Bat For Lashes is always wonderful to hear
Kreuzberg // Bloc Party
Paranormal Activity 2. I don't care what anyone says, that shit was scary. I had tears coming out of my eyes because I was so scared and that has never happened to me before. I'd definitely go and see it again
But listen closely, (for how long?) not for very much longer I've got to keep control
Queen Bee // Nickasaur!
Don't Unplug Me // ALL CAPS
Crawling Towards the Sun // The Hush Sound
Gossip // You Me at Six
I'm currently on Uncle Tom's Cabin and it's a decent novel. However, Stowe is a little too preachy throughout the book. I understand that she was making a point, but still. The melodramatic tone is a bit much. I'm also in the middle of The Kite Runner which is a much better story than I ever expected it to be. The main character irritates me, but I think that just helps with the story. And the other book that I've started is The Poisonwood Bible. I'm honestly not very far in it so I don't have much of an opinion on it, but it's alright so far. I keep picking it up to continue reading, so it isn't too bad.
Easy A. Loved, loved, loved it. The humor wasn't too over the top, the plot wasn't really raunchy (in my opinion), and I really enjoyed all the references to John Hughes and The Scarlet Letter . I will definitely be buying it when it comes out on dvd.
Woah. You're back.
Good Vibrations // The Beach Boys
Tire Swing // Kimya Dawson
Here, Here, and Here // Meg & Dia
Do Not Disturb (Tell Me How Bad) // Let's Get It
Worst. Book. Ever. I had to read that back in seventh grade and nobody like it. But back on topic, I've started reading Desperation by Stephen King. It was recommended to me by a friend and I've always like his work so I'm excited to start on it.
just go with it and don't complain C:
Just Impolite // Plushgun
Best of Me // Morningwood
which makes it a pain to do :/