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  1. Twilight_Nobody13
    Mathematical Sciences Class -- Outside Teacher's Lounge:

    Nero the Sable tilted his head at Yoshi's voiced thoughts. They were odd people that was for sure...nothing like his beloved brother and him. Backing out the the classroom he turned and bumped into a student. Kakashi cringed a bit at the sight of the unkempt Nero. "H-Hey there, Nero... Doing some day rounds? That's unlike you." Nero sniffed and blinked at the student blankly, "Yes....but on the first day I should make sure no one's entrails from nightly exploits are still splattered amongst the halls. I'd hate to have all those good intestines and blood go to waste just because I forgot where they were located." Kakuzu shuffled Kakashi into the hall and set his arm around Nero's thin shoulders, "It's time to get you back to Saix. We wouldn't want him to worry since you're missing.... You haven't been scaring people in the classes have you?" Shaking his head, Nero looked quite satisfied, "I'm invisible during the day."

    History Class:

    Vanitas jumped up from his seat, "Ya wanna say that again, Italy?! You pickin' a fight?! If you wanna fight me, just go ahead and say it! I'll beat you so bad you'll have to eat lunch through a straw!" Xion grabbed his arm, holding him back, "Vanitas! He doesn't want to fight! I don't think he knows what he's saying!" Vanitas growled harshly, "Damn straight he doesn't! Italy's a little too stuffed full of pasta to actually have the meatballs to say somethin' like that to my face and mean it."

    Music Class:

    Sai frowned as Yen Sid scolded him. "Did I say something wrong?" He asked, genuinely confused. "Damn straight, art boy! If you're not careful, I'm pretty sure he's gonna beat you up." Sai's frown deepened, "I was only curious about why his hand was bandaged up. I thought people liked it when you inquired about their exploits..." Smacking his head against his desk, Repliku groaned. "Oh man...he's really stupid...really, really, stupid."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Twilight_Nobody13
    History Class:

    Riku glanced over to the other students, Kyo and Ron, listening to them talk about the pair that had momentarily stopped at the fight earlier. It wasn't like those two had done anything...but school bullies were bullies. Before he'd realized it, he laughed at their concern.
    Gaara held fast in his glare-down with Vanitas. The boy was a menace and everyone knew it. One day...I'll get him to mess up big...and then it's game over.Xion sat as close to her desk as possible to avoid the hateful turquoise eyes throwing daggers at Vanitas behind her while Vanitas received them with obvious relish. He enjoyed Gaara's displeasure towards him and wished the red-head would snap a little more often. He was always so calm and cool towards everyone...except for him. Made him feel special to see such a violent side to the young Sabakuno.

    Teacher's Lounge:

    Kakashi listened to the voice outside the door....since the TV was still broken and Sasori was on his way, it was horribly quiet. Sighing, he stood and slid open the door. "If you're don't have to take it out on the school... Sure it's big...but it's not that easy to get lost." "You get lost daily." "Uh..." Kakashi smiled painfully as Kakuzu loomed above him. "W-Well...that's..." slumping over where he stood, he rubbed a hand in his fluffy silver hair. "Either way...I'm a teacher and I do know my way around. So," he settled his onyx gaze on the boy, "What's your name and class?"

    Music Class:

    Sai glanced up when Nero entered and his pencil paused for a while. "Your arm looks like a mess...did you punch the wall by accident when stealing lunch money from grade schoolers?" Of course, Sai had absolutely no idea what he'd just asked was wrong and cruel. Stifling a laugh, Repliku slapped a hand over his mouth and dropped his head onto his desk. Sai really had no clue about what was correct to say to people.

    English Class:

    Nero the Sable, or second night guard, wandered the halls and deftly slid open a classroom door. Poking his head inside, he took a long look at the children and the new english teacher, Professor Smith. Without saying a word, Nero hovered in the doorway and gave a satisfied smirk before the door slid closed. How it slid closed was a complete mystery. Nero's arms were strapped to his chest rather tightly and his feet barely moved even when he walked. Shuffling along, Nero did the exact same thing to several other classes. He paused longer than normal in the doorway of the Mathematical Sciences class, waiting for the one the blue pony had called Yoshi to respond. Despite his lax posture and zero presence, he gave off an aura of absolute terror. Nero the Sable equaled scary guy to those who wanted to break into the Private Nintendo High.


