Is it wrong to blame someone for making a stupid decision of their own volition?
Well now you have, and you can stare at its spec sheet all day like I do.
Slightly Massive Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter?
I would PERSONALLY call it a MOFPS as opposed to MMOFPS. I wouldn't call it Massive as much as just Multiplayer.
anyone wanna buy me a couple of Devil 13's?
Personally I would have taken the 750JZ or an Aorus X7 up there, because holy **** SLI laptop
idk what a nendoroid is, but as long as it's detailed and doesn't cost as much as the jacket I got which was too small that cost $450 and I have to return, I'll probably consider it.
have fun don't die
I need to save for my holiday. I also need that Colossal Titan.
and free fun at that.
Waiting on GGO to be a thing so I can #rekt you all
WoW FF:XIV WildStar I think there are others but I can't remember
Well there was the HighLANder event a few weeks ago so this is likely a spinoff of that.
You should just stop playing it because it's terrible. Anyway, so Microsoft is looking to unify all versions of Windows into one version, which most likely means that anything that runs on a PC will run on their phones. Why is this only now becoming a thing?
>Weiss over Blake
All answers are Pokemon.
I'd get rid of Lame of Thrones.
And here's your pat on the head.
Wow, even I think that's harsh.
I knew it was that song the moment I read the title u da best Jeekz