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  1. Vladimir Makarov
    Profile Post Comment

    Sounds lovely. D:

    Sounds lovely. D:
    Profile Post Comment by Vladimir Makarov, Dec 11, 2012
  2. Vladimir Makarov
    Shapur looked down at Snow White's body, a scowl forming on his face. "We are going to kill the Queen?" He asked, tilting his head. "I have never assassinated a monarch before. Should be fun." He headed to the back door, but turned to the dwarves just short of the exit. "I apologize for my earlier hostilities."
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Dec 10, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Vladimir Makarov
    Profile Post Comment

    D: That sucks really bad.

    D: That sucks really bad.
    Profile Post Comment by Vladimir Makarov, Dec 10, 2012
  4. Vladimir Makarov
    Same here. xD I still have 13 days.
    Profile Post Comment by Vladimir Makarov, Dec 9, 2012
  5. Vladimir Makarov
  6. Vladimir Makarov
    Shapur immediately called on his keyblade and followed Krowley into the house, not knowing what dangers awaited them. One thing could be said about Shapur; he would follow his comrades to hell and he would have their back no matter what. He looked around for any potential enemies in the house.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Dec 9, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Vladimir Makarov
    Shapur stared at the little men, angry that they dared stand in their way. "Listen here; you will move out of our way or face the consequences. I don't know much about what is going on, but I have a mission. Move now and I will spare your lives." He narrowed his eyes at the little men. "Speak."
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Dec 1, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Vladimir Makarov
    Profile Post Comment

    Yeah, just busy.

    Yeah, just busy.
    Profile Post Comment by Vladimir Makarov, Nov 29, 2012
  9. Vladimir Makarov
    Shapur nodded as Krowley gave him a brief explanation and a story. "Very well. Then our choice is clear. We must secure Snow White from Vanitas and foil his plot. Maybe we'll get an exciting battle out of it too." Shapur picked up the pace to catch up to Krowley.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Nov 26, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Vladimir Makarov
    Profile Post Comment

    Same. Roughly ten hours from now.

    Same. Roughly ten hours from now.
    Profile Post Comment by Vladimir Makarov, Nov 25, 2012
  11. Vladimir Makarov
  12. Vladimir Makarov
  13. Vladimir Makarov
  14. Vladimir Makarov
    Shapur narrowed his eyes at the mirror. This Vanitas guy is planning his final hour? As in, his death? Why? What could be the purpose in doing that? "Hmm..." He tapped his foot as he dwelt on the information he was just given. It seemed he had more questions than answers. When Luna brought up the possibility of a trap, Shapur nodded. "It is within the realm of possibility, assuming this... Vanitas... knows we beat the mirror and knows that we're headed to this cottage." Shapur crossed his arms. "At any rate, we should proceed with caution. While the chances of a trap are low, it is always better to be prepared." He paused, wondering if now was the time to ask his questions. "Would one of you mind bringing me up to speed? I fear that I will not be of much use if I am kept in the dark."
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Nov 25, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Vladimir Makarov
    Kingdom Hearts? Shapur looked up as those two words were spoken. He had only heard about it once in idle conversation. And what he heard wasn't good. This whole experience has just made Shapur all the more curious. He needed to get the details from these people once they left.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Nov 24, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Vladimir Makarov
    Oh, we're going to get along just great.

    And hi Jay. :3
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Nov 23, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. Vladimir Makarov
  18. Vladimir Makarov
    ...Is it over? o-o
    Um... sup, guys.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Nov 22, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. Vladimir Makarov
  20. Vladimir Makarov