Arrigato, mina! You're both in, feel free to make more or take other characters you want...if there's someone on my list you guys want to play ask me and we'll talk about it. 'Kay? Good. itachilives, heads up...Xenree...not the nice person you met in Sagas... I've had to reset her personality...temporarily.
Patting a hand on Mya's head, Masamune headed down into the arena with her. A series of boos proceeded once he stepped out into the open aired arena. "So nice to be loved..." Waving to the crowd, he set his still sheathed sword on his shoulder, "Helloooooo SAO!" Coaxing them into another round of booing and even throwing balls of paper towards him...which shattered into pixels once they hit the ground. Lively...
So Mya and Masamune get one post each to decimate NPC combatants?
(Will probably be edited further) Main Thread: OC Template: Name: Age: Appearance: Bio: Character Template: Name: Appearance: Game/Anime/Movie/Manga Character is from: Info: Other:
Desolation, Despair, Death and Pain... In a world where life itself no longer exists, one continent stands host to a nightmarish evil. In the beginning, there were three, born from light with restorative prowess...summoned from different worlds to help cleanse the area by the Goddess of Dawn. They found twisted remnants of humans, animals and plants. Succumbing to the fear and dark temptations they found there, the three separated and hid...or died. Centuries passed and again children of light and beings of darkness are summoned to the so-called desolate planet. These children, tasked with the same task the Goddess bestowed on The Three Before, wander the last continent in search of the source of the corruption. Rules~ 1) Follow the RP Arena's rules 2) I generally write in a Mature fashion...but let's keep violence/sexual content/language/etc PG-16 at best. 3) Since it is classified as a "crossover" the amount of characters you can have from different video games (I've restricted it to only include video game characters) will currently be capped at 75. I'll be counting. 4) I insist on at least one OC. Crossover or not, its storyline is genuine and originally designed for OC's... The number of OC's will be unlimited. 5) If you are leaving for any amount of time, permament or temporary, please inform me. I hate it when people vanish. 6) There is a solid storyline but feel free to create sub-plots. I intend to make the main plot last as long as possible. 7) (Gone Naruto crazy) The Lotus of the Leaf blooms twice. Break my rules twice or I recieve complaints twice and you're out. 8) It's a big continent, feel free to put people miles away from each other. 9) Please no *actions*. It really irritates me and it's just not proper roleplaying. 10) Please try to use good grammer and spelling. I'm not saying you have to be perfect but if you don't know how to spell it, there is a number of substitutes for it that are easier to spell. (and I'm not talking about commas, I mean actual word usage grammer) If I catch it...I will aid you. Don't bite my head off. 11) No God-Modding, Power-Playing, etc...I shouldn't have to even say it. 12) Reserve Characters and such in the OOC: 13) The Characters I have are strictly for plot purpose and is well below my own restrictions. Characters: Twilight_Nobody13 Spoiler Xenree (OC) Akii (OC) Sei (OC) Adrien (OC) Ashenvale Novella "Ash" (OC) Renee Rayleigh (OC) Lucien Sanki (OC) Lucretia (OC) Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) Zack Fair (Final Fantasy Crisis Core) Lightning "Claire Farron" (Final Fantasy XIII-2) Gaara of the Desert (Naruto Shippuuden) Temari (Naruto Shippuuden) Shikamaru Nara (Naruto Shippuuden) Kakashi Hatake (Naruto Shippuuden) Might Guy (Naruto Shippuuden) Neji Hyuuga (Naruto Shippuuden) Tobi (Naruto Shippuuden) Zetsu (Naruto Shippuuden) Hidan (Naruto Shippuuden) Kakuzu (Naruto Shippuuden) Kisame Hoshigaki (Naruto Shippuuden) Konan (Naruto Shippuuden) Six Paths of Pain/Nagato (Naruto Shippuuden) Sasori of the Red Sand (Naruto Shippuuden) Deidara (Naruto Shippuuden) Minato Namikaze (Naruto Shippuuden) Sai (Naruto Shippuuden) Madara Uchiha (Naruto) Shisui Uchiha (Naruto) Kiba Inozuka & Akamaru (Naruto Shippuuden) Fourth Mizukage Mei Terumi (Naruto Shippuuden) Hashirama Senju (Naruto) Tobirama Senju (Naruto) Xemnas (Kingdom Hearts 