Mathematical Sciences: Shikamaru sighed and yawned in the same breath as he tapped the side of the desk. "It does...actually." On the side of the desk, scratched into the metal surface were the words 'Shikamaru Naruto claims this desk! Dattebayo!' Shikamaru's expression didn't change much but he patted Yoshi's head as he lifted the top and dug through the contents of the desk before pulling out a thick notebook. "All I needed was this. Man...what a drag...who even said I wanted to take the college courses after school? Nothing more than a lot of work that I don't wanna do." Grumbling, Shikamaru let the notebook fall open, a page covered with highly complex math problems fell from the binding and onto the floor. The Nara didn't seem to notice as he went about flipping through the pages. He paused and looked down at Yoshi, "You said you were a club leader? What club would--" "AH-HA! Found you, Shikamaru!" Standing in the doorway was a blond boy with a wide grin on his face, wearing orange. He was pointing rather rudely at Shikamaru. "Idiot...I wasn't hiding." The boy marched over to Shikamaru, standing in his personal space, "Don't play dumb. When Sakura-chan came to wake me you were already long gone!" comical tears streamed from the boy's blue eyes, "Why didn't you wake me up?! Sakura-chan beat me half to death and made me run to school. It's not funny, Shikamaru!" Shikamaru didn't bother hiding his smirk. "Why would I wake you up? You live with your dad right? I just came by cause my old man wasn't gonna make me anything for breakfast and my old lady had already gone to the store.'re so troublesome." Shikamaru covered his yawn with his hand and pushed past his friend, "See ya." Left standing in his class, the blond sat beside Yoshi, his entire aura radiating depression. Music Class: Utau sat a few rows behind the current students and looked over her music sheets she'd brought with her. "There's no need. I don't need to learn how to play an instrument...I just needed a credit and thought Ikuto would be in this class..." Sai frowned at the odd words echoing in his head. Rubbing his temple, he whispered to himself, "Prison?" He glanced over at the others, but only Repliku looked as disturbed as he did... The others....couldn't hear it. Meeting Repliku's gaze, the two silently encouraged the other not to freak out. History Class: Vanitas, geting the majority of the message, merely took the words into consideration and stored them in the back of his mind as the class continued. Government Class: Larxene growled at Temari as she sat and glowered at poor Minato and nudged Tobi. "Did you hear that?" Tobi flapped his hand in the air to answer a question and turned his head to look at Larxene, "Hear what?" Keeping the valuable information to herself, Larxene wrote down what she'd heard on her palm and ignored Tobi's persistent questions.
When you're in love, you waste no time starting a family of your own.
Even after re-entering the 42nd floor, Shiina began her training. "Let's go! Mina, Kuro! Initiate Tactic Seven!" Another player had willingly agreed to fight her in a training match held inside the town in a quiet area. Shiina's wolves crossed their paths and butted their heads against his thighs giving her an opening. Sprinting in, he moved to block his front and she swerved around to his back, sliding on one foot as her other came up in a kick to his back. "Pretty good." He smiled as he ducked under her kick. "Ah!" Her leg flew over his head and a hand reached up and grabbed the front of her armor, yanking her upper body down awkwardly before his knee collided with her stomach. Coughing, Shiina's eyes went wide as he dropped her to the ground carefully. "But you're still not fighting as if you were to kill me. Is something...bothering you, Shiina?" Unwilling to admit her recent failure in taking down Masamune, Shiina shut her eyes on her new friend. "No... But...I refuse to fight someone with the intent to kill. I....I will fight to protect those important to me, or I'll die trying!" She pushed herself up, glaring at the concern shown in his blue eyes.
Sure, by all means. I'll get a post up and a new character to give you an opening-ish...[DOUBLEPOST=1359337978][/DOUBLEPOST]Username: Twilight_Nobody13 Known Name: Kiiroi Senko/Yellow Flash (Minato Yondaime) Age: 22 Appearance: blonde hair, blue eyes, 170.2 cm, average build Personality: warm and kind hearted, Minato offers to help anyone he sees in need. His warm personality is reserved only for those he meets outside of battle. He holds a great respect for those that also fight on the front lines. Bio: Sharing a love of video games like his son in the real world, Minato borrowed his son's copy of Sword Art Online and instead of a young boy, he was trapped in the game. Minato calls it an act of fate that he was trapped instead of his son. Having left the front lines after many years of helping them, he now trains those who want to grow stronger and traveling around SAO's many levels to regain his faith that they'd escape one day. Job: Ninja Guild: N/A Weapon: kunai Special Skill: N/A (when I think of one I'll add it) Other: As with Minato's job, his speed and evasion skills are slightly higher than his strength and defense.
Shiina's training...and I have no idea where Masamune went. He's...murdering people.
Lowee Campground: Asuma relaxed when Nepgear knew who they were. Tucking away his chakra blades, he pulled out a fresh cigarette. "Alright then...if you say you know who they are... Just keep away from Minato-sensei and probably far away from Kakashi." Asuma took a long drag on his cigarette before moving away from the odd gathering to patrol further away for the moment. Kakashi and Hayate lowly argued over the quality of the 'soldiers' there and what was expected of them. Yashamaru smiled as Casshern spoke and reached out after him, "W-wait! Devour your body? I...don't know what you mean by that, but I assure you none of us want to eat you." Yashamaru grabbed Casshern's arm, his blue eyes frantic to keep their ally close. "You'll freeze if you go out there now. Wh-why not wait until we're somewhere warmer to leave." Minato patted Ram and Rom's hands, "I don't think he's a zombie....or has a 'cheat', whatever that is. Though I'd be the last person to ask how he healed like that." Sai followed Noire and Vert over to Neptune. "Zombies? must mean Hidan and Kakuzu of the Akatsuki. The people that were after Naruto. They have Miss Blanc?" Worry ate at Sai until Genma patted his shoulder. "Don't fret. I'm sure our short tempered little friend will be able to handle herself. But...this has become a much larger issue than just a case of a few missing disks." Raido knelt beside Neptune, touching a hand to her forehead. "I'm going to need to know what those two said when you fought them. Did any key words like 'pay', 'bounty', or 'don't kill' come up? Did they say who they were working for? Where they were taking her? Maybe a meeting place? A drop point?" Raido Namiashi, one of Minato's personal guard and a long standing member of the Hokage's guard. He wasn't going to miss a single detail if he could wring it from Neptune's brain. Yashamaru nervously looked back and forth between his duty as a medical ninja to tend to Neptune's wounds and his concern as an ANBU about losing someone who held his own against a foe they knew nothing about.
Name: Naruto Uzumaki Description: Hyperactive, knuckleheaded, not the brightest but the most determined student to enter the acadamy so far. Naruto trails around almost always after Sasuke, getting into fights with Sasuke or fighting beside him. Occupation: Student Series character is from: Naruto Shippuden Other: (I'm going to go with the very current version of Naruto) Name: Rock Lee Description: Hard-headed, stubborn and a try hard student with a rock solid determination to be the best...or at least to win in a fight against Neji Hyuga. Occupation: Student Series character is from: Naruto Shippuden Other: (Obsessed with his sensei; fighting Gaara and fighting Neji.) Name: Sakura Haruno Description: A determined and intelligent girl who's also studying to become a doctor in her spare time. Childhood friends with Naruto and Sasuke, Sakura still harbors a love for Sasuke. Occupation: Student/med-student Series character is from: Naruto Shippuden Other: Name: Kratos Aurion Description: Indifferent and rather emotionless until it comes to his son and deceased wife. Occupation: Theory of Combat Series character is from: Tales of Symphonia Other: (I think he would've done a fine job of raising Lloyd on his own)
Name: Itachi Uchiha Description: Working a part time job to support his little brother, Itachi holds a long standing friendship with Shisui and even Kisame. Occupation: Third Year Student Series character is from: Naruto Shippuden Other: Itachi works for the local police station along with Shisui after school. Name: Sasuke Uchiha Description: Often described as emo, Sasuke rather holds a dark, brooding and yet mildly amused state of mind. He has a love-hate relationship with his older brother. Although reluctant, he admits Naruto is his best friend. Occupation: Student Series character is from: Naruto Shippuden Other: (I think he's jealous of Sai...but that's just what I think) Name: Orochimaru Description: Obsessed with power, snakes and (Sasuke) the Uchiha kekkei genkai. Occupation: Ninjutsu Professor Series character is from: Naruto Shippuden Other: (I like how he says runs shivers down my spine. Whisper it to yourself, hissing the 's'. Ssssssasssssuke. lol) Name: Sephiroth Description: Sephiroth has a cold disposition and a dry sense of humor. Details in his file are blacked out. Occupation: Astronomy Professor Series character is from: Final Fantasy VII/Crisis Core/Advent Children/Dissidia/Dissidia 012 Other: (serious mother complex.)
*le gasp* Really?! That would just make my day! Thanks a lot!
Lowee Cave: Kakuzu knew better than to disregard Madara's appearance here. Glancing over at his partner, he found Hidan snoring annoyingly beside his bounty. "Madara Uchiha... You were reanimated with the rest of us. And you're here in this world too... With Hidan around, I'm guessing this isn't the Edo Tensei again. The people here...aren't the ones in the bingo book. I'm going to have a hard time making money here." He pulled out a makeshift book and flipped through it, showing all the faces, information and stats about the CPU Goddess'. "I don't know what you're doing here...and it won't do me much good to start asking questions." Gokai Galleon: Cheesy Popcorn...? Zetsu sighed. "I don't think they're interested," White Zetsu complained. "You'd better pray they're interested," his other half growled at him. Tobi scratched his head and dug around in his pockets of his coat. "Hey, Mr. Zetsu, do you want some Cheesy Popcorn? It's suuuuuper good!" Zetsu's yellow eyes flicked to Tobi's comically smiling masked face and down to the bag in his hands. "How did you get that? They don't even make that here. You've been stealing and hording food from Ame haven't you." Covering the bag with his arm, he pouted, "No way! That's not fair, Mr. Zetsu! I haven't stolen anything." "Can we focus! Aw, don't be like that. Tobi's a good boy."
True, but the real thing is so much more epic.
Is it you I always need to ask about the Akatsuki members in the Cove? Do you have Sasori as a reserve?
History Class: Vanitas smirked defiantly as Lordgenome exploded. He slumped back into his seat and Xion did the same. Gaara's urge to flee from the classroom spiked when he saw the waving hand of a familiar blond at the door. Before she was spotted, she bolted down the hall and Gaara, again, felt alone in the school. With his mother dead, his father a major jerk and uncle currently housing him; spending time with his family took a backseat to school. Music Class: Sai frowned at Yen Sid, "Is it really wrong to ask that? Perhaps I've overstepped my bounds..." He pulled out a book from his bag boldly titled "How to Make Friends" and flipped through it, "The book says I should ask and display concern over injuries on others to show a caring intuition." Repliku shook his head at Sai's obvious lack of people skills when the door slid open and a rather stylish girl with twin long, blond ponytails wearing the uniform well with a number of music sheets under her arm. "Excuse me. My manager told me this is the class I have at this time." Her blue eyes flicked around at the students and her face fell. "Oh...Ikuto isn't in this class..." Repliku's jaw dropped, "Y-You're...Hoshina Utau!" "Who?" "Idiot! She's a Star! Don't you remember the CD Xion lent us? Hoshina Utau is the lead singer. She' our school?! This day just got a lot better." Utau's blue eyes narrowed as Repliku recognized her as the idol she was, "Pardon me for being late. I had a recording to do early this morning." Government Class: Even after class had been started for quite a while, students still piled into Minato's class. Nagato smiled as Konan and Yahiko burst in breathless from running. "I'm SO not late! Right, sensei!?" Minato smiled at them, "You're actually fifteen minutes late." Yahiko's head dropped as a brief depression settled over him. Directing him to his seat beside Nagato, Konan bowed, "My apologies. Yahiko wouldn't wake up. I had to get Temari to help me wake him." Patting Yahiko's head and waving to Nagato, Konan left the class to head down to the art room. Nagato's eyes moved back to the door, finding Temari's familiar grin. The giant fan she carried everywhere was latched onto her back. "I also couldn't resist seeing my little brother in his classroom." Tobi and Larxene giggled, "He's cute when he's focused." "Cute like a little button that someone smeared jelly on." Larxene's odd comparison irked Temari. "Nobody wants to hear your stupid thoughts, Larxene! Gaara is waaaaay cuter than you are! And he's a boy!" Frowning, Minato looked to Shisui and shrugged. Mathematical Sciences: Latest Student Ever Shikamaru sluggishly dragged himself into the school, up stairs and to the door of his first class....and one of his only classes. Sliding the door open and closed behind him, he yawned as he came to the desk Yoshi was standing on. "You're standing on my desk."
Lowee: Campground Kakashi shot a stern look towards Nepgear. The elder shinobi not liking the young CPU canidate putting in an idea that would take more time than necessary to deal with a foe. "We don't have time to go looking for a bunch of missing girls. You said your sister was the 'party leader' before. I'm sure she'll be able survive without us for a while...and didn't you say Blanc was a Goddess like Vert and Noire? If you girls are as strong as you claim to be, each of you should be fine on your own." Hayate opened his mouth to say something when a fit of coughs forced him to remain quiet for a while. "I'm not your mommy. I'm not going to go out of my way just to make sure none of you get a little scraped up! I have to protect Sensei!" Hayate clapped his hands over Nepgear's ears, "That's enough, Kakashi. We don't need to be so harsh on them. They're not shinobi." Minato listened quietly to Rom and then Ram's words. Since he hadn't met what Rom called X-Nauts, he didn't know what their level of difficulty was. Refusing to put more strain on himself by thinking about things he didn't know, he smiled up at the shy White Sister. "You two can simply call me Minato, if you'd like. Kakashi calls me sensei because I taught him and two others when they were young. The rest of the shinobi here refer to me as Fourth Hokage, as it was my title when I was alive." Saying that felt weird. He was alive currently....but he wasn't back in their world. "A-Anyway...if I'm not were referring to the Flying Thunder God technique that Genma and Hayate performed...correct? takes at least three shinobi to perform that. Who else...?" "Someone named Raido Namiashi came at the perfect time." Yashamaru appeared behind them, smiling kindly, and patted Casshern's shoulder, "Are you alright, Casshern? I wasn't quite sure how much to do to tend to your wound and how much you would do yourself." Moving around Casshern, he knelt beside Ram and Rom and placed a hand on Minato's bandaged ribs. "Minato-sama will be up and about in about three days. Perhaps less if he'd get some rest. You worry me about as much as Gaara-sama does." Minato chuckled and Yashamaru turned to the young sisters, "Casshern's body is very special. What would kill us...isn't so bad for him. I removed the traces of ice from inside him and warmed his inner systems with chakra, but his body...seems to repair itself. Oh...Minato-sama, is there a way to calm Kakashi-san down? He's rather...anxious." Leaning closer to the young Hokage, he spoke quietly, "Did something happen to make him so protective of you and his comrades?" Minato's expression fell as memories flooded to the front of his mind. Lowee Cave: Kakuzu rested his back against the cave wall and looked to Hidan. "Put your coat over her. It doesn't matter if your body freezes a little. I'm not going to waste chakra keeping my jutsu active." He waited for the normal protesting stream of curses to be hurled at him...but they never came. Instead, Hidan obliged silently and draped his coat over the small CPU Goddess. "I'm gonna get cold...."
Shiina opened the Warp Gate menu, selecting a lower level and stepped through. The second she took a step forwards though, she ran into someone. "Ouch! Oh...I-I'm sorry!" She rubbed her nose and looked up at the boy debating on apparently where he'd warp to. Mina and Kuro barked at her sides, regaining her attention. "I want this, don't you?" Selecting and holding out a dog treat, Shiina fed half to each wolf and let them lick her hands.
Lowee: Campground Asuma ignored the others' odd behaviors and the fact that they didn't know what Genjutsu was. Pulling his trench knives out just in case. Once the blue figure was close enough, he called out, "Hey! You there! Identify yourself before you come any closer!" Minato smiled when Rom came over to sit with him. He tried hard to lift his arm enough to wave back, failing in the end. "You're Rom...right? Will you fill me in on who it is exactly that everyone fought that's causing them so much trouble? For someone like Kakashi to have difficulties with...he must be a pretty well rounded person..." Minato tried to catch fragments of what the others were saying, but he was just too tired currently. Genma and Hayate along with Kakashi began to put together a firm strategy...including themselves in the battle this time, along with Raido. "We can help, why do you insist on leaving us out. You said, last time you could've used a lot more shinobi. Well we're your shinobi you needed. Don't leave us out this time and make the same mistake." Kakashi sighed inwardly and nodded with Genma, "Maybe you have a point...but this isn't another shinobi we're dealing with. This guy doesn't use or run out of chakra. We're going to have to be conservative with ours. I refuse to put Sensei in until he's recovered." Lowee Cave: Jashin and Yugakure Hidan stared at the fire, hatred burning in his eyes instead of just the fire. "I came from Yugakure, the Village Hidden in Hot Springs. Our Shinobi were taught and trained to kill. We were the best! And then...they decided to become a tourist was despicable and totally against the Way of Jashin. Our shinobi were meant to kill....and once I slaughtered a good majority of them....I, myself, chose to follow Jashin. I worship him because it's right! And if you don't follow are a sinner." Kakuzu listened quietly for a while before Hidan could go off on a tangent about how everyone was a sinner, he shifted in his spot, "Hidan's time-consuming religion teaches outright slaughter, where anything less than utter destruction is considered a sin. Why anyone would ever consider joining such a cult of a religion just goes to show how ignorant they are." Hidan scowled at him, "Shut up, Kakuzu! If I want your help, I'll ask for it!" he grinned for a moment, "I joined it because what it means to be a shinobi. Jashin is the way of the shinobi and I am a shinobi."
Lowee Cave: Kakuzu turned green eyes towards the CPU Goddess and huffed, "Even if your energy returns, your power is not enough to take me. Maybe Hidan...but your childish temper will be your downfall in a battle against me." Hidan rubbed his head, "That's cute...she wants me to convert. How about..." he leaned closer to Blanc, invading her personal space, "You never mention it again and I'll give you the best feeling in the world." He reached for her and Kakuzu's arm broke free of the stitches keeping it connected to his body and grabbed Hidan's hand, "As part of our deal, we don't harm the Goddess' and I get my bounty...and you keep your life." Grumbling, Hidan jerked free of Kakuzu's iron grip and rested his arms on top of his knees as he sat beside Blanc. "Not that again, Kakuzu... So...little miss Goddess...what the hell kinda stuff do you even do that makes you a Goddess?" Before Blanc could answer, Kakuzu interjected, "She governs the landmass Lowee and keeps it's natural balance. As the CPU Goddess White Heart, she cares for the people on this landmass and deals with unnecessary visitors." Kakuzu continued to list off everything Blanc did as her job as the CPU of Lowee. Lowee: Campgrounds Yashamaru smiled and after probing Sai moved on to Vert. Yashamaru's hands glowed with a gentle green chakra, restoring and mending pieces of small internal parts and a few layers of skin affected by frost bite. Moving to Noire he did the same. Restoring her stamina and any small cuts on her body. "All done. Oh...Sai, I've found a few herbs to use so here." he handed a small food pill to Sai, who quickly downed the item. "The things I've found here don't resemble the herbs we have at home much...but I've tested their components and it will give you a boost for a while." Asuma sighed, blowing smoke out away from the group, "Even if we manage to get behind him...the chances of retrieving the disk without damaging it are pretty slim...right Kakashi? Kakashi...?" Kakashi stared down at the rough sketch in the snow. "If...we could remove it...we'd have to find a way to restrain him long enough for one of you girls to remove the disk. I don't believe any of us shinobi know the proper way to eject such a thing without breaking it." Hayate stifled a cough and edged forwards, "If we could get Sai to bind him with his jutsu, I will use my kinjutsu to create an opening in that metal head of his for...Nepgear was it? to remove the disk. I can miss the disk enough to not damage it. Is...this plan acceptable?" Genma grinned, patting Hayate on his back. "That's our Hayate! Always with the plans! I think that one would work." "Yes, it does sound like it would work. In theory of course." Spinning around, everyone met Minato's ocean blue, smiling gaze with surprise. "Whoa...up and at 'em already?" Minato rubbed his hand over the bandages around his mid-section and smiled painfully, "Yes. It seems you all need my assistance with something important." He glanced over to his right and saw Teridax already up, "I'm glad you're alright. I had feared using the Flying Thunder God technique with someone not from my own world would hurt them or worse." Kakashi's shoulders slumped with relief. "I'm glad you're alright, Sensei. We could, in fact, use you in our strategy. That is...if you're up for it." Instantly Yashamaru was at Minato's side and pushing him to lay back down. "Minato-sama, please lie back down! You shouldn't be up and about yet. It's bad enough that it's cold here...I don't want you to catch cold and become worse. A sneeze with your internal wounds could lead to internal bleeding!" Minato laughed, laying back down and waving for any of the CPU's, canidate or not, to come over to his bedside. Meanwhile, Asuma had gotten up and moved over to KOS-MOS's side along with Soushi. "Be ready. It could be a genjutsu."
Name: Konan Description: A shinobi with a unique paper jutsu. Her blue hair and keen orange eyes are a dead giveaway of her identity. Konan has an interesting love affair with Yahiko. Occupation: Third Year Student Other: (It's depressing that she likes Yahiko) Name: Yahiko Description: Wild, loud and determined. Yahiko is best friends with Nagato and harbors romantic feelings for Konan despite knowing about Nagato's crush. Occupation: Third Year Student Other: (I'm Frankenstein and he's my Creature...) Name: Temari Description: The serious and sometimes calm eldest in the Sabaku family. She ties her hair into four separate ponytails and carries around a giant fan along with several normal sized fans. Temari is fiercely protective of her younger brothers, especially Gaara. (as currently Kankuro doesn't go to this school) Occupation: Third Year Student Other: (Her VA is the wife of Sasuke's VA...which I find hilarious for several reasons)
Yikes...sorry, I'd forgotten what age I'd put. But that's easily fixed with the fact that he likes to lie. But with the time spent in SAO currently he'd probably be like 21.
Undisclosed Location: A bump in Hidan's Paradise! That foul was so much like Hidan's that just making the comparison was making him irritated. Lifting her up by her wrists in one hand, he glared at her and turned towards the hysterically laughing Hidan, "It's your turn to carry her. Perhaps you can get her to shut up." Cautiously taking Blanc, Hidan held her out away from his body by her shoulders. "Why do I have to carry her? She's...small...and I still wanna slaughter something." Kakuzu paused as a cold wind whipped up and it started to snow, creating a complete white out. "We'll take a break in this cave...wait until the storm dies down." "What?! We can make that! This sh!t is so bull Kakuzu! You're scared of a little snow?!" Grabbing the back of Hidan's coat and dragging him into the cave, Kakuzu ignored his goad, "We'd get lost in that storm and then my bounty would freeze and I'd have to kill you." Laughing, Hidan set Blanc on his hip like he was holding a small child. "Alright, alright...but I'm gettin' seriously tired of walking. Hey, little girl, you think more of your friends are around so we can get a few more chances to actually have some fun?" Dropping his coat down over one shoulder, one of Kakuzu's masks curved up over his shoulder and lit a fire. "Put the Goddess by the fire. We'll have to keep her body temperature up or she'll get hypothermia. Hidan..." Completely ignoring Kakuzu, Hidan prodded and pulled at parts on Blanc. Pulling on her hair, his purple eyes narrowed, "You're awfully calm about being nearly killed and about to be sold." "Hidan..." "I mean, look at you. You're tiny! You're like a little b*tch!" "Hidan!" "Hey, how about you renounce whatever crap you follow and pray for a quick and painful death from Lord Jashin." "HIDAN!" Dropping her by the fire, he sat beside her, "Yeah...I got it, Kakuzu, jeez. Stupid b@stard... Y'know if you're so concerned about your precious bounty then why don't you take care of her!" Kakuzu sat close to the fire, unwilling to let his body freeze up. "Just shut up." Lowee: Campground Kakashi listened intently on what Nepgear said about their enemy. "I we just have to come up with a method to get him to lower his guard enough for someone to damage the disk in his head. If only we had Sensei up..." glancing over to Minato's unmoving sleeping form, he frowned under his mask and breathed hot air onto his hands. "Did anyone see a way we could initiate any sort of strategy?" Soushi smiled as he hovered over Kakashi, "You could take advantage of his arrogance. Our opponent seemed to have a high outlook on himself and believed his power to be the highest form of power. Minato-sama could be very valuable in a strategy to gain his attention and keep him occupied while Hayate-sama took advantage of his turned back." Impressed, the Shinobi stared at the reincarnated demon for a while. Sai listened to the girls talk about a crepe shop? "Is that wise? To leave the others... What if Miss Neptune and Miss Blanc came back while you girls were gone?" Sai struggled to find a way to communicate without insulting the girls. This is harder than I thought... he thought to himself. "Sai...ladies... Are any of you injured? I'd heard, Miss Vert, that you were in quite a few battles recently and passed out. Are you sure you're alright? If I may...might I check? I'm a medical ninja. I won't do anything strange." He smiled gently, even as he probed Sai for injuries.