    Yawning at the sounds of voices, Ikuto slid out of his chair near the back and rubbed his eyes as he made his way forwards. Seeing Philip, Eiji and Vanille, he sighed. Eiji was in the french class he had right about now... "Yo! It's Eiji, nya! Hey, Ikuto, let's go play, nya!" Ignoring his little Guardian Chara, he stretched, his full intention on skipping the class.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 20, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Nero the Sable
    Description: Nero has lanky and matted black hair and generally doesn't wear a uniform but an odd jumpsuit with his arms buckled to his chest in a...straight He's eerily quiet and when he does speak it's usually about something bone-chilling-ly creepy or disgusting. (So those with weak stomachs ignore him completely) Oh and he's the source of the ghost stories and rumors of hauntings at the school.
    Occupation: Second Night Security
    Other: (What is in that school that needs more scary security guards? and why do I like him so much?)

    Name: Utau Hoshina (Tsukiyomi)
    Description: Utau is an international Japanese pop star with a serious brother complex. She started school this year with her tiny Chara's Il and El.
    Occupation: Pop Star/ Student
    Other: (Il is a little devil girl which causes the Character Transformation: Lunatic Charm. El is an angel obsessed with love and causes the Character Transformation: Seraphic Charm. Il and El were born at separate times conspiring with Utau's wishes to be bad and later good.)

    Name: Ikuto Tsukiyomi
    Description: Ikuto older than his sister, Utau, and has a significantly laid back attitude about everything except the violin, often playing professionally at his sister's concerts. At Nintendo High, he often skips class to nap like a cat. Wherever he is, his tiny Chara, Yoru, is often not far behind.
    Occupation: Student/Violinist)
    Other: (Yoru is He's got giant paws, cat ears and a tail and says "nya" after every sentence....but he wears shorts and a t-shirt? Yoru was born from Ikuto's wish to be free like a cat. Triggering the Character Transformation: Black Lynx.)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 20, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Twilight_Nobody13
    At the word normal, Luce growled. "The only reason I enjoyed it is because I've been starved of any sort of intimate contact for years, Scott! You think dangling the word normal around is going to make me feel any less of a freak?!" Her blood boiled and she took a long step backwards, putting enough distance between them. "That...will never happen and neither will what just happened. I'll never kiss you again, so don't even think about trying it again." Stepping around him, her cold arrogance returning finally, she cast him an icy glare over her shoulder, "I'd rather spend my time with a bunch of mundane humans than someone who talks about worthless things like feelings." Hopping into her car, slamming the door and rolling up the window, she busied herself with situating her car for more people than just her. Removing a briefcase filled with not papers but monster hunting tools off the backseat and under the passenger seat.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 20, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Twilight_Nobody13
    Lowee: Plan for a Counter-Attack!


    Sitting in a circle, the Shinobi stared at a rough drawing in the snow made by Raido. "We've put a great distance between us and that guy you were fighting...but it's only a matter of time before we're found again. We'll need to put together a strategy for the next time we meet him." Glancing over his shoulder towards Minato lying asleep beside Teridax and Casshern and Yashamaru tending to their wounds. " is Lord Fourth?" Glancing up from his work on repairing Casshern, Yashamaru smiled gently at them, "Minato-sama is doing well. He's resting now. He had some internal bruising, but that's about it." Sighing in relief, Genma, Hayate, Raido, Asuma and Kakashi relaxed a bit more. " guys said that guy was just like any other guy before he put...what was it? A disk in his head?" Asuma scratched his head, trying to grasp what they'd told him. "Yes, that's right. It seems like that disk he had did something to enhance his abilities. We should find a way to deactivate it." Genma frowned in thought. Since he and Hayate hadn't been apart of the fight, they had no idea what Kakashi was talking about.

