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  1. Repliku
    I think he Jedi mindtricked me. >.<
    Post by: Repliku, May 24, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Repliku
    Spdude totally.

    Then everyone else. Nothing compares to spdude.
    Post by: Repliku, May 24, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Repliku
    Rep is not required at all to getting Premium. Rep was removed from that due to abuse of rep, so all you have to do to get to Premium is to post 1000 posts (of quality) in areas where posts count. If for some reason you have read that somewhere on the forum... please pm me the link because I could swear I removed that around the forum. >.>

    The more rep you have, the more points you will give to others who you decide to rep or de-rep. Consider rep to be not that important, but it is a nice way to leave someone a note on a post you enjoyed reading.
    Post by: Repliku, May 24, 2010 in forum: Technology
  4. Repliku
    This section is new and was made off of a suggestion that was approved. It serves to give a place where members can ask questions and get tips about various games other than Kingdom Hearts games. Any Kingdom Hearts game assistance should still go to Kingdom Hearts Help .

    Anyone is able to answer an inquiry made here but do try to be actually helpful. The rules for this section are the same as the rules for the rest of the forum, so please be mindful of them by not spamming here, insulting, instigating fights, etc. If you have any questions or complaints, please feel free to PM a staff member and we'll be glad to assist you.

    This section also is host to any FAQs or Guides that users are willing to publish and share to help out anyone who may find them useful.

    Take care and enjoy~
    KH-Vids Staff
    Thread by: Repliku, May 24, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Game Help
  5. Repliku
  6. Repliku
    I would say it depends on the job and that the pretty girl actually will lose out in some instances. Pretty girls, for example, aren't going to be hired over some sloppy guy for work in a factory or fast food place, or restaurant unless the person is meant to be out front and a representative of the company in some way.

    For sales, of course you are going to go for who is neater, who cleans and maintains themselves and who speaks well and seems amiable. Whether male or female, if someone is sloppy, unkempt, lacks speech skills, etc, it shows poor hygiene, but also depression and a lack of caring. This same attitude isn't going to win you an office job or computer tech job or medical job either. The neater and better you present yourself for a job interview, the more likely you will get that job. Best way to get a job is to see what others wear day to day at the job you want to apply for and then dress just that little bit better and come in clean.

    So whether it seems to be a profiling of sorts or not, employers expect things and there is no way that some 'ordinary' guy would come in to a job looking like a slob and unclean anyway. That's called a stupid guy who doesn't want a job. I'd hire the neater girl too because she seems to care more. That 'ordinary' guy can shave, clean up and wear something decent. It would be more profiling to me if the guy in your description was actually wearing nice clothes and clean too. Then the girl would have won off of beauty which well, you have to be curious as to how long she's actually going to want that job when she finds that out that the boss hired her because she's basically hot.
    Post by: Repliku, May 22, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  7. Repliku
    I think it's a great idea to have an 'animal abusers' database and would hope the thing catches on to nationwide. That way these people, if they do a heinous enough crime can be ordered by law that they cannot have another animal and if caught, they will be fined and the animal will immediately be taken from them.

    Another reason I think it's a great idea is because many serial killers have been known first to torture and kill animals. It could help with investigations and court cases as well as narrowing down on suspects if law figures could have access to the database.

    It won't stop animal abuse but it will help some and also repeat offenders could be jailed etc and the above actions could take place so it can help in other ways too. Laws against child abuse are all around and that doesn't stop child abuse. This won't work for that either, but it will help police and the SPCA etc greatly. This database could even be used technically by adoption agencies so that they don't give pets to bad owners who have a criminal record with abuse.
    Post by: Repliku, May 22, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  8. Repliku
    He's neither a devil or an angel. He was a man, as Miss Swan would say. He seemed to have a Peter Pan complex going, which could be directly connected to his father who pushed his sons very hard and Michael was the youngest and yet became the forefront of the group Jackson 5. He had little to no childhood and thus I think that's why he wanted to connect to boys so much. He was inappropriate with them but nothing in court seemed to prove that he had actually molested any of them. The worst charge I saw was that he was showing a teenage boy some porn mags which is something teenage boys do, much to the dismay of mothers everywhere. He was wrong for it. It was inappropriate, but I didn't really see anything else that was so out of line. He was immature and a child at heart that just didn't want to grow up, so it put him at odds with others. I do think also that the mothers that raised the issues... after the first case, what mother would let her kid be alone with the guy? They were clearly out for money at this point. Just my opinion, but hey, no kid of mine would be hanging out with a potential child molester ALONE. If that kid was harmed, I wouldn't be suing the man. I'd be shooting myself in the head because that's just stupid.

    The guy otherwise had some great music that I grew up to. I enjoyed it a lot and he probably inspired me to be a decent dancer because otherwise I'd be the stereotypical guy with no rhythm. xD He had some innovative songs and though he seemed kind of stuck on himself in some ways, he also seemed to care a lot about others and was trying through music to send some clear messages. I don't worship the guy by any means, but I also was sad to hear he died so young when he seemed to be starting to get his career back on and he'll be missed.
    Post by: Repliku, May 22, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Repliku
    It is racist. So is the effort to build a stupid fence across the borders. That's also a horrid waste of money when we could just make immigration laws easier on those Mexicans who want to come here to work. If people want to attack anyone over illegal immigration, why aren't they going after the corporations instead that hire them and do not pay taxes for them? That is simply their responsibility since they are buying these people's services and the main gripe on why immigrants shouldn't be here is because they pay no taxes. I too find that unfair when a good chunk of these illegal immigrants also get injured or bring women over to have babies in our hospitals and pay nothing. If the corps that hire them have to remove taxes from their pay so that money gets into the system, I doubt many people would have such an issue with Mexican immigrants who simply want to come here to work because their economies suck and Mexico political arenas are seriously corrupt.

    The sad thing is that the fences they want to build and have started on suck and if Penn and Teller is any indication, Mexicans could technically get by a fence area in a few minutes. We are -humans-, not animals and fences really don't mean crap. The thing to do is go after the right people and lower our expectations some so that the immigrants aren't 'illegal'.

    This is racial profiling and Arizona can't even claim that crimes have gotten worse because of the Mexican border crossers that are simply here for cheap labor. Yes, there are drug runners, and yes, we need to stop -those people-. To be honest, let's face facts here. We had people in this country on expired passports and the CIA knew about it and no one did crap and look what happened.... 9/11. If we were going to do anything, why aren't we going after people who are here on expired passes and that are from hostile countries to us. Mexico has its issues but it's also not threatening us with war and calling us infidels. I think there are greater things we need to be worrying about and I can't see this really in any other way than racial profiling against a people we aren't at war with.
    Post by: Repliku, May 22, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  10. Repliku
    Actually, I would disagree with you that being gay is a 'choice'. We can debate bisexuals, assuredly, but being outright gay is an orientation and it is something that affects a person and can be noted early on. It's not something caused by environment. If it was, then surely after years of persecution and death from religious zealots would have nipped it in the bud. Homosexuality has been around for as long as humanity has. There are also animals that have exhibited gay behavior and it was noticed -early on- in their lives. It's a chemical wiring, very likely the person was born with the tendency and nothing really shows that it is just a 'choice' for straight out homosexuals. They are not attracted to members of the opposite sex. That is just how it is. Bisexuals are different and for them it may be more of a choice and attraction but I have yet to know a gay person who has not said wholeheartedly that they've felt the way they do for as long as they could remember.

    I also think it is deplorable that there are still places in the world (including the western world) that have hatred of homosexuals and you are right. There are deaths that happen even in the U.S. because of attacks on homosexuals, or the person commits suicide because he or she is literally ostracized from his/her family and peer groups. Things grow better in the western world but we still have people to contend with to keep things progressing and to stop the hatred. Africa, you may as well consider, with its state of being, is behind us. So is the Middle East. Equal rights and recognition that all life has value to it unless it is a -threat to life-, is a hard thing to promote when people live in fear and hatred all the time. It's easy to single out targets when you yourself are afraid of messing up and taught from birth that things are wrong and you better obey or else.

    I agree with what you said otherwise, but homosexuality is not just a choice.

    However, I again say that we should still continue aid to African countries because again, our ancestors changed their ways of life that let them survive and we do have the capability to assist them. Their living conditions in some areas is atrocious. By all means, we should work on trying to change their attitudes and this is again, why I said we should choose secular non-religious groups to go to aid more so than religious establishments. You can say, Patsy, that missionaries aren't responsible and that their country leaders are, but the reality is that missionaries -are- partially responsible. Being half Native American, I've seen what they have done in this country, let alone to South America, Mexico and Africa. These ideals that homosexuality is a crime punishable by prison or by death come from where? It's why even in western countries we still contend with people that feel homosexuals ought to be killed, deported, and have no rights. There is no foundation for it other than the Abrahamic religions that condemn it, and many Christians even see this as wrong, but sadly some don't. In a continent full of despair, death, AIDS, disease, famine, etc...things are going to be worse. That's how it goes.

