We've been tossing around some thoughts on this for a while and pretty much, this will be resolved soon, as will some other things concerning the Discussion area and the Spam Zone. Once I'm finished ruining the forums with what I have in mind, feel free to comment then. Consider this is in the works though. Closing since it's being addressed and is in the works.
Honestly, I know that but I couldn't figure out where to put it otherwise since it's virtually the same game as CoM, just with 3d. :/ Shhh though and maybe others will overlook it. >.>
Glad you had fun. Monty Python is the shiznat. That's the funny thing about that though is if you goof up you can keep going and no one will notice and if they did, they may just think it's creative and meant to happen xD
Haseo, go! A lot of cool people are up this time around for question time. Was hard to choose.
I like some of these a lot. The Usual Spot is a good one, but some others are pretty cool too. I'll give it another day or two to see if anyone else comes up with some and then I can make a poll and we'll vote. Posts likely are not going to count, as most of the places that are going into the area do not have post count and it is just a place that will organize the forums more and give members here someplace to post things that neither fit into serious discussion or into spam zone silliness. Some of the suggestions that were formerly denied because they had no place to go will be able to be reconsidered in the future as well by this area being made.
To help organize the forums, a few changes were made. These were planned for some time, but I was not here to implement them. Go school and work! Some changes as follows, and I may adjust them a bit more after seeing how they work out... 1. We've added a 'Game Help' sub-forum under General Game Chat as this was an approved suggestion from someone way back. Basically, you can ask any questions on games you have (other than on illegal things of course!) other than KH games, so that someone can hopefully answer. 2. The KH Section was getting rather large so we've made a section for handheld games to move 358/2 Days, BBS and CoM there. I may mess around and make another section for KH1 and KH II but for now, I'll see how this goes for us all. See my prior post here if you'd like to help out with a name for a new section the staff is working on so that we can organize the forum a bit more and reduce clutter, while giving all of us somewhere to go to for talk on various topics that aren't KH related, but also aren't for 'serious' discussion/debate. Thanks all and hope you enjoy our changes in the months to come. ~ Staff peoples.
Hey all! In order to clean up the Discussion area some and move some stickies from the Spam Zone and a couple other areas together, we're going to have a new section that is well... About Us. It will have our interests and conversations, things that we're listening to, etc there so that it frees up areas from stickies as well as lets topics be expanded to sub-forums in some cases. Here is a list of the things that will currently be highly considered in the move. In this section will go such things as: - post pictures - Former Anything Else that turned into 'General Discussion' - hobbies forum - favorite avatars and such - favorite music/currently listening to. - Forum Events/Holidays - the Birthday thread and perhaps more as time goes on. If you'd like to offer up a helpful name for the Section, please send me a PM and I'll tabulate names and those submitted (that aren't ridiculous xD. I'll laugh at those though :) ) will be posted in a poll in another thread here so you can all vote and be part of the change. ~ Thanks! Now...I'm off to watch Iron Man 2.
You are talking very fast and well, not making much sense in seriousness. What exactly did you do that upset her? That would help us to assisting you with some advice. Also, why would you hurt her or yourself? Ok.. so again, why did you set her up in that way in the first place? Were you hurt by someone in the past and decided to break things with this girl before you felt you could get hurt again? It seems whatever you did, it backfired seriously and you may just have to come clean to her that you were not yourself and were being stupid. I don't really see how else you can get her attentions back as you seem really emotional and erratic and if you want her back, you must calm down. Even if you can't get her back as a girlfriend, you need to calm down because you will scare her. We all make mistakes but going crazy about it will not help you here. Can you explain -why- you lied to her and set her up as in she lied to you? This may be what you need to explain to her, but I feel it is rather imperative that you re-word it before you do talk to her. You really should not give out a friend's email on a forum public place like that. We cannot just talk to her anyway. It is you who needs to calm down and try to get your thoughts together so that you can talk to her. Do you really want her getting a ton of emails from people she has no clue of? That's not a good way to go about things if you don't want her to feel pressured and freaked out. If you want her to calm down, first thing to do is to talk here and explain slower and in more detail what is happening so we can help you get an order to things. Then you can try to talk to her as she too will be more calm. We really could not email her to explain the situation anyway as you are not very clear on what exactly it is, including your past that made you decide to set her up in the first place. We'd like to assist you, but please try to be more clear.
I hope you do feel better and if you want help in the future, you may want to just try explaining things a bit more so that people can assist you easier by helping you address the actual problems that make you feel so bad. It seems just a bunch of things piled on you at once and it sucks when that happens but definitely, you should not try to hurt yourself or worse. Life is worth living even if a moment in time sucks for a while. There's so much else to see out there. Ironically, listening to some good depressing music with shouting in it and singing along to it heart felt can make me feel better too xD It gets the frustration and anxiety and rage out. Good stuff. Another thing you might want to try to do is some Tai Chi or meditation of some sort. You say you need a change in things, but I don't think it has to be 'reckless' or negative so that it makes your life worse. Try doing something positive instead that uses up energy if you can and it may help you figure out things easier and deal with pain when these issues all surmount and become a mountain of crap. Maybe try doing some research project for yourself in an area of interest so that your mind has something else to focus on. Sometimes even just spending time outside has helped me out. At any rate, I am glad to see you feel better some and hope that continues. Good luck to you.
Xoug, I would hope that you are not serious but if you are and want to chat, as others offered, you can PM me. The Spam Zone on a video game chat forum is hardly the place to put such serious things. This is an area where humor and small chat abounds. If you want to discuss with others things of what is eating at you, go ahead and post a new topic without the suicide mention in Help with Life and then more people can respond there in seriousness.
Actually, I'm not sure why people are saying 'no' to closing down suicide threads made, whether in humor or not. Maybe you feel it is as if they aren't being addressed on the off chance that they are serious? In the Help with Life area, suicide threads were discontinued to be allowed because in simple this is a game fan site; not a suicide prevention site and there are trolls who come here or there are people who cry wolf a ton of times for attention. People do help each other out there with various issues and get help back, but we do have our limits. If someone posts in the Spam Zone and it is someone we don't even know barely if at all... I think it's safe to say that a majority of times it's a troll. On the slender chance it is not a troll, I think still the thread should be closed so that the person can be PM'd by staff and the person can get some assistance and even guided to the Help with Life area to post something -other- than suicide, as in what's eating at the person to contemplate the act in the first place. We are not a suicide prevention place and if the person is so serious, they need to be guided to get professional or at least family help. Many people here will help give guidance for so much else but if someone just is saying they want to commit suicide, what can we really do other than that? We simply do not have the power to do anything and there are MANY trolls out there that come to sites just to do this sort of act. I've seen it happen too often and they play with people's emotions, tugging the old heart strings, and get forum members fighting amongst each other. I'm sure anyone would feel bad if someone actually did commit suicide because they were joking, regardless of where the thread was posted. This is why the threads need closed just as much as to protect the person posting the thread. We can call people cold as much as we want and frown at them but it does little good really. Trolls want you to do that anyway and cause fighting. If you want to open the thread and debate this, please do as I'd be willing to hear the counter, but I think it's a far better action to just close the thread and staff PM the person to find validity, rather than leave a thread open so if it is a troll, the person can get das boot and if not, the person can be guided to help.
Hey there. sup?
That's cool. Hope the armor comes out awesome. xD
I think it depends on the movie really or books. I've seen a lot of villains who actually look really hawt too. I seldom see a villain that actually looks 'average' in appearance. They either look great and people would hit that, or they look like something that crawled up from a sewer after being flushed down the toilet years before. There are a 'few' average looking villains but not many when I think about it. There's also the same stigma with heroes, if you think about it. They either look inhumanly great looking or they look badass and not like the person you'd want to meet in an alley anytime soon. Shocking looks of either hot or ugly draw the eye more than average people.
Have a happy Easter time and hopefully you get a ton of candy lol
Have a good weekend and get lots of candy.
Doing fine. How are you?
The point then would be that they have to find a preacher who is tolerant of gays to marry them. It's not the government that has anything to do with it then. It's finding a church that allows gays the same rights as straight folks. That is another issue altogether really as you are then asking Christian leaders of churches to go against set prescedents and it may be that one or two can be found sometime in the future that break free, as Christian religion often does divide itself. It just may take a while for that sort of thing to happen though and it will of course, cause unrest in the Christian community itself.
Not much. How's it going?
This is a solid point in the end. Due to the fact in science, we must approach what we can perceive, account for, etc, and no deity or group of deities happen to be coming forward to prove existence and what function they possess in the universe/multi-verses, etc, we can only go with what we have. The word of men written in books and carried down through generations is hardly enough of a validation when humans can say whatever we really want to and make it seem like it's true. The human condition of saying things such as 'God exists' along with a bunch of collected stories is not science. It is no more science than those who say 'being gay is unnatural' when this point has been proven to be erroneous due to the simple fact that there are countless animals that also show gay behavior, whether some people like to admit it or not. Often, we confuse also what a scientific theory is. A scientific theory is something that came at first as an idea/concept. It became a hypothesis (which in English regular speech would be a 'theory') that has its merit to be tested in the scientific community. After scrutinizing the hypothesis, trying to -disprove- it in countless ways, racking the brains of many minds to find fault in it, the hypothesis, if it withstands all of this, becomes a Scientific Theory. I don't think anyone debates that the sun is in fact larger than the earth, or that the earth is round, unless they are idiots. They also don't say the moon does not produce its -own- source of light. These are Scientific Theories. So is evolution, despite the desire for those who grip religion so tightly to say otherwise. Their proof it is otherwise? Words in some books written by men. Some people try to say the world is too perfect in design and therefore it must have had a hand in its work. There is no proof that the world is in fact perfect at all. If anything, there are mutations that transpire that have proven to be fatal to a species. There are environment changes that also occur which wipe out species who cannot adapt. How about also considering the fact that beings are born that cannot survive without extensive help and even then some die off in droves? What about all of the miscarriages that happen? What about the fact that people can be born blind or attain blindness later on in life due to problems with the 'wiring' of the body? How about all of the ailments? We, as