    Soushi and Kagerou sat a ways away with Kagerou looking rather bored. " seems I must go. I have a previous engagement that I put off for far too long now. It's been a real party my human toilets! Goodbye!" Soushi waved, smiling serenely as Kagerou spun in place and vanished completely. "Have a good night, Kagerou-sama."
    Sai sat quietly in the snow, his thoughts drifting to the Fourth Hokage. So this man...was Naruto Uzumaki's father. They certainly looked enough alike...but he was so much calmer and smarter than was hard to believe the two were related. Turning his onyx gaze towards the CPU's, he stood and walked over to them. "Um...hello there...would you mind if I sat with you all?" His mind raced through all the books concerning girls that he'd read before and...they all said that girls like questions and attention.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Twilight_Nobody13
    Laughing whole-heartedly, Masamune shook his head, "You don't have to do anything but come see me." Letting go of her and backing away, he felt his smile drop from his lips and waved bye to her. "We'll meet again in this game. I'm sure of it." Hustling off down the road, he pulled back up the hood of his cloak catching sight of the Laughing Coffin emblem on the underside of his wrist. It will be a long time before I can see you again...but next time...I'll have taken care of those threats on my life.

    Shiina, after a long time of wandering around the arena with everyone signing up for the guild, made her way to the Warp Gate. Where would she go? Training on this level would just get her killed but the lower levels held less appeal for her. Where Masamune went, she would follow...for her friend. "Alright! It's time to train!"
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Twilight_Nobody13
    Taking her hand, he gave her a reassuring smile. "You bet., this is going to sound a little selfish...but...will you...come see me in the real world? I-I mean...I'll probably be in prison but...that's what visiting hours are for. And...I'd be pretty lonely if no one came to see me. I'm sure my parents won't come." If he could...he'd have already served his sentence while they were here but getting jailed in a game wouldn't atone for the murders of the people in the real world. That much, he'd have to do in person.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Twilight_Nobody13
    He frowned, "Mya...the term Red Player is what they give PKs even if our cursor is orange simply because we spill blood. needn't feel bad for me or anyone else about the color of my cursor. I do this to keep myself safe. Only other, very stupid, PKs will attack me with an orange cursor. Your friends and people like them would never kill someone. That's why it's my job to find and eliminate those that would." Setting her back, away from him, he bent to meet her gaze evenly, "You will promise me you'll keep yourself safe...and far away from me. No if's and's or but's, Mya. Unless I contact you...I am, and forever will be, a PK. Even if I won't kill you...someone in the guild will. And...your mentioning leaving this game...I'm guessing you're going to try to find me." The ridiculous idea made him sadly happy. "You'll see me the second we all leave...all you have to do is turn on the TV. I'm sure they won't give me a day to gain my strength back."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Twilight_Nobody13
    Masamune discarded the dagger entirely and patted her back, trying to ease her tears. "You don't have to cry for my sake, Mya." Feeling bad now that he'd regained his old status, "Either know I'm not going to die so easily. You don't think I sit around all day and slack off, do you? No, I'm out there training just as hard as your friends. Mya..." Trying to explain would only confuse her and complicate his situation even more.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Twilight_Nobody13
    "So...I don't look my age or my job... Marvelous." Closing the message and with a few different pokes at his menu, he sent his email to Mya. "Well then...I suppose you wouldn't have a problem if you remained in my contacts list even if I went back to PKing." On the assumption she would refuse, he pulled a common dagger from his menu, equipping it and taking her hand in his. "It's definately a problem for me to stay green. I know your friends and you believe all that stuff about Red being the ones to decide to stay orange and keep setting that timer back." Holding the dagger over her open palm, the tip an inch above her hand, "But I do this for the safety of those in this game. A few months back...PoH met some kids trying to save a few others...he and his followers...will never forget what happened that day. All the games and tricks...are PoH's thing. I...would much rather do things on equal terms." Despite his words, he stabbed the dagger through Mya's hand and his own. His cursor blinked orange. "It was nice to see someone care about me for once. Even if you are just a kid. But you won't be seeing me for a while."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 18, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Twilight_Nobody13
    His blush darkening, Masamune laughed. "'s fine. The only problem I've had is that...I am confused. But definately not about my guild. I know those backstabbers like the back of my hand... What confuses everyone I've met today. I remember meeting Miss Beater and her boyfriend that first day in the dungeon...I barely remember Shiina's friend and herself." Removing his hand from her head, he flicked open his menu, "I don't get why you'd even care if I died. I'm sure Miss Guild Leader would love it...along with Shiina." Since he'd been expecting to die moments earlier...he'd ignored the bleep of the new message tone. "Older than you look, huh? The last time I bothered to remember my birthday and current date...was a while ago. I was twenty-eight when I started this game... I bet I'm past thirty now..." Skimming the message, he shrugged off the mild irritation at still how calm and collected PoH wrote his letters.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 18, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Twilight_Nobody13
    The impact of her slap had him taken aback and he stared at her wide eyed, shock clear on his face. His battle healing skill took care of the damage done but the bright red hand imprint on his cheek felt far more real than being stabbed any day. Rubbing his cheek, he slowly recovered and leaned down to her, "You...actually mean all that, don't you.'re making me feel like the kid here." Smiling, he felt a warmth heat his cheeks, "Do you even know how old I am? Probably much older than you. But...I don't know what you're trying to make me say here. I've taken these risks with my life from day one of this game." Setting a hand on her head, he started to feel bad for what he'd said. "'d like, I could give you my email. If you need anything...maybe I could help out."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 18, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Twilight_Nobody13
    Warmth covered her, for once she felt warm. Being set back away from him brought the chill back to her skin. Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly. Nodding slowly at his question, she lifted a hand to her lips. "I'd hit you if the strength would come back to my arms. You shouldn't have kissed me, Scott. That's not fair." Fair? Was she really going to throw out that word? "I've known you for a long's not right. I don't....sleep with guys who can actually hold me down." She wished her heart would stop beating so fast...she wished she didn't still taste him on her tongue. The reminder of her reasons barely lifted the fog in her head.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 18, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Twilight_Nobody13
    Health touching red, he shut his eyes and counted down. An odd habit to be obsessed with counting. He heard her voice... That voice... His numbers hit zero and yet...he didn't feel dead. A sense of freedom washed over his body. No..not freedom....mobility. Again....her voice. But...the girl he was remembering didn't call him an was he being called and idiot? Opening his eyes he found Mya standing over him and a full health bar. Idiot. Lifting his hand he dropped it onto his face, disbelieving laughter bubbling up from his chest. "You're kidding me!" gasping in between laughs, he spoke, "I do all that nasty crap and even give you a nice clean way out and you are. You've seriously gotta be the dumbest kid I've ever met. You realize..." lifting his hand a bit, he stared at her, his reddish brown gaze intense and serious, "I'm a bona fide murderer. Plus...whatever it is you think I said to you....I'm sure you're taking it the wrong way. You remind me of someone I used to know...she...too was always saying stuff like you do." Letting his hand fall back by his side, his laughter died away. "I know what happens when you die in this game... I know enough about how to kill someone...I know what that guy said is true." Sitting up, he felt like he'd been hit in the head with a tire iron. "You've got a lot of questions for me... Lets see...I ran, wait, I didn't run. Quit putting me in a context that makes me sound like a weakling! I leftbecause I didn't need to involve you or little Miss Beater and her boyfriend or that mouthy guild leader in my guild's problems." Acting like a child, he folded his arms, "I do expect you to forget everything about today. Meeting me...talking to me...fighting beside me...forget it! You should just forget about me entirely." Sighing inwardly, he scolded himself. I should really act my age...
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 18, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Twilight_Nobody13