    I agree with you that some of the efforts there seem frivolous at times because of the dictators, corruption and what not, but some of it does get to the people there who need it and to take it away just seems very wrong to me. Yes, this is a rotten thing to do and I do think we should be able to negotiate something that says if a homosexual couple or whatever are found, if they can't stay there without imprisonment or death, they should be able to be deported to one of our countries where they would be accepted. Otherwise, we can't do much for them. If at least non-secular organizations go and start toning down the hostilities, it might help so they learn tolerance. I doubt taking away aid at this point would make a difference to them as far as this goes and would probably only make more people die needlessly.
    Post by: Repliku, May 22, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  11. Repliku
  12. Repliku
    I'd try jpg or gif instead of bitmap. Yes, you may lose some quality but gif usually holds pretty well. The more detailed something is, sadly the more space it consumes and that may be the reason bitmap (bmp) isn't allowed. We'd have to get RvR's say on it but meanwhile, give .gif a try.
    Post by: Repliku, May 20, 2010 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  13. Repliku
  14. Repliku
    I really am dismayed as well to hear this happened and read about it a few days ago. Of course, westerners don't have much of a right to complain, however. Years of seizing places in Africa, spreading the religion around, missionaries from Mormons, the Catholic church and other religious organizations have gone there and pretty much handed a Bible out as mandatory when giving any kind of aid at all to these people. This mentality of telling people to not use protection because it's against the religion, that being gay is a sin and in Africa, sins can be punished old skool style, and women are subordinate to men, has really messed the Africans up. This behavior has also been generously given to other cultures around the globe as well, such as in torn areas of India, South America and Haiti.

    Africa, as well as South America and some other areas, also have issues with dictators and war lords, drug cartels etc. In Africa, there are miserable ties to the diamond industry where the people there are paid a pittance for extreme labor. Aids has torn the continent of Africa and it is feared greatly. Thanks to some weirdos, the belief that if a man has sex with a virgin, he may be cured of Aids... this has resulted in many women dying and children being born without parents. The rule of 'abstinence' also has always fallen on deaf ears, regardless of where we are in this world. Thus, the rule of no contraception has really screwed things up even worse.

    In the end, I really think more charitable organizations that are NOT religious should be assisting Africa and there are plenty of them out there. That way schools are taught more fairly, men and women and children can get some educations and the religious fervor would hopefully after a decade or ten die down. The western cultures have ravaged a way of life the Africans had and it wasn't perfect to begin with but we've made them stationary and dependent. As much as some people say they'd pull their funding from Africa relief efforts, I can say that I don't feel we should. However, I do think we should alter how we fund them and put money to better organizations than -churches-. They don't fix things. It's not benevolence to help someone while messing up their lives at the same time. The African people suffer with high infant mortality, Aids, malaria, drought, lack of work, and rotten dictators and morons that kill people without a thought for just being in the way. They do need help despite their awful views on homosexuals.

    Hell, at this point, I'd say that our governments perhaps could try to say we will allow homosexuals to be deported to one of our nations instead of jail time or death as an option. This way homosexuals do have a choice in their futures if they are going to be ostracized, let alone in such an awful way. I'd rather have them come to our nations and get some help rather than these militant Islamic followers that are moving about and trying to force us to change, despite wanting to live in our countries. Then, as said formerly, I'd say that aid to the countries in Africa should be altered and no more religious efforts there should be done so that people can calm down on the hate and actually get educations to help them and better their lives. If we need more money to fund the effort... tax churches. Other organizations are non-profit and still pay 'some' taxes so I don't see why churches still get freebies when their missions are not pure. Then again, that's another topic all together.
    Post by: Repliku, May 20, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  15. Repliku
    Boo~ Hey all. Invading ur count.
    Post by: Repliku, May 20, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Repliku
    I'm thinking 'The Usual Spot' sounds the best, and most people agree as posted here, and will likely go with that. Thank you all for the assistance and I appreciate it! I'll go ahead and close this and get to work on the section soon. I'll also look into and discuss with others on staff on what posts will count and not. Hopefully everyone will enjoy it.
    Post by: Repliku, May 17, 2010 in forum: Community News & Projects
  17. Repliku
  18. Repliku
    I would have to agree with others that in the immediate at least, a sub-section for jokes seems a bit much. There will soon be a new section where a thread can be made to post jokes and such, where clutter won't be such a problem. If people want it to expand later and it goes well, we'll see on a sub-section for it, but I think we really need to see how it works out with the thread first.
    Post by: Repliku, May 15, 2010 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  19. Repliku
    The post your pics threads are one of the reasons that the forums are changing, because it's not supposed to have posts counted and yes, for a time it was in the Spam Zone, but was removed from there after some issues.
    Post by: Repliku, May 15, 2010 in forum: Community News & Projects
  20. Repliku
    Sorry but this won't change. We only have so much available space on a server so for now, 100 pics is the limit for each member. Maybe someday down the road that may change but for now, no can do.

    Closing since this was answered.
    Post by: Repliku, May 15, 2010 in forum: Feedback & Assistance