Awh, you guys are all so cute. Ohay MAISPACE PIC Spoiler Booored. Spoiler Leprechaun Spoiler Surprise Spoiler
Accidentally in Love // Counting Crows
Daybreakers. Such a terrible movie. The plot, the blood, everything.
Velvet // Breathe Carolina
I Want You To Want Me // Cheap Trick
I'm still interested in hearing it though. But I couldn't find the song D:
Such a great song ^^^ Friends For Lovers // Brighten
whore .
Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest. I hadn't seen it in the longest time.
Dude, this isn't anywhere near being racist. Plenty of actors and actresses have been cast before for an ethnic role and haven't been that race. Jake Gyllenhaal in the Prince of Persia? He isn't Arabian or whatever.Natalie Wood wasn't Puerto Rican yet she was still cast as Maria in West Side Story. This is ridiculous. A big deal is being made of something minor.
I only really see "homeless people" and "beggars" when I go to downtown Cincinnati. And most of these people are just trying to make extra money and are just pretending to be homeless. I won't give homeless people money. I know this doesn't apply to all homeless people, but some are schizophrenic. You could be offering some money to help them get by and they could just be seeing the big monster trying to attack them. I never wanna take my chances and deal with that. Yes, I do feel bad for them since they're living on the streets and I could be like that someday, but I just never do. I never have extra money on me so I wouldn't have anything to give regardless.
Never heard of it. Though I'll check it out since you know it. Your music tastes are always awesome. The lyrics are from a pop sounding song...
Books and Letters // The Morning Light
Ohhh. Well at least you've been having a good day and been in a good day. And nine days isn't that long (:
I'm tired. But I just woke up from a nap. Otherwise. .. I'M FRICKIN' AWESOME BECAUSE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL WAS TODAY. :'D How're you doing?
Tainted Love // Soft Cell
I'm speechless.
Awhh thanks. But I was just letting you know [: