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  1. Twilight_Nobody13
    Kisame Hoshigaki
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Twilight_Nobody13
    Masamune flicked his gaze to Scarlet's familiars and steped aside as she came charging towards Mya, "Of course. Win or lose. One scream is all I want. You can call it sadistic...or you can call it an excercise in restraint." He ducked as a spear came flying over his head, "Whoa!" He was forced to jump backwards to avoid its return route.

    Shiina's thin wire she'd attatched to her spear drew it back into her hands. "Don't you dare turn your back on me! Masamune!"

    "Heh... Eager to die, are we?" Lowering his blade he vanished to Shiina's eyes, reappearing beside her, "You two...should learn a little patience. Sure the countdown was up...but no one had even said start yet. Let's try that again, shall we?" "Huh?" His knee connected with her lower back, knocking her forwards and into his heel.

    He moved faster than she expected. Her body ached as she rolled on the ground, beat up from his hits.

    "Ready? Start."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Twilight_Nobody13
    Masamune pouted, "You read my mind...every single time... Don't worry...she's tougher than she looks. I'm positive she won't give in so easily. Especially if she knows what our bet is. I'll bet you....if I can't make her scream just once loud enough for everyone to hear it...I'll tell you why I founded the Laughing Coffin with PoH." Again...his secrets. I must have a death wish or something... If something like that bit of information gets loose...I'm as good as dead to any other PKer in this game. Grinning, he took a step towards Shiina, "Got it, wolf-girl? If I make you of my secrets stays with me forever."

    Shiina's throat closed. A scream....if I scream....but then I'll falter...I'll lose...I'll be scared again just like that day...and even worse, I'll humiliate myself in front of Scarlet. She'll think I'm weak... Gripping her spear tighter, she pursed her lips.

    Swinging around to face Mya, he motioned with his hand towards the not-so frightened girl. "See? It's a tough bet. You and I both know she's terrified of me...I guess, s'not like I can place her face... But a little thing people cling to called pride will hold back any terror filled screams." He tapped the tip of his blade to his head, "I play on fear. Makes these fights much more fun. Or would you rather pick something else that's...harder for me to win at?"

    Shiina lifted her head up a fraction, "I're ready to lose then. I'm not scared of you!"

    Those words struck a dull chord in Masamune's he'd heard them before. "Hear that? She's not afraid of me. My...whatever shall I do?"
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Twilight_Nobody13
    Masamune sighed as he heard the end result of the match and the announcement of his match against the guild leader and that little girl. "Feels like we just's a good thing we didn't spend too much energy on that fight then..." Tying a red ribbon onto his belt so it hung down the side of his leg. An easy knot...just a tug and it would come off. "Hey, Mya, you feelin' like another bet? I won't take more of your money this time. We'll bet for something else." Unsheathing his sword early, Masamune kept his casual stance, but he wouldn't be making rookie mistakes with the guild leader. The woman who so strongly opposed his own guild stood before him and he wasn't about to let her off without a few scratches to her delicate pride.

    Shiina shivered. She kept her head low as she re-entered the arena, tying her blue ribbon in a neat bow on her arm. Fear at meeting the PK Masamune's eyes...fear at what she would see within them. "I...I don't know if I can do this anymore... M-Masamune...the man who killed my friend...who's killed hundreds of other SAO players...wh-what do I do...?" She gripped her spear in front of her like a shield, issueing a command to her familiars to keep close to her. It wasn't a smart move on her behalf. Glancing up, Shiina suppressed the scream that swelled in her throat. Eventually she would've had to fight him, this she knew, and yet she felt her legs shake and her fingers grow numb. "Wh-what should I do....I...I don't want to die."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Twilight_Nobody13
    Alright then, ignore that.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Twilight_Nobody13
    Death (Darksiders II)

    Unless someone has him already?
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Twilight_Nobody13


    Lowee: Sanctuary ("M!")

    Against Sai's better judgement, he followed the two CPU Goddess' into the sanctuary along with the very odd men behind him. Asuma stood from his place in a chair, smoking a ciggarrette down to the bud, "Sai? Oh, good...Vert and Noire... At least the reasonable ones came back... Who are they?" Sai made an exhausted expression. "They are a bunch of weirdos I found in the forest along with Miss Vert and Miss Noire. I didn't know what to do with them...." Kagerou stared intently around the room before he started to laugh, tossing his cape to the side and making a grand sweeping gesture with his arm, "Greetings my human toilets! I am the great Kagerou Shokiin! That man and that one on the floor," he pointed to Asuma and Kakashi lying on his back on the floor still unconscious, "Are Sadists!" Sai covered his face with his hands and Asuma's jaw dropped, his cigarrette falling from his mouth. "What did he-" "Ah and you, you are an extreme sadist and yet behind that you hide a true masochist!" Kagerou exclaimed pointing a white gloved finger at Yashamaru. "Fear not, you cows, I too, am an S and so is Soushi! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Surprise held everyone's tongues tightly. Shifting their gaze to the man beside him, Soushi, they grew even more confused by the pair. Soushi stood smiling quietly beside Kagerou. "Who...are these two?" "That's the same question I've been asking since we met. I didn't know people could be so....stupid." Kagerou patted Sai's head and went and found the largest chair in the Sanctuary and sat in it. Crossing his legs, he grinned at everyone. "Here it comes..." Their gazes were drawn to Soushi as he spoke, still smiling. "Ah ha, yes, this chair is comfy and pleasing to sit upon. S! Yes, you like to be sat upon!" Yashamaru adopted Soushi's smile as he watched Kagerou bounce on the chair. He jumped up and rapped his knuckles on the window, "Ah, hard and cold. S!" Kagerou paused, "I've gotten a bit hungry. Ah HA, my stomach is also an S! Good, we'll get along together well." Out of nowhere, Soushi set up a table and a small dinner in front of Kagerou. "Here, Kagerou-sama...a light meal for you."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Twilight_Nobody13
    Yeah...I don't think that's the same Natsuki I'm thinking of...

    Of course Haru's better...he's the main male character. Of course Shizuku is my favorite.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Twilight_Nobody13
    Peeking through his fingers at Mya, Masamune struggled to hide a smile at her complaint. Even if the guys they fought were newbies...she fought better than they did. A mixture of disappointment and relief washed through him. He finished first....he wouldn't be spilling any secrets today...until he made another stupid bet like that. Covering his mouth until his real smile vanished, he replaced it with something fake and sheathed his sword. "Good...not a single dent in your health either. Looks like you owe me twenty Col." Glaring up at the stands as the boos started up again...he could hear a few cheers....and he knew quite well who they were from. Setting a hand around Mya's shoulders, he gave a sly grin to the crowd, "We should clear out...wouldn't want to be pegged with trash now would we? And I'd think you and I both would rather not be seen frequently by Miss Beater and whatshisname of her boyfriend. Wouldn't want to give them the wrong idea, huh?"
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Twilight_Nobody13
    Mm, not the Natsuki I'm thinking of. I think it was also in an anime...they also called them Nacchan...I never understood sounds like they were saying Nat-chan but why is it with a C? Anyway...maybe I'll think of it later.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Twilight_Nobody13
    Lowee: Light VS. Darkness


    Being squeezed, Minato's air supply was running out. Being told to submit...was a mistake though. He turned his icy cold blue eyes to Terransem and a small smirk appeared on his lips. "Never." His Flying Thunder God jutsu didn't require handsigns and thus he teleported out of the Guardian's grip, landing by one of his several scatered kunai's on the ground. His ribs ached from being squeezed so hard...but nothing was worse than dying. Especially when he hadn't even found his son in this world yet. "Giving up...isn't something my sensei taught me...and it's certainly not something Jiraiya-sensei taught Naruto. I don't know who you are...but your words give me the impression it's not someone who would be very good friends with either members of my family." His thoughts drifted to Kushina, even with her soft smile and her stubbornness, she was a gem and he missed her. "I won't give you'd better get quicker at catching me." Teleporting directly in front of Terransem, the mark of the jutsu formula on his Guardian glowed faintly as he used it, a rasengan already formed in his hand.

    Lowee: Lost Sadist...?! "That sentence is a masochist!"

    Running through the snow, Sai searched freverently for any of the CPU Goddess' when he heard a not so surprised exclamation. "That man is a sadist!" He paused, looking around and spotted a pair of was ordinary looking the other man, however, wore a mask and was pointing a white gloved finger at him. "Excuse me?" "I'm very sorry. If you would humor him, I would be most grateful." Staring, dumbfounded, at them, Sai nearly forgot his mission. At a loss for words, Sai heard footsteps. Turning he saw Vert carrying Noire. "Ah! You two are alright. Where are Lady Neptune and Lady Blanc?" The masked man pointed his white gloved finger towards the CPU Goddess', "That woman is a Sadist! And the woman on her back is also a sadist, but she lies and covers it up and that makes her a masochist!" Again Sai stared at the man at a loss for words. He didn't know if he should stop him from speaking by force or apologize for staring so much. Leaning towards the ladies, he whispered, "I think that man has a disorder....he also called me a sadist. I'm...not sure what kind of face I should make..." The white blonde man came and bowed in front of the women and Sai, placing a hand over his heart, "Please do forgive me. Kagerou-sama is always like this. If you may voice your disaproval at me. This is Kagerou Shokiin-sama. My name is Soushi Miketsukami. A pleasure to meet you." taking Vert's hand, he kissed her knuckles and smiled as sparkles glittered in the air around him.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Twilight_Nobody13

    That list frightens me. Accepted. Though if you are going to put all those characters in at put their character sheets in spoiler'll be a massive pain on my computer to have to load all those.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Twilight_Nobody13
    that name is oddly familiar to me and yet I can't put my finger on it... On an unrelated note...your sig...those characters are from My Little Monster, aren't they?
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Twilight_Nobody13

    Oh...would it be alright to just transfer the sagas characters I had (that no one else has) over? Like Pakura, Raido, the Fourth Kazekage, Karura...etc.?
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Twilight_Nobody13
    Mhm...the last thing I remember...was they were all fighting against somebody. Now I've noticed Gary is with the pokemon trainers?
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Twilight_Nobody13
    Thank you.


    and then there was that part about being involved in the sub-plot with all those pokemon trainers...I don't know what's happened there.[DOUBLEPOST=1356714698][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh...and I wanted to bring in two new is mostly a comic relief character...

    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Character of Choice: Miketsukami Soushi
    Picture(optional): it's in my last post...
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Inu X Boku Secret Service
    Additional Info: The assigned SS Agent to Ririchiyo and her servant, Sōshi is the reincarnation of the evil Nine-Tailed Fox. Ririchiyo helped him when she was little. Later on in the series, it is apparent that Ririchiyo had changed him in a way. Very calm, polite, and gentle to people, he has a soft spot for his mistress, blindly obeying her and protecting her with his life if the situation calls for it. He enters a relationship with her when he reads her letter she meant to put into the time capsule. What he wishes for is a family, which he never had. A notable feature is his Heterochromia: his right eye is blue, while the other is a dark gold.

    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Character of Choice: Shokiin Kagerou
    Picture(optional): [​IMG]
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Inu X Boku Secret Service
    Additional Info: Tenant of Room 2; Sōshi, Banri, and Natsume's former master, and Ririchiyo's fiancée. Kagerō is eccentric, straightforward, and a narcissist, calling the other tenants "pigs" or "animals". His SS agent is Karuta, who he keeps on a chain and in a maid outfit. He classes people in two different categories - "Sadist" or "Masochist". Ririchiyo used to write him letters when she was young, however, the letters' responses were in fact written by Sōshi.

    EDIT: because HoT-sama is very kind.

    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Character of Choice: Neji Hyuga
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Naruto Shippuden
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Twilight_Nobody13
    That saddens me...they've been inactive for a long time...but I shall try to suppress my Gaara-sama complex....
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Twilight_Nobody13
    Um...if I could....I'd like to get back into this story. I apologize for my very long and unannounced absence. That said...I don't actually know how far back I would have to look for my last post or how many pages I'd have to read to catch up... Perhaps, if you want, you guys could give me a summary of what's happened with the people involved with my characters? the meantime I'll just go sit in my a dog...where I belong...
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Twilight_Nobody13
    Ignoring Mya's obviously pointed question, Masamune set his eyes on their opponents. Bunch of not-so-seasoned warriors. "I'll bet you twenty Col that I can finish one of them off without them even making a dent in my health. And a little bonus...if you can finish yours before mine...I'll tell you the truth about whatever you wanna know." Why he ever dared to make bets that bordered on his secrets he'd never know.
    "Ready? Set... Go."
    His left foot moved back slightly, the sheath yanked off his sword and the blade sparked against the ground as he sprinted towards their opponent. Picking the one directly across from himself, he inhaled a small breath, holding it. The fella was big...but weighted armor came at a speed penalty. Scoring his blade across his foe's shins, Masamune lept up and over his head, slicing his blade up and across the back of his helmet. Landing behind him, he released his breath and the damage set in, lowering his opponent's health by half. "Tch..." Twirling on his heel, flipping his sword and starting to hum Final Fantasy XIII's theme song he drove the tip of his blade straight into his opponent's chest. Applying the smallest amount of pressure, the blade sunk through inch by inch. Counting in his head, Masamune knew when this guy would hit red... Timer up and his hand twitched, unwilling to release the pressure. "I...I'm done! I'm out." "Are you....that's too bad..." Glancing at the small timer for his orange status, he shut his eyes, relaxing every muscle in his virtual body. Drawing the blade out of his burly foe, Masamune sniffed and rubbed a hand across his face. "You done yet, Mya?"
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Twilight_Nobody13
    I suppose I should stick some of my OC's in here...since no one has any idea who they are. (and I don't think you can read minds)

    Name: Akii (Akira)
    Age: 8
    Bio: Akii is Xenree's biological daughter. She was born from a piece of DNA from Xenree and a piece of DNA from the replicated Riku (Repliku). The girl possesses a positive outlook on the what little she knows of the world, including her view on her mother. Akii and her older brother have lived in an alternate dimension created by Xenree to separate them from the cruelties of the world. Due to living in isolation with only her brother and so-called Father, Repliku, Akii is very attached to her brother, Father and the idea of her Mother. Akii is naturally drawn to people. She's not very smart when it comes to dangerous situations though and believes firmly that everything can be solved without violence. Along with her brother, Akii has a wide variety of magical abilities. Akii wears a heart-shaped pendant that holds pictures of her entire family.

    Name: Sei (Seiren)
    Age: 10
    Bio: Sei is also Xenree's biological son. Like his sister Akii, he was born from mixing DNA from Xenree and Repliku. Sei is classified as a being without emotions as he spends a majority of his time studying. Sei is the polar opposite of Akii, making brother and sister bonding nearly impossible. Sei along with his sister, bear great magical ability. Sei dislikes anything sweet and is considered the favorite by his Mother.

    Name: Renee Rayleigh
    Age: 18
    Bio: Renee is the daughter of the esteemed Dr. Eli Rayleigh, who discovered more than a dozen hidden temples on a dying planet. Renee was the center of the experiment that gave birth to the nightmare that is Xenree. Her kind personality and soft words reflect on her gentle heart. She has a fear of dark places and of being alone. Renee wasn't summoned to the dying planet, but has resided there since she was 14. She identifies easily with others' pain and her most easily identifiable feature is somehow she manages to wear green all the time.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 24, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home