonofa****ingbitch," I groaned after I fell again. "Where the women at?" I remembered I was at Angela's party. "Heyy, buddy," I looked down when I found my best friend, my bottle of alcohol from earlier. "Where'd you go? I missed you so. Seems like it's been forever since you've been home," I sang to my bottle. Wait, I really sang Fort Minor to a bottle of alcohol? Goddamn, I was wasted. I found Thomas and the others and saw Angela on her back. I got ready to make a joke before it sank in. "Dude." I realized Angela was dead. ~~~ "Cops..ambulance...somebody, we gotta call somebody," I freaked out as we were led away by the strange girl, saying she was a detective. Did she think this was a game? ~~~ "You have the plan, you have me as your partner," I told the wannabe Nancy Drew as I realized that, game or not, she was the only one with a plan. I wished I didn't have to vomit, my head would stop hurting, and that the room would stop spinning. More than anything, I wished this was a game. ~~~ ‘Who the hell is this *****?’ I thought when Nancy Drew and I found some other girl downstairs. Are you really trusting me with her? What if she's the murderer!? I thought when Nancy Drew paired me off with the other girl. ~~~ "I gotta throw up," I said as some heinous liquid started dripping from my mouth. I turned and ran. I needed a toilet. I don't know why I couldn't just throw up right then and there. Maybe because I still wasn’t thinking straight. The chunks started to spew as I opened the first door I found. The cold air hit me hard. I was outside, on the balcony. I grabbed the railing and threw up, my chunks hitting the snow. Then I felt it. It was strange at first. It didn’t hurt, tingled, felt good, or anything; it just...felt. In fact, I actually waited until I stopped vomiting before I stepped back, looked down, and saw my blood on the snow. And then? Then it hurt. "No ****in' fair, man.” I fell. More pain coursed through my body. I tried to roll over, but I couldn't. I looked up and saw the figure, Angela’s murderer, -my murderer- standing there, bloody knife in his hands. I recognized who it was instantly. "You? Damn," I wish I would have figured it out earlier. Maybe wannabe Nancy Drew would. The figure started to walk away, probably escaping before anybody else saw them. Maybe I could catch them, even if I was dying. I'd be the hero. I tried to stand, but my body refused to move. I tried to yell out his name, but other words escaped my mouth. "Tell my-my mom I love h-," I coughed. I saw my mom’s face, then Angela’s face. I almost saw my father’s face, at least how I remembered it. ~~~ As my life finished flashing before my eyes, all the way up to where I lay now, I started to cry. Maybe the devil would light a joint for me? As if. Everything went black as I died. I never was the life of a party. Only figures I'd be a death at one. Damn. I really want my mommy. Spoiler: Shorty Story #2 “Come on, Jackie…you can do this…” The next building wasn’t that far away, but the drop from the roof I was standing on to the next one was, without a doubt, the biggest I had ever attempted. I crouched and took off my hood, taking a deep breath. ‘Come on! You’re Jack West!’ I thought, hyping myself up. I didn’t know why my name motivated me –Dad thought it had something to do with Mom having been a gymnast before she died- but it did. I took another breath. Then I jumped. “HolyfrigginJesusIdontwanttodie!” The air pushed against me hard, but I kept falling. I could barely breathe and I couldn’t hear anything but the wind and the pavement was rising so fast and I barely missed that fire escape and oh god, I was going to die! That’s when it clicked, like always. I stopped wailing my arms, concentrated the adjacent roof getting closer and closer…I started counting down from five, paused at two, and at one kicked the building behind me as hard as I could with both feet. I shot forward, somersaulted, and began my diagonal descent, arms out in dive-form. Before my fingertips touched the surface of the rooftop, I turned, rolled, and jumped again. Crap, too much speed! I turned my leap into a dive, rolled on the surface again, but this time, I stayed curled an extra second longer to lose inertia. Suddenly, I straightened, praying that my timing was correct. My right foot stayed planted and my left foot raised to hit the perch. Momentum shoved my arms forward and my torso followed before I flung my arms back to stop myself. I sighed, looking down. I was standing on the roof’s edge, and four floors down was the hard pavement. I thanked God that I wasn’t a puddle on the sidewalk. Then I broke into a laughter and fell to my side. Holy crap, superpowers were awesome! I was hysterical for almost ten minutes. My side had started to hurt from my laughter. I couldn’t help it, I had superpowers. Rolling onto my back, I stared at the night sky. Couldn’t see the stars with the clouds in the way, but it was still kind of pretty. “Leave us alone!” I jumped to my feet instantly and looked over the edge. I could see five figures in the alleyway below: two were backing themselves into the alley staring at the other three closing in on them. I sighed. This was starting to happen too frequently. Standing up, I pulled my hood over my head and hopped to the roof’s ledge. I looked down. Four floors wasn’t that high. I’ve officially jumped