Fantastic poem, Oda. A happy New Year to you too, friend.
Shapur shook off the pain of the poison coursing through his veins. "Well, that was stupid..." He followed Karina's lead and pointed his keyblade at the treant. "Fire." A ball of fire burst out of the tip and flew at his target.
xD I'm sorry?
Shapur growled and called after Vanitas. "Coward!" He charged forward and attacked the treant, wanting to get this finished as soon as possible so that he could deal with Vanitas.
xD I get THE DAY of Christmas off. I suppose that's good enough,
I'm cool too. Work is bumming me out. Speaking of which, I should get back to that.
I would like to spend both of Shapur's points on power, please.
Shapur studied this enemy named "Vanitas." He called on his keyblade and stepped up. The first thing he noticed was how hesitant Vanitas was. What he couldn't figure out was why. "How about we settle this with honor?" He spread his legs and gripped his weapon with both hands. "Or you can be a coward and run away."
Ugh. I really should go to sleep... but i'm not tired, oddly enough. Worked all freakin' day.
xD I try to log in a few times a day. How are you, bro?
xD Most share my sentiments, so it appears so.
Wish I knew. D: Funny. As a child, I couldn't wait to grow up. Now that i'm grown up, I want to be a child. ><
Dude. D:
I hate being an adult, ;w;
Eh, just work and school. That seems to be my life nowadays.
What's up? I'm doing alright.
You doing alright?
It's 6am, I better get some sleep. >< Nini
xD Wow. Why? xD
Missouri. :3 In Saint Louis.