humans, have done a lot to ourselves to allow ourselves chances to survive this world and its conditions from early on. We wear clothes to keep warm, we give ourselves shots to prevent diseases ahead of time, we take medicines to get over sicknesses or to level out hormone deficiencies etc. We take vitamins as supplements because we require them to keep healthy and we regulate our intakes of certain natural foods even because they simply aren't so great for us. We have a lot that we do to preserve our lives for a longer extent than nature alone would allow. We go have surgeries when cancer is found or a heart valve is weak, or someone gets an aneurysm, etc. My point in the end is that nature is hardly by a grand design and it is far from perfect by any means. If it was, we humans would not bother with having to create so many things to simplify our lives and withstand the pressures of it. Animals too adapt, as do plants, insects, etc. And these adaptations are also not perfect. This isn't to say though, that the world is not an amazing place and it really should in some ways be marveled at. I do not see though why such marveling means that it is necessary to say the wonders were created by some deities who do not show their faces and claim what their purposes are etc. If there were a deity out there watching over us all, why is the world filled with such failure as well as success? What makes person A more likely to survive and not just that, but succeed while person B is born with cerebral palsy and must be supported through most of his/her life? What makes person C a miscarriage that never had a chance to live outside the womb? No, the system is not perfect, nor blessed. It simply seems just to -be- there and there is an order to it, but also a fair amount of chance. There are also choices people, animals, etc make that can have positive or negative effects on survival. The world has its beauty and can hold a person in awe, but part of what science does is examine it to make it better understood. This again, doesn't mean science is out to necessarily prove that gods exist or do not. It means that it goes with what is there and tests it out. Have history and science had to delve into legends and what not because they counter what science attempts to do by expanding our knowledge of our world, space, and life itself? Yes, indeed it has. The reason for this is simple. If a book says 'the world is supported by pillars and is flat' yet the scientific knowledge of the world to include even pictures from space shows otherwise... well yes, the book is suddenly wrong. If we can find and hold in our hands objects from millions of years ago, and yet a book declares the world to be 6,000 years old, that book is again, found to be in error. If we can hold skeletons in our hands of beings who existed as an offshoot of what we can see today... again it suggests that the book is wrong and things were not always as they are today. An anaconda that did not have the ability to expand its jaws to consume food from the past versus the ones we see today that adapted and have this ability shows life progresses and alters. It adapts. Does this mean science can dispute the that there ever was a deity or group of deities etc? No, not at this time. It can, however, prove that humans have no idea what actually is out there, made up things to work into government systems and to keep people in check and that a good portion of the information they declare as 'true' is able to be scrutinized. It proves some people have vivid imaginations and have used them to control masses of others who simply nod their heads in agreement without testing the validity of the statements. I am one who believes science can examine a lot in the world and nothing should remain sacred from that. Otherwise we would not -know- things today or have the devices we do to make life so much easier. We could not be on the computer, have dishwashers, clothes that can withstand the worst of elements, microwaves to make meals in 3 minutes, fridges that can keep our foods safer longer, etc. We also would not have medicines to protect ourselves, or know of the various creatures of the world, etc. How can we preserve what we do not know of? How can we properly cherish it? How can we understand that the melting of the ice caps could wipe out polar bears because they have a hard time adapting to another way of life when they have been doing what they have for thousands of years? If there are beings out there, they do a very good job at hiding themselves and again, science isn't out to prove they do or don't exist. It's to examine our world, space, etc and to find out what actually we can prove that -does- exist, be it patterns, circumstances, energies, etc. It is to look back and to look forward and take actual evidence. If we get to the point of understanding even more, perhaps we will find something or perhaps we won't. Again though, even if such beings ever existed, we as humans simply have it all wrong and have borrowed from one another to keep myths going while dismissing others as folly. Just taking a look at Christianity in itself, let alone the other Abrahamic religions tossed in, there's barely a unified opinion on what this hypothetical entity wants of mankind or how we should treat one another. Since I can easily enough establish that the books are false in information and that groups rip away from each other and have even warred over the point of said entity and what it means to them, it's just something that seems rather illogical to buy into. If however, sometime science does find evidence of deities, hey... I am open minded. If the evidence is there, I am not going to dispute it, but rather ask what the purposes of them are and hear what it is they have to say and see what evidence they have to back themselves on. However, what are the likely chances of that happening when it has not happened already? It seems rather slim so for now, I just go with what I can actually examine and don't tend to care about what at least I can clearly discern as fictional. Would I want more into the secrets of the universe? Sure thing, but I'm not going to believe in something that I can disprove through logic. I'm content to let things I do not know remain open ended questions instead, as are a number of other people, though we are vastly in the minority. I wish more people were like that but it seems that a fair number of humans MUST know the answers now and if there is nothing, they toss in whatever they think fits. That is closing the mind to me. I'll stop going on because I get the feeling I could write more and more and lose myself to this xD