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  1. Repliku
    It's 7 or 2, depending on what people want to say. I believe in the Bible, I read it was 7 pairs.

    The 2 unclean, unclean refers to animals that aren't 'kosher' to eat or are considered dirty animals. There are a whole list of them in the Bible.
    Post by: Repliku, Jun 4, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  2. Repliku
    Profile Post

    Aww come on.

    Aww come on.
    Profile Post by Repliku for Rosey, Jun 4, 2010
  3. Repliku
    That is really cool and reminds me to go donate blood again. That guy has really helped a lot of people. I can't imagine how many times other than just for blood donations, he's gotten poked for this cure as well.
    Post by: Repliku, Jun 3, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  4. Repliku
    Profile Post

    That should work. :))

    That should work. :))
    Profile Post by Repliku for Rosey, Jun 3, 2010
  5. Repliku
  6. Repliku
  7. Repliku
  8. Repliku
    No, Bushido. There is no proof of a world wide flood caused by torrents of rain fall. Show me valid scientific proof and not some Creationist spouting website with crap information from pseudo-scientists that just want you to believe in whatever. The Grand Canyon is not caused by it, nor are other places that Creationists insist on using as examples. The way the earth is layered etc, gives no proof at all that 4000 years ago this was even probable. It is all very orderly except for points where plates meet, and that certainly doesn't suggest a flood but more earthquakes.

    If you want to put your faith in the Noah's Arc tale and say it happened, that's fine, but don't bother saying there is all this evidence for it. There isn't.
    Post by: Repliku, Jun 3, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  9. Repliku
    Profile Post

    Hey Rosey :)

    Hey Rosey :)
    Profile Post by Repliku for Rosey, Jun 3, 2010
  10. Repliku
    Sadly, this won't happen for the reason Misty said. We have no power over that. If we upgrade ever, do ask again.
    Post by: Repliku, Jun 3, 2010 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  11. Repliku
    Mwahahaha .. *cough* .. She's fast.
    Post by: Repliku, Jun 3, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Repliku
  13. Repliku

    The bible

    Also, the actual Commandment is 'Thou shalt not -murder-', rather than 'kill'. To kill because God allows it and it is permitted by the laws ordained is just fine. However, to kill someone when it is not 'the will of God' is to murder and that is a heinous sin. This is important to note as the Ten Commandments are often misinterpreted and it also expresses why people feel they can kill in the name of their God but otherwise it should be frowned upon heavily.

    And yes, Hell is a rather silly concept if you think on it but many religions have their versions. There's Hel for the Norse Mythos, Hades for the Greeks/Romans, etc. It made more sense in those religions and in Egyptian culture as well. The individual gods weren't all made out to be all knowing, all powerful and all loving and all jealous at the same time. Even then though, souls went to the bad places because in their lives they were seen as more bad than good. Some souls in stories could even be redeemed to leave the bad place. In Christian Hell though, there's no redemption once you are in Hell. You will suffer for all eternity. It really does make no sense to me at all and is just the ultimate scare tactic, which to me is vastly unneeded. Considering 90 some percent of criminals in prison in the U.S. are Christian... the message fails hard, doesn't it?
    Post by: Repliku, Jun 2, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  14. Repliku
  15. Repliku
    And this is why it is pointless to even debate with an avid Creationist about Creationism. Because even in the face of logic, science, collecting years of data, and that you can do experiments yourself, -faith- blocks it. Faith = the ultimate cockblock of reality for some people.

    And to say the truth, I really don't care to convince them otherwise and the only reason I try is because these sorts of people won't leave school science alone and consistently try to push that Creationism -is- a part of science; which it is absolutely not. It is religion and has -no- foundations in a science class at all and why do the Abrahamic religions' creations matter more than the Wiccan's, Hindu's or Buddhist's, etc?

    Easiest combine all these into a class on world religions so that no one has to feel left out and kids get some more knowledge on world cultures too. When asking Christian Creationists this, the resounding answer is .. newp. Because it is a corrupting influence and of course they don't want their kids to learn about other religions. Well.. just as Creationists feel it is corruption to filth their children's minds with knowledge that other religions do exist in this country... I find it a corruption that Christian Creationism be taught anywhere in Science because it has -NO- scientific proof whatsoever, despite all of the wacky attempts to lie to people. Creationist scientists are a mockery to Christians as well as everyone else and the sooner people learn to stop listening to them, the better.
    Post by: Repliku, Jun 1, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  16. Repliku
    lol, and so the competition begins, well prior to votes. xD
    Post by: Repliku, Jun 1, 2010 in forum: Archive
  17. Repliku
  18. Repliku
  19. Repliku
  20. Repliku