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  1. Repliku


    Oh, I support gay marriages, but the question seemed to be in regards to other types of marriages, not supported by religious establishments that are 'pre-ordained'. I do agree that a good group of conservative religious people seem to think they have the 'rights' on declaring what a marriage is and is not, but the moment that we did separation of Church and State with marriage included in that, it meant the 'monopoly' ended. This is why the conservative religious zealoty sorts are always screaming about what marriage is and isn't and there are quite a few people who support gay marriage. I do think one thing to do is support gay marriage where it actually operates so that it can continue to be shown to work where it is permitted. It will spread sooner or later to being accepted. We just have to wait till those who are stuck in their ways and out of touch with reality are out of power.
    Post by: Repliku, Mar 25, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  2. Repliku

    the test

    This makes me think that the girl is spoiled and probably says 'loser' to other people in her class often or is at times rotten. It doesn't make what the teacher did acceptable in one sense, but it does make it kind of funny. If one of my teachers had ever written that, I'd know they were joking and think it was funny. I really don't see him writing that on her paper to break her in anyway if she was a frail girl with crappy self esteem. Who would actually do that?..
    Post by: Repliku, Mar 25, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  3. Repliku
    Kind of wish they would work on a KH III. The in between games are alright but 358/2 Days was rather disappointing to me. It was so repetitive and I was impressed with the graphics on the DS but really that was about it. I found it to be rather boring. BBS seems to actually have more to it so maybe it'll be better. Critics already seem to think so, if I care to go off what critics say.

    It does seem lately Square has this mind to run things into the ground with toss out games to keep the franchise known, but it just doesn't have the same feel to it to get a game per year that is rather flimsy, rather than having a good solid game every 2 to 3 years on a regular console instead of a hand-held.

    Can it ruin the KH franchise? I think it can if we become bored with it because everyone knows they are just in a sense 'filler games' to tide us over. I've dropped some animes I was watching because of immense fillers. If that time between the main console games stretches out, fillers aren't going to be so great to people. I would love to see another game with Riku and King Mickey that shows their side of what happened to them, but to think that a KH 3 won't be going to market till after 2011 etc, is kind of annoying. I had hoped after the FF XIII work, that team was going back to KH. Maybe they are spreading themselves too thin. Who knows.
    Post by: Repliku, Mar 24, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Repliku
  5. Repliku
  6. Repliku
    I do think the Introduction Section should be in the top area, albeit below the other things in that category. On most forums, it typically is found there under the less consequential things such as news, rules, etc. I will bring it up to RvR as I do agree it would be more helpful there. If he agrees, one of us will toss it up there somewhere.
    Post by: Repliku, Mar 24, 2010 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  7. Repliku


    Actually, you do not have to get married in a church or by any religious service at all. You can hold a ceremony yourself, rent an area even or do the ceremony in your backyard, on a ship, or wherever you get permission, and appoint either a neutral chaplain or someone you admire enough to head the wedding such as a grandfather, a captain of a ship, etc.

    In the end, BOTH people who marry in a church, synagogue, etc AND those who do a ceremony as they wish to such as Wiccans, Buddhists, Atheists etc, all have to go to the court house to have their marriage recognized. Everyone also fills out the changes for their social security cards and name changes if they wish to have their names changed, by the state they are married in. You can have a Star Wars wedding if you wanted. It really does not matter and doesn't make it less official. People who go to churches for weddings also pay considerably and people who do not go to religious places may do so as well. Christians do not hold sway over weddings and marriage, although they attempt to think so which is why they are so avid against gay marriage. Marriage is not recognized by the state or country until it is officiated by the state itself. This is one of the boundaries of separation of church and state and it's there for the reason that not everyone wants to have to go to a church to get married and defy their own personal beliefs.
    Post by: Repliku, Mar 24, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  8. Repliku
    What created God? Apparently the same thing that created the other deities that the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, Muslim, all variants) declare as false or non-existent and imaginary. I don't even have to go into the 'science' of it but instead the history evidence itself from another perspective than has been approached here yet.

    Yahweh is a Mesopotamian deity. There are many of them to include Asherah, Marduk, Nabu, El, Baal, etc. Yahweh was considered a child of El's, who also had 79 other children which were appointed to areas to monitor things. This is well documented via archeological records. The area did happen to actually keep some decent records though many were lost; particularly Babylon, but also in Assyria and other regions. The Jews who wrote the Old Testament and all that finished it in Babylon after their spot had been taken over. The area of the Mesopotamian region was considered at times to be rather hostile and at other times could be called the cradle of civilization. Many of the Mesopotamian deities are even mentioned in the Bible, although many were painted as demons instead. The name 'Baal' used to mean 'Lord' to the people of the region but instead later became recognized as some demon's name.

    In other words, Yahweh never was a founding deity of anything and was appointed to his task. Somehow the Jews stole the name El, Elohim, which means Lord on High, and used it to equate it with Yahweh instead. Also, the story of the Tower of Babel is based on the Ziggurats which the Babylonians made to converse with their deities. If all of the Mesopotamian deities are to be considered false, even demonized in Christianity and the other Abrahamic religions, I don't see why Yahweh as well is to be believed as the 'one true god'. In other words, if people dreamed up those whole groups of gods, Yahweh as well was but a concept of the human mind. This truth gets hidden from people to keep things going but it -is- what is valid and shown in records of the very region in which Yahweh sprang from. I find it hard to doubt.
    Post by: Repliku, Mar 24, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  9. Repliku
    Not really. It's more like college and work are kickin' my arse and I do things on here, but hardly have time to talk for some reason. How's it going?
    Post by: Repliku, Mar 24, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Repliku
    A dingo ate my socks. :(
    Post by: Repliku, Mar 24, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Repliku
    Meep. You caught me. >.>
    Profile Post by Repliku for Destined, Mar 12, 2010
  12. Repliku
  13. Repliku
  14. Repliku
    Yeah, for now the server appears to finally not be lagging. How pleasant.
    Post by: Repliku, Mar 12, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Repliku
    Yeah, what he said. These are not prequels. Tim Burton's version of Batman and then the other director's (who fudged things up) are their own takes on Batman. This is Nolan's take on the character. There is no real continuity in the movies that are done by alternate directors.
    Post by: Repliku, Feb 27, 2010 in forum: Movies & Media
  16. Repliku
    I thank you for the suggestion but yeah, suggestions come in maybe 1 or 2 a week if that and can run a while before we decide on an answer based on whether the suggestions can be done or not and what members think if it can be actually implemented.

    I would have to say right now, though it could be helpful later on, that it's unneeded since we seem to be doing alright with the system as is. Thanks though for the idea. If things change, it is something we might consider doing. Going to close this now since it's been answered. PM me if there's something to add.
    Post by: Repliku, Feb 27, 2010 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  17. Repliku
    I can understand how it is offensive but... the joke was on the daughter, not on the actual kid with Down's Syndrome.. so the laugh is kind of at them for not getting the joke. >.>

    As it is, Palin decided to get herself in the big time news and her daughter hogged up her fair share too. The family is scary as it is with all the religious weirdness etc. If you are going to be a public figure and advertise your life and self-righteousness etc that Palin and her family did, well, you can expect you are going to get poked at. After all the cold statements they've made at others, they can take some ribbing back.
    Post by: Repliku, Feb 18, 2010 in forum: Current Events