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  1. Repliku
    Boo! Totally scary. admit it.
    Profile Post by Repliku for Korra, Jun 18, 2010
  2. Repliku
    As DPWolf said, there's no way staff has the time to go and send you a message because some spam was deleted. As courteous as you feel it would be, it just isn't feasible with the amount of spam people post in areas where posts count. We'd surely do it if it wasn't such a common issue. If you notice your posts go down, please make sure you read the rules for the general site and also some rules are posted in sections because those areas have some additional conditions. It will help you to understand why posts were deleted. If you still have questions, pm one of us.

    I know some people can get upset at posts being deleted: Especially for those people that were premium and lost it. Staff members aren't so enthusiastic either about having to delete posts. Believe me, it's one of the downsides to the job because we don't really want to upset members. However, just as it is the responsibility of staff to delete spam from sections it doesn't belong, it is also your responsibility to make sure those posts that do count have some meat to them and mean something. Help us to not delete your posts by ensuring your posts belong and serve some merit to the thread you are responding in, in post count areas. Then no one gets mad or frustrated.
    Post by: Repliku, Jun 17, 2010 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. Repliku
  4. Repliku
  5. Repliku
  6. Repliku
    Profile Post

    Alright, thanks.

    Alright, thanks.
    Profile Post by Repliku for TsuxasKH2FM+, Jun 17, 2010
  7. Repliku
  8. Repliku
    Yes, removing smilies from the folder as well as adding new ones would be possible if we had access to the server, which normally that is all on spdude. Sucks, but that's how it is. :/ Maybe in the future we can get some new smilies but for now, we have what we do. Luka's suggestion can help in the meantime for those who want to avoid smilies.
    Post by: Repliku, Jun 14, 2010 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  9. Repliku
  10. Repliku
  11. Repliku
    Profile Post

    Hey, how's it going?

    Hey, how's it going?
    Profile Post by Repliku for TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees, Jun 11, 2010
  12. Repliku
  13. Repliku
  14. Repliku
    Profile Post

    Damn straight. xD

    Damn straight. xD
    Profile Post by Repliku for White_Rook, Jun 10, 2010
  15. Repliku
    Profile Post

    So true. xD

    So true. xD
    Profile Post by Repliku for Fracture, Jun 10, 2010
  16. Repliku
  17. Repliku
  18. Repliku
  19. Repliku
  20. Repliku
    The game graphics aren't so great so if it is for something else, I'm imagining it would have to be for psp or ds. It'd be nice if we could just get it to play on ps2 as well, but I don't see it. I can say though that I wish he'd stop doing these side games as 358/2 Days was kind of boring to me. I have more hopes for BBS but still, after this, I hope there's some news on KH 3. Too many side games kills the popularity or desire to bother with continuity of the storyline.
    Post by: Repliku, Jun 7, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates