Vito had just downed three bottles of champagne without even using a glass. This was left over from his old "farm boy" self. Even today, Vito hated all of that prim, proper, formal bull. Buzzed, Vito headed over to Olivia. He put both hands on her shoulders. "Olivia, darling... love of my life... i'm sorry I have been neglecting you. I've just been deep in my work and I never meant to hurt you. From now on, I promise, I promise I will make you my number one priority, my beautiful future wife. I love you. I..." He paused. "I love you. You should be my number one and starting right now, you are." He hugged her. This was probably the alcohol talking and Vito knew that, but he didn't care.
Vito sighed as he rolled his eyes, hearing the knock on the door. "I guess someone is too stupid to know that you don't need to knock." Vito opened the door and flinched. "Well, well. Glad to see you could make it Dante. Cigar?" He pulled a cigar out of the pocket of his jacket. Should Dante accept the cigar, Vito would hold up a box of matches. "Need a light?" If Dante accepted that, Vito would strike a match on the box and light the cigar. Regardless of what Dante said, Vito would start a conversation. He would smile mockingly. "This is a nice building. Try not to burn it down." The smile would instantly fade. "Enjoy the party." Vito walked off, not even bothering to listen to what Dante said in reply. "Jerk." He mumbled under his breath as he walked.
Vito decided to sit in his seat, looking out at the guests arriving. He sighed. "Who do you have to talk to to get a drink around here?" He asked himself, looking around for a waiter. He eventually gave up, just leaning back in his chair. He looked in Olivia's direction. "Ehhh, you're lucky I love you." He closed his eyes for just a moment. Right before he fell asleep, he managed to catch himself. He flinched. A lot. He nearly fell out of his chair. Vito mumbled a few curses before standing up. Looked like sitting down wasn't an option for awhile. He just decided to stand at the door for now, greeting the guests. He faked his best smile. This was supposed to be a happy occasion. But Olivia's coldness towards him damaged his good mood just a little. He supposed he deserved it. He has been neglecting her and the party planning after all. Maybe on purpose? This party wasn't even his idea. If he had his way, he would have celebrated the engagement with Dante's head on a pike. He hated Dante and rightfully so. The guy burned down his farm. His family nearly starved to death that winter. And his sister... Vito flinched at these thoughts and righted his smile again. He had begun to frown when he thought about Dante. "Fashionably late, huh?" He mumbled under his breath, "Little prick..."
Vito looked away from a maid he was yelling at to look at Tommy. "No need to worry about me. I'm capable of taking care of myself." He pulled up his shirt just a bit to reveal a handgun made of silver and trimmed with gold. Diamonds were set in the grip. He put his shirt back down and tucked it in neatly. "Tommy, give me a hand and help me get these LAZY workers to do their jobs." Vito then went back to yelling at the maids and workers to do their jobs and do them faster. Once he was satisfied, he sat down, finishing off his cigar as he supervised the work. He wanted tonight to be perfect. Just as he imagined it in the days before the party. He wanted it to make his Olivia happy. He looked over at his fiance, getting up out of his seat and walking over to her. "Don't you worry, love. I'll make sure this night is perfect."
Vito Donato - South Side Mob Boss Vito leaned back in his office chair as he puffed his cigar. He decided to take a few moments for himself before the party. He had lied to Olivia, telling her that he had to work. In the background, on a phonograph, Vito played some soft classical music. He took a long draw on his cigar before getting up out of his chair and walking over to the mirror that he had hanging on the wall. He adjusted his tie and smiled at himself in the mirror. "You, my friend, are getting married. Be happy." He began a conversation with his reflection. "Be happy? Why? You're life is over. Why the hell did you propose to her anyway?" He paused for a moment. "Because I love her." He replied to himself. After half a minute of silence, he started laughing. Once he stopped, he wiped the tears from his eyes. "I must be losing my mind. I need a vacation." He walked out the door and walked down the street. He pulled out his pocket watch and took a glance at it. "5:37... better hurry." Some might find it odd how Vito, a mob boss, elected to walk to the party, rather than letting his driver take him. The truth was, Vito loved to walk. He loved to walk at night even more. The air was crisp and cool; invigorating. After a few minutes, Vito reached the party. He entered the building, mumbling an uninterested "Hello" to everyone that greeted him. He quickly found Olivia and took the cigar out of his mouth. He greeted her with a kiss. "Everything going smoothly, darling?" He teased, looking around at the scene. He didn't bother letting Olivia answer. He flipped out his pocket watch again and glanced at it. "5:45. Almost time. I wonder if Dante is here..." He looked around again, this time looking for his old friend turned enemy. After a few seconds went by and Dante was nowhere to be seen, Vito looked back down at Olivia and kissed her again. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm completely ignoring you..." He stopped talking as his gaze shot over to a cook, then to the burned mess. "Hey! Did you cause this!?" He wouldn't let the cook respond. "Stop dragging your ass! If you make my Olivia unhappy... if you ruin tonight, i'm going to see to it personally that you end up in the river with a bullet in your head! Y'hear!?" He would then put the cigar back in his mouth and break away from Olivia; ordering servants and planners around to try and take some of the stress off of his fiance. "We have less than 15 minutes, people. Stop wasting time before I get really unhappy! MOVE!"
*Shrugs* I dunno. Just a thought.
Like I said, you can work on it later and we can just start.
...Not sure what you mean by that. >< I don't think you're being dumb.
If you don't want to do that role-play after all, just tell me.
Hey. Hey you. Yes, you. No! The one on the left! That's right, you. Hey. <3 Miss you. Like, tons. Hope life is being awesome to you.
((Is it too late for another man/woman?[Depending on my mood]))
Okay. I'm off to send the PM.
I have a major health problem i'm going through. I can PM you if you want.
Not too good, i'm afraid. :/
Yeah, I understand that. :/ How are you? Excluding the hours getting cut.
xD I wish I could do that.
I've been alright. Busy. You?
Hey there. ^^ Sup?
Busy with work and such. ;-; I'm sorry.
D: I tried sending you an offline message.