    Lowee: Vs Zombie Duo (waaaaay too long battle, Kakuzu want's his money)


    Since Kakuzu was already, and had been for quite a while, holding Blanc, he tucked her close to his body, shielding his precious bounty with his arms, uncaring if a few tendrils were sliced off. His skin had turned an incredibly darker shade and hardened the second he'd sensed Izeno's attack. "This is taking too long. It's as if I'd let Hidan do his stupid ritual. It's starting to make me angry." Hidan laughed and by sheer coincidence of his position, felt his arm become sliced in two as Maka and Soul made their appearance. His laughing face was paused mid-laugh and suddenly he lowered his head and a stream of profanities fell from his lips. "WHAT THE F***!? THAT F***ING HURT YOU STUPID B**CH! MOTHER******! !*@&$%(*#&@^!^#%(#(*@?(&#"

    (We interrupt this program to bring you a Special Report on the President's decision about gun laws)
    (and we're back)

    "Lemme at her! I'll rip that pretty school girl a new hole to breath out of!"
    Rolling his green eyes, Kakuzu checked to make sure nothing was damaged on Blanc before turning a pissed glare on his partner. "Hidan, shut up. These people don't know us. I'd rather keep it that way. And you're starting to irritate me. You couldn't handle one worthless boy and now we have to wait even longer. Either way..." he looked down at his torn coat, "They've cost me an entire coat in one day. So far, they've gotten the jump on us. it." Grumbling and making a pouty face, Hidan rubbed his face with his severed arm. "You owe me so big, Kakuzu...dammit..." Stuffing his arm into his coat, he threw a rather large smoke bomb at the ground and immediately the area filled with a dense, thick gray smoke. When it cleared....Hidan and Kakuzu were gone.

    Lowee: Vs Grodus


    Kakashi saw their chance, made a quick sign to Sai and the boy's brush was off. He formed several hand signs and touched his hand to the ground. "Earth Style: Fanged Pursuit Jutsu!"

    Eight ninja hounds (Ninken) burst from the ground below Grodus and latched onto him with sharp canine teeth.
    Genma and Hayate hurried after Ram, Rom and Nepgear. "W-wait!" "Stupid girls, don't leave the Sanctuary!" Out of Sai's scroll, several large birds took flight, swooping inside the Sanctuary and grabbing those unable to move in their talons. Shinobi like Yashamaru and Asuma hopped on top their backs. The inked birds took off out the window and into the sky. Kakashi, Sai and Soushi panted, out of breath and nearly (for Sai anyway) out of chakra. Genma and Hayate groaned. Grabbing Uni and Nepgear up and away from Grodus, Kakashi handed the girls off to Soushi and Sai and set them in the middle as he, Genma and Hayate surrounded them, linking hands. "We need one more! This is never gonna work! Are you sure Asuma knows how to do the marking?" Genma worried. Kakashi lifted a hand to his covered lips and whistled. In a puff of white smoke, a man wearing the same uniform as the rest of the Leaf Shinobi with a long scar running across the bridge of his nose down the left side of his face. He sort of smiled when he saw Genma and Hayate. "Let's not mess this up, okay?" "Raido Namiashi..." Linking their hands the four Shinobi nodded and focused their chakra. Instantly, they vanished as Genma and Raido put to good use their learning of Minato's Flying Thunder God technique.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 18, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Twilight_Nobody13
    History Class​
    Vanitas, Riku, Xion and Gaara hustled to History class. Vanitas plopping himself down in the back and Riku and Gaara near the windows. "Gaara...come sit in front of me." Obliging his friend, he sat ridged in his seat and stared around the class. "I keep forgetting you're used to threatening everyone you meet. Why don't you try saying hello for once." Shooting Riku a nervous look, he swallowed hard and opened his mouth to speak when Vanitas' voice sounded over his. "Wow, what a great day. I got my boy, Gaara in my first class! And also Italy and...well, well...looks like Peppridge Farm is here too!" Xion sat somehow in the middle of the large distance between Riku and Vanitas. "Shhh, please, shouldn't call people names. I'm so sorry." She said to Mario and Luigi.

    Third Years: Government Class
    Larxene, Tobi, Nagato and oddly Neji took their seats spread far away from each other in the class. Minato smiled at them warmly and then at Shisui as he entered the class. Immediatly frowning, the Uchiha groaned his way to his little desk. "I never get a break from the idiots around here.... Really, sensei...Larxene and Tobi in our first class? This year is going to be a nightmare." Laughing at Shisui's despairing expression, MInato went back to drawing an intricate diagram on the board.

    Music Class
    Sai and Repliku glowered at each other as they entered the classroom, taking firm seats on opposite ends of the room. "Stupid Sai...he's the girly one...and yet I'm called a girl by some moron on the first day... I'm gonna beat the crap outta that kid during break." Sai flipped to a new page and sketched their teacher, quietly mumbling. "This isn't going to be a good day."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 18, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Twilight_Nobody13
    Masamune heard Star's song even from the distance he'd put between himself and the arena. Soothing...encouraging...but being relaxed wasn't something he could be right now as he watched Star and then Masaru bolt towards the Warp Gate. "Please...Masamune, we were only ordered to take you out. We've got no personal grudge against you! I...I don't want to die!" Desperate words from a sly tongue pulled him back to himself. "Then you should've thought of that before taking PoH up on his offer. You may not want to die...but I want you to die." Dragging his sword up through the players' body, he glowed faintly and shattered into a thousand pixels. Turning his cold gaze to the other, he advanced upon him. The man scrambled backwards, whimpering, "M-Masamune...we...we're friends, aren't we? We spent a lot of time together during those first few raids. Y'know...I...I always admired you more than PoH. I always thought you were the better leader. You're're kinder." His panic only made the situation seem like it was Masamune's fault...and that pissed him off. "You talk like you had no choice. But you agreed to take this job because PoH was ticked that I'd gone green...and I'm still green. Killing a Red Player is considered self-defense. PoH knows that as well... He also knows quite well that since we were trapped in this game...all of our bodies have been moved to hospitals. I'm willing to bet armed police officers are hanging about my room just waiting for when you and I wake up..." He smiled cruelly, "I've got an idea. How never wake up again." Shattering his body into pixels left him feeling cold and tired. A video message bubble popped up and he clicked it unconsciously. Ima's face appeared before him, her heartless smile filling him with rage. "Still alive? Sad. You must be feeling lonely being green, Masamune. Why don't you head on out...and find yourself a dungeon filled with Players, hm? I'm sure...the places around you aren't too much trouble. I mean with all the monsters and then the fight the Players will put up...not to mention they'll be in groups..." "Shut up... I've watched your back for as long as I can remember. You've got no right talkin' to me like that." She wasn't grateful and she never would be, but she wasn't important at all. Shutting his eyes, he breathed deeply and heard a pleased hum from Ima and the scuffle of feet behind him. The rest was a series of painful knockback strike after strike until the notification of his location changed from the name of the town to the the field around it. "What?" Sure he hadn't been far from the edge...but... His eyes caught on green and hate filled eyes. "Die!" Just his luck too... A sharp and probably new dagger stabbed into his leg, inflicting poison and paralysis status. No...two in one? A special item? A Player...but why...? Since moving was out of the question, he listened to the crazed laughs of the newly turned Red Player. "Now I'll be number one and you'll be dead. PoH won't mind one bit either. He'll make me co-Guild Leader and everything." Stupid...stupid boy. "He won't give up an ounce of power to a newbie like scram before I actually do die. I don't want to see you as my final image." Hearing feet scutter away, he figured the boy'd taken his order and now...he watched his health bar dip into orange and a darker orange. The color contrasted to the blue sky. So this is how the infamous Masamune goes...and how the also infamous Ryu Miketsukami dies.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 18, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Twilight_Nobody13
    Everything Scott had said fled from her memory. Her heart slammed into her rib cage. Her mind repeated what'd she'd always told herself. 'Don't touch' Touch turned into death and she didn't want to lose her family. And yet her body moved on it's own. What should've ended kept going. Twining her fingers through his hair and taking a step closer, Luce bit down on his bottom lip with enough force to draw blood. Licking the salty liquid from the small wound, she purred, feeling much better than her panicked state before. Humans were always so warm and giving. They were also breakable under her inhuman strength. But Scott wasn't breakable. If anything, he was stronger than she was. A haze settled over her thoughts, drowning out the screams of a trapped and frightened teenager, and she pushed for more.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Twilight_Nobody13
    Nintendo High Hallway: Fight, fight, fight, fight....shut up!​
    Vanitas grabbed Tobi and shoved him in front of the fireballs, scorching the masked teen to a nice crisp. "Whooooo...that was hot!" Tossing him aside, Vanitas ignored the Vice Principal and grabbed Mario's throat, his golden eyes flashing dangerously. "You're on real thin ice there, Italy. Callin' us names....not cool at all. We'll have to teach you a bit of respect, or I'll have Larxene here zap you until your fat covered heart stops." Larxene smiled and cracked her knuckles. "Until it stops." she said slowly. Xion scrambled up beside them, pushing on Vanitas' shoulder. "Vanitas, no...the Vice Principal is here..." Repliku, however, was much more interested in what was said before. Jabbing a pointed finger at Mario's chubby belly, "Who the hell's a girl?! What about Sai, you ain't got nothin' for that girly man?!" Sai shook his head slowly, choosing to stay out of the pointless argument. Instead...he pulled his sketch pad out of his bag and quickly drew the entire situation.

    Following the growing crowd, Riku, Nagato, Gaara and Neji pushed through the mass of people. Spotting Vanitas and his gang, Gaara grit his teeth. "It's Vanitas..." Nagato chewed on his lower lip as Riku shuffled through a mass of girls and grabbed Vanitas' wrist. "Hey, why don't we just cool the VP said....there's no fighting in school." Meeting his bloodthirsty golden eyes, Riku returned the glare he received, "You're of Sora's cousins...and the guy that made Gaara's life a nightmare in middle school." A brief look of surprise crossed his features and he turned his gaze to find Gaara. "So this is where you chose to run off and hide. are cute, but hanging out with these pretty boys..." Vanitas' unspoken secrets about Gaara infuriated him. Lurching forwards, Gaara got in one solid punch before Neji grabbed the short fiery red-head before he could tackle the psychopathic gang leader. "'s not worth it man, not worth it." "No, lemme go! I'll rip his face off! I'll tear out his tongue so he can never speak again! Get off me, Neji!" "If you think I'm gonna let go, you're in for a real big shock my friend." Vanitas wiped a small trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth and laughed, "That's my boy! C'mon, hit me again." Nagato, being their senior, slapped Gaara hard and turned to glare at Larxene and Tobi, his own classmates. "I suggest you two get to class before something worse happens.'ve worked hard to free yourself from him, don't lose your cool now." Over half the girls present (NPC girls) screamed and wobbled in their shoes. "NAGATO-SEMPAI!" Heat flooded his cheeks. Gaara slumped in Neji's arms, his cheek blooming a bright red hand print. Releasing Mario, Vanitas motioned for his members to follow him. Vanitas glanced back over his shoulder and smiled at Gaara's glaring turquoise eyes. "I'll be seein' you, Gaara. Seein' you real soon." "Bu-bye!" "Later, losers!" "I'll see you in class, Nagato~!" "Let's go, Xion..." She followed obediently, casting a forlorn look back at Riku.

    Crowds parted further down for a familiar blonde haired teacher and ruffled black haired TA. "Wh-what's going on?" "Looks like....some sort of fi- Uh, I mean...a disagreement, Professor. Y-you should get going to class to get things ready. I'll deal with what's happening here." Minato smiled at his TA and slipped through the crowd to his classroom. Shisui Uchiha, Minato's TA, appeared just as suddenly as he usually did right beside Bowser. Setting a hand on the large brute's head, he smiled in a friendly yet menacing way. "So...who wants to start talking first? Oh...Mr. Vice needn't trouble yourself with these flunkies. I'll handle them."

    Nintendo High: Cafeteria

    Zetsu smiled after Applejack left. Since he didn't want to frighten someone who actually bothered to learn his name and say good morning away, he didn't say much to her. Taking the apples, he busied himself with adding apple pie to the menu, which delighted Xigbar. "Nice...remember the sugar, Zetsu! I'll see you at lunch time!" He didn't bother to wave goodbye to him. Zetsu commenced his massacar of the food.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Twilight_Nobody13
    Masamune rolled his shoulders as the pair from the stands moved to stand on either side of him. "I take two aren't here to ask if I'm alright." Taking their silence as a yes, he lowered his head, "So...should I arm myself, or was your intention I'd be all sappy from losing a tournament?" "We know you're not the type. Let's just get this over with. Masamune Miketsukami, co-founder and co-leader of the Laughing Coffin!" Masamune flinched at the usage of his last name. "That name isn't apart of my username." "Doesn't matter." "You've allowed yourself to turn green...this is a clear violation of PoH's rules. As a guild leader, you of all people know how important the rules are." Sighing, he tapped a few things in his menu and a duel request popped up in front of the pair. "We're inside town so...if you guys want to eliminate're going to have to click that nice little blue button there..." Slipping back into his role as both PKs clicked accept. As soon as their fingers dropped down on the little button, Masamune's sword slashed across one of their bodies and impaled the other against the wall. "Any more questions? Concerns?" The one impaled shook his head, feebly grabbing at his sword, " health bar..." Pushing more on the blade, he made a face as if to say 'what can you do'. "Death isn't so it? Especially for someone like you. In will be an improvement. ...Goodbye."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home