from higher. Taking a deep breath, I stepped off. Instinct kicked in again and I kicked the wall as I fell, flipping over to the adjacent wall. I turned mid-air to face the approaching wall and crouched against it, bounced off in a back-flip, and landed in the alley between the scared couple and their three would-be muggers. “Wha- Who the hell are you?” The middle mugger asked. I straightened, keeping my face hidden underneath my hood. “Leave them alone,” I responded. They looked at each other quizzically…and then pulled out knives. Great. I really doubted that I was that more durable now. I heard footsteps –the couple moving farther into the alley. The muggers slowly moved toward me. I sized them up. The one in the middle was the shortest, but he had more muscle than the others. He held his blade down and close to himself. His friend on the right was tall and lean with his knife held out toward me. The left mugger held his fists in near his chest with the knife reverse-grip. Shorty moved first, thrusting the knife straight. My enhanced reflexes allowed me to turn quickly, grab his wrist with my left hand, and strike his chest with my right elbow. I let him go and spun around him, knocking him down. “Come on, let’s not overre-UF!” I fell from the punch, but bounced quickly to my feet. “Okay, we’re not talking this out then…” The other two moved together and Shorty was getting back on his feet. I lunged towards the tallest. He swung his knife and I cartwheeled over him. I landed, ducked, and kicked the back of his knee as hard as I could. He yelled and went down, dropping the knife. His partner retaliated and thrust his knife at me. Too low to dodge, I grabbed his attacking arm and fell backwards, pulling him. His own momentum caused him to fall over me and I placed my feet on his chest and launched him into the air. He did half a flip and landed on his back. I rolled to my feet and stared at Shorty. His eyes moved up and down, sizing me up. “Screw this,” he said. He turned and ran. I turned and saw his tall friend standing. Our eyes met, but he didn’t say anything. He just moved to third partner, helped him up, and the two followed Shorty. “You know, this used to be a nice neighborhood,” I complained. “Thank-thank you,” a voice behind me said. I forgot the muggers were after a couple! They walked down the alley and I told them not to worry about it. They kept thanking me until they reached the street and disappeared into the night. I stood there in the dark. When I first discovered my powers last year, I took to freerunning to test what I could do. Apparently, I had superhuman agility (I could jump much higher than before and was extremely coordinated), extremely quick reflexes, and a heightened sense of coordination. It wasn’t really “superhero” material, but it sure made getting around town fun. Since “special traits and superhuman capabilities” were legally required to be registered, I started to test my abilities under the shadow of night. That’s when I learned bad people come out at night. In the last year, I’ve encountered seven muggings (counting today’s), four fights, one armed robbery, and three car thefts. I did what I could to help and so far, I hadn’t gotten anybody killed, though I did wind up with one concussion after being hit with a brick. I wasn’t a superhero, nor did I want to be. Besides, the world already had a superhuman agency protecting it. But due to my freerunning, I keep running into situations where someone is being victimized. The cops and real superheroes can’t be everywhere at once. If I could do something to help out, then I should, right? Maybe that’s why I have these powers. They were fun, true, but maybe there was a reason for them. I sighed and stretched. I jumped and grabbed the bottom rail of the fire escape. I pulled myself up to rest my feet on the same rail, and then launched myself onto the roof of the building. “Maybe I should get a costume,” I wondered, smiling. Shuhbooty's Sample Spoiler: Untitled You never notice how dark a place is, until you’re walking down a deserted street that doesn't host street lights. And the only sound you hear is the wind dragging the dry orange and brown crusted leaves on the asphalt. You start to wish cars filled the curbs, to give you some security. Maybe a light or two on in between the uninhabited summer homes. It can't get any worse than this. Until what you thought was already pitch black, wasn't. A heavy distorted shadow advances towards you, the pure soft white light you didn't notice at first soon dissipates at your feet. The once thick full moon becomes victim of a hauntingly bloated cloud. Followed closely with its thunderous sisters. Within minutes the steady and genital breeze turns vicious. The raindrops falling like needles at top speed. You're running now, the brand new boots you just bought are soaked and feel like rocks. The last thing you would expect would be a thunderstorm. One more block and you're home, so you push the last 4 minutes you knew it took to get home. A warm bubble surged within your tummy, as you find your house with the lights on. The plastic pumpkins knocked over from the malicious winds. The bat cut outs you did just last week torn from it's home on the door frame. The only thing left intact was the spooky cat and pumpkin covered “welcome” mat, and the metal “Happy Halloween” cut