Rampage 4 Extreme Black Edition 3960x Dual 780ti's Corsair Dominator 2133Mhz RAM Or just go for a z97 system like I did for my brother
Yes. Give me an award. I demand one.
I've been up for 18 hours
I can't wait until your body doesn't know what the **** is happening and starts to hold onto calories more than it does now in panic.
Your donation link doesn't seem to be working. Might be because I'm on my phone, but yeah. Also, that's a lot of Saturdays
No one said you said that. Also, inb4 it doesn't work.
Would it really kill people to be a bit more polite when asking for assistance? Don't start with "Oi" or "I need some-". Just because I'm not allowed to tell you to **** off, doesn't mean you can be a rude person. If I'm doing something, just say " Excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me" or something. Want seasoned wedges? Don't walk up to me, stare me in the eyes and say "Seasoned wedges" because **** you and **** your seasoned wedges. AND DON'T ASK ME TO GET A BOX FOR YOU FROM INSIDE THE FREEZER WHEN THERES A BOX RIGHT THERE ON THE SHELF IT'S THE SAME ****ING PRODUCT AND THE ONE ON THE SHELF ISNT EVEN OPEN ****
View attachment 39503
and then the scene where he kicks that guy over in the bathroom and splits his head on that ledge and lands him in hospital happens and you realise the acting is pretty decent
... Can I come with you?
There's not much to get. They're both grumblebums.
have fun don't die
>people thinking they run anything shiggy diggy khv, shiggy fucking diggy
I'll sass you if I want
"Usually" I'll take a C thanks