Man of Murder .
You mean Murderman.
No, ma'am. I wasn't aware that my glasses had fogged up after working in a freezer. I thought we were suddenly sucked into the world of Stephen King's The Mist. Thank you for informing me that I don't have to fight horrible monsters from another dimension for $30 an hour. might just do this for the rest of my life
you're actually just impossible to talk to. at least TRY to understand what i'm saying. YOU. ARE. A. DANGER. TO. OTHERS. WHEN. YOU. DRIVE. WITH. LITTLE. SLEEP. REGARDLESS. OF. HOW. OFTEN. YOU. DO. IT. No generalization here. You as in Amaury. Yourself. Whoever the **** you are, you're a danger. a hazard. unsafe. let me crack out a thesaurus here. menace. risk. threat. do you get it yet? are you understanding now? liability. are any of these words meaning ANYTHING to you? don't talk to me about what anyone else does because right now, this is a thread YOU made about YOU and YOUR sleeping habits.
you're just as bad because regardless of how many times you do it, you're putting other peoples lives at risk because you're too stupid to get it through your thick ****ing skull that you shouldn't be driving with little sleep. do it once or do it a hundred times, you're a danger. ignore me as much as you want, it's a poor decision on your part, regardless of what mummy says.
trying to push someone else under the bus won't work. you're still just as bad.
Kish. 100% Kish.
it's not bad. Pretty good.
i had faith in you, you know now i see that faith was misplaced
You're actually just the dumbest person to ever live.
can't wait until you end up in an accident because you fell asleep i really can't
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan you need to gimme some lewd inside shots
I lovehate you too
YOU JUST RECEIVED THE COOL CAPYBARA OF SWAG /)─―ヘ/) _/ \ / ● ●丶 | ▼ | | 亠ノ U ̄U ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄U ̄ SEND THIS RAD CAPYBARA TO 5...
Oh man I'd better send this rad capybara on to 5 cool people cause I'm a cool guy for sure!
People actually think that the new Spiderman movies aren't as good as the old ones? cmon guys seriously