out from the dollar store for when you helped mom tack in. As you open the door, you're greeted by the intoxicating waves of the freshly baked snickerdoodles, and the half burnt out “cinnamon chai” candle. You notice the embracing warmth as you shrug off your jacket, coming from the crackling fire just a few feet into the family den. Sneezing you throw that drenched jacket to the hard wood floors, as it lands with a slouch you begin to tug and pull on your boots. Your socks are so soaked the boots cling to it like sap to a tree. The ancient but modern grandfather clock your dad bought a year ago, chimes. It's vibrations racing towards you at top speed as you wrench your socks off. You feel tingles as heat hit your frozen toes. You stand up, almost refreshed as you begin to get warm. You walk down the hallway, past that grandfather clock. And old family portraits that hang on the walls. You pass the mirror, but don't look into it. As you approach the swinging door that leads into the kitchen, shift movement catches your attention. Thudding deafens you. “Mom?” The door creaks as you open it, something you never noticed before. As you’re about to hold it open, the kitchen light flickers. Sebax's Sample Spoiler: Story Excerpt C aesar's eyes reopened with the sun searing through the lids. They were already sore when all other sensation kicked in and he felt a bed of sand under his back. Ashore, but clueless as to on which shore, he sprang up. Dust flew away as he twisted left and right in a wild frenzy to take in his surroundings. The displacement had wreaked havoc on his nerves, coupled with the sea-drenched clothes sticking to his skin, but he soon caught his breath in the tideside quietude. The question of Where still applied though. "What do you see in the middle of the sea?" an unseen voice called out. "What?!" Cyprus attempted to gain his balance and wobbled when he returned to his feet. "Repeat? Fine. I'll go slower so you don't burn yourself out. What---do---you---see---in-the---middle---of---the---Sea?" The mystery of the voice became deafened by the condescending insult it dealt. 'What was in the middle of the Sea?' Cyprus thought, after shrugging the jibe aside. 'Water, right? Land to land, chances are it's going to be water in the middle and nothing but for miles. "Wa-" Cyprus couldn't get much out before he went into a coughing fit. Salt water spurted from where it had lodged in his throat, and the dryness it left behind sent him back down into the sand. Once the episode had subsided, and he was still alive by the end of it, he answered as he meant to. "Water?" he was so hoarse and quiet that he doubted he could be heard. "Try and a miss." A burst of red light shot from behind a sand dune, twisting and striking the spot in front of Cyprus. "Ponyta!" From behind the same sand dune, a young man wearing circular-rimmed sunglasses jumped into Cyprus' vision and struck a pose. "You chose wrong, so prepare to battle!" "Pokémon battle?!" Cyprus looked the Ponyta up and down with a mix of fright and wonder. Such a majestic beast... that looked like it was going to stomp his teeth out of his skull... "But I don't have a Pokémon!" "Don't have a-" the mystery man was shocked. "What sort of a moron goes out into the world without a Pokémon?!" "You're the second person saying that!?? And what sort of a weirdo looks at an unconscious kid on the beach and thinks 'Huh, I think I'll start randomly asking them stupid riddles and assault them if they answer the dumb riddle'?" "Hmph. Consider it the Cinnabar Welcoming Committee. It's what I do, kid. Ponyta, Return!" He held out a Pokéball, and Ponyta went back the way it came, it a flash of red light. Dusting a bit of sand from his short, ginger-haired mustache, he removed the sunglasses and stared Cyprus down. "Didn't really think you were that bad off. I poked you with a stick every now and again to check if you were breathing." "I have to go home... if everyone out of Pallet is this insane, then I can't-" "Hey, did you say Pallet? As in the town?" "Yes. I did. Professor Oak was sending me to Cinnabar Island to study Fire-types." "Last I heard, the kid he was sending over was lost at sea." "My ship was attacked by a giant... thing. I forget what Gia called it." "Gyarados. Mean old things. Got the drop on her two days ago." "Two days?!" "Safe to say, you're one of the first people I can tell right to their face that you're legally dead. Well, we probably shouldn't discuss that other time with the-" "Wait... the labcoat you're wearing. Oh no. Don't tell me you're Doctor Fuji. Please don't tell me YOU'RE the most respected scientist at the research facility here." "And what is that supposed to mean?! Doctor Fuji happens to be my colleague ya little brat, and I'm the second most respected scientist at this research facility; and I'm pretty well-recognized elsewhere too, for the same fact. Blaine. "The Hotheaded Quiz Master "ring a bell?" "I've heard of you." Cyprus took note that this seemed to please Blaine. "I'm a little disappointed though." This returned the assailant to his previous state of Rage. "The second-most respected scientist doesn't know how to properly attend to an unconscious child who washed up on the beach...?" "I do! Just- I- C'mon. I'm gonna have to phone Sam and tell him you're not as dead as everybody thinks you are." Read more here!
these men got it right
Spoiler 2nd fave SU song (stronger than you is still my goat)
i'll judge everyone, all the time, forever
I'm not sure since I've been moving furniture all day @_@
These were the last few categories for it -- I just needed to collect samples from everyone, lol.
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Captain Arch @mindstorm787 Captain Arch mindstorm787
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: Gotham Hearts by @Loxare Hook Line Read the full story here! Code Lyoko: Reactived by @mindstorm787 Hook Line Read the full story here! Zephira by @Alpha Shadow Hook Line Read the full story here!
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Boy Wonder @Shuhbooty Boy Wonder Spoiler: I Think We Should See Other People I hear it’s Fall At least, that’s what they all say The crackle of leaves beneath rubber The whiff of cider at supper. Is it true? Has Autumn come to show her rusty face? Summer’s warm gaze upon my skin fail to convince, however but there’s no mistaking neither leaves’ deaths, nor that cool, sweet breath. And regarding balding golden groves, I suppose we are nearing November. Always found it strange here how quick the seasons change (It snowed in May, for heaven’s sake) but Autumn’s temperament is something else. Sandals? Shoes? Short sleeve or long? Will it be cold or will it be warm? Will the sun come out or will it storm? I want to know! It’s as if Summer and Winter composed a duet For I wake with shivers, but work with sweats. Her eyes weep daily, though mine stay narrow. “Bipolar,” in one word, for it feels like snow! Early morning, wear your jacket Then sweat from noon to midnight. We have a saying about Tennessee weather “If you don’t like it, just wait five minutes!” If only Autumn’s smile would let me forget her predecessor. If only her breath didn’t belong to her successor. If only I found her moodiness endearing! Instead I find it unnatural, her inconsistency. All I desire is some semblance of normalcy! To watch the leaves dance in their descent! To require no need to dress in layers! To hush the nay-sayers and cheer the players! To drown my sorrows and my discontent because steady sometimes though, she has been since every game day, we almost win! Autumn, I think you should leave. I think we’re through And no, it’s not me. It is most definitely you. Shuhbooty Spoiler: Blue is just a color, right? I don't understand what to do you push me and pull me but don't tell me what to do I look around, I'm feelin' blue you ask me what's wrong I just say it's the flu you've never understood me saying it's all in my head it's not real! I cant take it anymore I want this to stop I'm tired of feeling blue Spoiler: Anger is just an emotion, not a way of life. Anger is exhausting Anger is depressing Anger is frustrating You gotta look on your face You can't smile You just want out, make haste Anger is toxic Anger is impulsive Anger is annoying You snap at everything You're trapped You just want out, make haste Anger is deafening Anger is sickening Anger is terrifying You're stronger then this You can smile now You can get out, make haste!
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Ars Nova @tribbles @Rissy Ars Nova Click the images for the sources! tribbles Image Colouring Roleplay Banner Graphic Sources: 1, 2 Rissy More here: http://kh-vids.net/threads/icy-love.154724/
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Marushi @Jayn @Calxiyn @Heart ❤ Heart ❤ Click the following timestamps: 8:12 20:50 33:27 Marushi Shiver (Lucy Rose) The One Star (The World Ends with You) Calxiyn Jayn
this avatar makes me seem slightly less approachable
Spoiler View attachment 45446 guess what my most anticipated thing of 2017 is