2) Riku (Kingdom Hearts 2) Repliku (Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories) Marluxia (Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories) Larxene (Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories) Saix (Kingdom Hearts 2) Xion (Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days) Braig/Xigbar (Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance/ KH 2) Aqua (Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep) Terra (Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep) Xehanort (Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep) Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep) Demise(Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword) Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) Zant (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) Princess Zelda (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) Yuri Lowell & Repede (Tales of Vesperia) Estellise Sidos Heurassien (Tales of Vesperia) Raven (Tales of Vesperia) Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia) Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia) Colette Brunel (Tales of Symphonia) Sheena Fujibayashi (Tales of Symphonia) Zelos Wilder (Tales of Symphonia) Yuan Ka-Fai (Tales of Symphonia) Kratos Aurion (Tales of Symphonia) Goddess Martel (Tales of Symphonia) Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail) Ikuto Tsukoyomi (Shugo Chara!) master of keyblades Characters: Spoiler Fang Iceal (OC) Xros Hex (OC) Kel Striker (OC) Kazuya Minegishi (Devil Survivor) Hiro Kageyama (Devil Survivor 2) itachilives741 Characters: Spoiler Maskull (OC) Itachi Uchiha (Naruto Shippuuden) Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII) Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII/ Dirge of Cerberus) Axel (Kingdom Hearts 2) NutheadBros. Characters: Spoiler Samantha "Sammi" Brunel/Pierce [OC] Melinda Brunel [OC] Miriam Brunel [OC] Orvus Brunel [OC] Kenneth "True Kenneth" Pierce/Brunel [OC] "Higher Powers" [OC] "The Creator" [OC] "The Author" [OC] Kai "Kai-chan" [OC] Raoxthu [OC] C.S. [OC] G.S. [OC] Character Reserves Mario [Super Mario Bros.] Luigi [Super Mario Bros.] Peach [Super Mario Bros.] Yoshi [Super Mario Bros.] Bowser [Super Mario Bros.] Bowser Jr. [Super Mario Bros.] Kamek [Super Mario Bros.] Dr. Eggman [Sonic the Hedgehog] Metal Sonic [Sonic the Hedgehog] Sonic the Hedgehog [Sonic the Hedgehog] Miles "Tails" Prower [Sonic the Hedgehog] Knuckles the Echidna [Sonic the Hedgehog] Kirby [Kirby] King Dedede [Kirby] Meta Knight [Kirby] Bandana Waddle Dee [Kirby] Gooey [Kirby] Galacta Knight [Kirby] Zero/02 [Kirby] Sora [Kingdom Hearts] Kairi [Kingdom Hearts] Donald [Kingdom Hearts] Goofy [Kingdom Hearts] King Mickey [Kingdom Hearts] Vexen [Kingdom Hearts] Demyx [Kingdom Hearts] Oswald the Lucky Rabbit [Epic Mickey] Neptune/Purple Heart [Neptunia] Compa [Neptunia] IF [Neptunia] Noire/Black Heart [Neptunia] Vert/Green Heart [Neptunia] Blanc/White Heart [Neptunia] Commander Shepard [Female] [Mass Effect] Morrigan Aensland [Darkstalkers] Lilith [Darkstalkers] Banjo and Kazooie [Banjo-Kazooie] Mumbo Jumbo [Banjo-Kazooie] Conker [Conker's Bad Fur Day] Gregg the Grim Reaper [Conker's Bad Fur Day] Ridley [Metroid] Samus Aran [Metroid] SmashFan127 Characters: Spoiler Farkira (OC) Janus Cascade (Wild Arms 3)
Masamune tilted his head back. True that PK guilds didn't need nor want people around much...but that was PoH's idea of peace and harmony...not his. "I'm..." a shriek cut off his words and he looked back to the arena. Having finished off Hayden, Shiina's guard dropped slightly. Time seemed to move so much slower as Hayden threw her sword at Mina. The wolf was already injured...with Mina's low defense and Hayden's strength...her wolf would die...tornament or no. "Mina!" She screamed, not caring if everyone in the stadium thought she was crazy. Sprinting in front of her canine friend, Shiina spread her arms and took Hayden's sword in the center of her chest. Her HP bar lowered only slightly due to her high defense and heavy armor.
My, my...gone for a few weeks and this is what I come back to... Well without anyone else even here...there's nothing left of this rp. How very sad. Ah well...I was getting bored of the lack of actual storyline. Ja ne, mina. So who's left here?
Digging her spear out of the ground, Shiina pulled it back over her shoulder. No it wasn't the kind of spear you could just throw at someone, hoping to impale them...but it was worth a shot. "Mina, Kuro...initiate Tactic 4!" Hurling her spear through the air towards Hayden's turned back, Shiina's wolves circled round towards Kaito. Mina edged, keeping low to the ground, towards his ribbon while Kuro snarled from the opposite side, darting in to latch onto Kaito's leg. Red-brown eyes followed Scarlet's movements more than her frightened partner. "I'll bet you a hundred Col that she's wishing she were alone right now... Guild leaders like her...ones filled to the brim with useless things like honor and pride...they don't fight very well with those that worry. Her partner...what'shername...she's worrying about her pet, a lot more than she's worrying about herself." His eyes narrowed. Tactic 4? As in she has other Tactics?
Yelping, Mina backed away, the wolf's health falling halfway. Shiina suppressed a cry in her throat for her canine friend. "M-Mina....!" Kuro's claws dug into the shield, slobber dripping from his bared teeth as he barked at Hayden. Running to Mina's side, Shiina drew her spear over her head, aiming to stab into Hayden's unprotected arm.
Right...I should probably have put that in...well it's around her left upper arm.
Shiina's blood roared in her ears even as she shut her eyes, stabbing the tip of her spear into the ground and pole-vaulting an impressive distance away from Hayden's reaching fingers. She didn't want to disappoint the guild leader and let her ribbon get stolen in the first few minutes of the battle. Shiina was built and equipped for speed instead of raw strength. Landing lithely, Shiina whistled again. The black wolf, Kuro, built physically for power lunged at Hayden head on. Claws, gnashing teeth and a large amount of weight would collide with Hayden in an attempt to knock back the girl. The grey and white wolf, Mina flanked the girl, teeth slightly parted as she dashed straight for the blue ribbon tied on Hayden's arm. Slightly impressed by the young beast-tamer, Masamune lifted an eyebrow at her tactics. It wasn't hit and run or a full on assult exactly... She exploited the fact that she used two beasts in battle and kept the heat on her opponent. The girl obviously wasn't very good with strength or else she would've retalliated Hayden making an attempt on the ribbon... But her reaction time was quick....probably quicker than his. His barely formed smile dropped from his face. "Those two...Ms. Guild Leader and Ms. Beast-tamer make quite a team almost...almost. I've never encountered her guild before...the Moonlit Swords, huh?" If he were a good and obedient pet like PoH wanted to think, he'd send a message to him immediately informing him of the information he'd aquired...but he was no dog to sit and whimper for scraps when the entire hog had been set on the floor in front of him.
Shiina held her breath as Scarlet moved first. Bright blue eyes followed Hayden and Kaito's movements in reaction to Scarlet. With a sharp whistle, Mina and Kuro flanked Hayden. Mina's <<Howl>> skill inflicted a provoked status on both Hayden and Kaito. Snarling, Kuro attempted to latch onto Hayden's sword wielding arm with his sharp jaws. "Okay..." Tucking her spear close to her body, Shiina took off. Mastering her Sprint skill paid off as she darted towards Hayden faster than the eye could follow, let alone the targeting system, and jabbed her spear towards Hayden's chest.
Savannah: Kakashi's group Colette and Kakashi did a lot of laughing and talking in the sky before the landed again. "Did you see anything?" Kakashi's expression showed his joy, "Colette spotted an old friend. We're gonna head that way, alright? Jiraiya...we'd very much appreciate it if you could come with us. You and your friends would be a lot of help." Yamato probed over Colette, "Are you alright? You're not hurt are you? All that flying didn't strain you, did it?" Colette smiled, blushing a bit, "No, I'm okay. Yamato-san, I saw Yuan! He was flying in the sky! I'm so excited, the last time I saw Yuan he was guarding the new World Tree." Understanding about none of what she was talking about, Yamato nodded along with her words. Forest Edge: Konan's Group Martel smiled at Firion, "Yusuke is our friend. We'll look for him too." Yuan dropped down beside the Goddess, "I'm afraid I can't see that far, Firion...and I didn't find your friend either, Konan. One person I did see...was Ms. Colette Brunel." Martel clapped her hands, "Oh, yay! Perhaps Lloyd is with her." A series of paper butterflies separated from Konan, "Nagato is the last person I have that I love...I'll find him if it's the last thing I do." Bowser's Castle: Xenree watched Sasuke run away and turned her silver glare back to Bowser, "Sasuke serving a no good evil chump like you?" Kisame sighed and moved to lean against a pair of Koopa's, "Well if there's nothing for me to do now...I could just take a nap."
"Oh? So if you or those down there had the chance to kill me or don't think they'd take the chance?" He shifted his stance, "I understand the fact that it causes pain...I simply don't care. True, I'm no old man here but I'm not exactly innocent in either reality or this world." Shutting his mouth, he glared down at the people in the arena, unwilling to say anything about anything.
Desert Collosis: Gaara and Kankuro looked to Temari for Peach's question. The elder Sand Sibling blushed, "'s got black hair tied up in a ponytail...he's wearing the normal Leaf shinobi clothes, um...he's always calling things a drag." Kankuro and Gaara exchanged 'whatever' looks and Kankuro pointed up to the temple, "He could be in there, lets check inside. Gaara...uh, friends of Gaara's, stick close to us. We don't know what we'll find in there." Leading them inside, Gaara ran his fingers along the large tablet. It was in the shape of a cobra and another stood on the other side of the stairs. "I don't understand...this place is meant for someone called the Hero of Time. What is this place doing here?" Patting his shoulder, Temari peeked through the doorways on either side of the room. "Each door here leads to someplace outside...I suppose to venture further inside we should go up these stairs..." Kankuro and Temari took up flanking the sides of the group, Kankuro's Sasori puppet in front of Gaara. As they stepped into the room above the stairs, a laser beam shot from an eye positioned on a short pillar in the center of the room. Kankuro's Sasori puppet's arm unlocked and a shield of chakra blocked the constant laser. "Gaara!" "Gaara!" "I'm fine..." Sand shot up, surrounding the eye, covering it entirely and hardening. "Sand Coffin!" Imploding, sand scattered everywhere and the eye fell off the short pillar crushed and mangled. "What a weird device...I wonder who built it." Savannah/Beach: Minato's Group Minato and the Kazekage's eyes were wide as Luffy launched them. Fearing for his life, Minato chucked a kunai at the ground and teleported to it safely on his own two feet. Turning and holding his arms out to catch Naruto, he watched the little blue pegasus catch and land each of his friends. "That certainly was..." "Insane. We could've been killed had we not been shinobi and had this little...creature with us." ooc: I'll get the others later.
Masamune frowned at her words, "Joined? Leave? I'm sorry, my dear, I believe you've misunderstood me. PoH and myself created this guild...and I'm very proud of it, despite what I might say that's negative towards it. I'd never choose to leave something that I created." Hearing the match called to a close, he huffed, "I knew those two didn't have it in them to actually fight like they were going to kill them... I should've spared everyone the trouble and killed that whimp when I had the chance." Shiina nervously chewed on her lip as she entered the arena. Adjusting her grip on her spear, she inhaled deeply. "Okay...nothing to be frightened won't finish us off. Alright....Mina, Kuro, l-let's do our best." Her furry partners barked in agreement.
At the mention of a raccoon, Luce thought back to the image of the little boy she'd met. His eyes certainly reminded her of a raccoon. She didn't like the idea of them all knowing or mentioning the poor thing...the idea that he might've gotten into her room somehow certainly didn't sit with her on a comfortable level either. Forcibly turning Scott around, she shoved him towards the door, "N-no need to keep dwelling on something that Lenny will handle. C'mon, we're wasting daylight, let's go retrieve our package."
"Here kitty, kitty, kitty..." Sei's emotionless voice called up to the snarling Fire Cat perched on a branch in a tree. For the fifth time the cat hissed at him, he sighed, crouched and lept into the air, catching the branch with his left hand and the cat with his right. Tucking the wide-eyed creature under his arm as he hopped back to the ground, Sei patted it's head and scratched under her chin. "Not so frightening now are you?" He didn't like cats for a very good reason...his older half-brother was part cat-demon...wasn't it enough that the man was stranger than normal people, but he had to be part cat? All the purring and rubbing against him when they lived together still invaded his nightmares. Walking down the street, he looked up from the quietly mewling thing to the gathering of his cell in front of him on the street. Staring at them with blank eyes, he figured he could just walk past without them noticing.
Masamune was taken aback by the question. Falling back on a dismissive personality, he waved his hand, "I suspect you mean the tornament? I do it because it sounded fun. It's been awhile since I got to fight for fun instead of to kill... I don't have much to motivate me...and something doesn't have to exist to motivate me. I do things because I can and because I want to... I can't say I enjoy doing what I do exactly... Most of the...uh, unjust...or maybe that's not the right word for it...well the murders you hear about that my name isn't involved in is generally done by PoH...the co-founder of my guild." Nervously looking back to the match, Masamune suppressed what he could only identify as some sort of blush from rising into his cheeks. "Is this your way of trying to probe me about a past...a bit of feeling you think I have?"