How about Dr. Marco? The Crystal Alchemist?
Haha, like a message from Masamune needing her help saving his own hide. I'd call it more like an excuse to see her.
Hey, since I'm way too depressed to actually check. I figured Edward Elric was already taken, but is Al? I'd forgotten I read the manga back in high school and I've only now gotten around to watching the anime.
Reserving: Edward Elric and Al "Alphonse" Elric
Lowee: Campground: Reunion Spoiler Reverting to normal, Vert smiled at Pururut. "Hello dearest. It's so good to see you again...but friends sure are acting strange." She took a long look at her alternate universe self and shrugged, "I could believe she and I come from different universes. Oh, we should--" "We're not here to talk friendly, Vert!" Temari shoved Shisui away from her and scowled at Vert. The CPU Goddess' smile fell and her blue eyes watered, "Oh...I...I'm sorry, Temari. I didn't..." She started to cry. The sound sending a young black haired boy running to her side. "Don't make her cry, Temari! Vert is very, right, Vert?" Kakashi's onyx eye followed the boy and suddenly filled with tears as he lifted his hand to his covered eye. "'re..." "Obito?" Minato beat Kakashi to the punch and the young boy's head flipped towards the blonde Hokage. "Sensei!" his eyes shifted to the silver haired Copy Ninja closer to him, "Kakashi...?" Kakashi's world narrowed. First Rin, then Sensei and now...Obito. Shisui noticed the young Uchiha's distraction and moved to answer Aoi's question. "Not all of us are Mr. Hatake's friends. Actually...the others are the ones who know him. I don't know anyone here." Sakura hopped out of the hole and patted Shisui's shoulder, "Don't worry, Shisui. I'm sure you'll meet up with someone you knew." A sorrowful look settled on Shisui's features, "No, that's not possible. Everyone I know is dead. Well...there is Itachi...but I doubt he'd still be alive either... After what happened, I'm sure he's made a choice that has not put him in the best light with the Hidden Leaf Village." Sakura's gloved hands clenched into tight fists, " indeed dead. Anyway...Sensei...huh?" Turning, Sakura found Kakashi hugging the young Uchiha. "Obito...I'm so sorry. I wasn't able to protect Rin...neither here nor in our own world." Obito frowned, "What do you mean, Kakashi? I never asked you to protect Rin." Kakashi pulled back staring at Obito, "You don' mean..." "I don't think he's from the same time you're remembering Kakashi. From what you told me...he must be from a moment before he was crushed." Minato, supported by Yashamaru, smiled and hugged Obito as he ran to his Sensei. Genma, Hayate and Raido greeted Neji and the Fifth Mizukage. "I'm glad we could find another group of shinobi but...this certainly is an odd group. What are you all doing here?" "We had a better spot...someplace with a heater and insulation...but we were attacked." Genma started, "This person had powers that rivaled those of the shinobi here. And now...with our limitations,"
I think it was Gaara, Shikamaru, Guy, Naruto and Lee. The "other things" aren't exactly shinobi.
I was going to say. And I don't know what to do with Gaara and Naruto's group. All I know is that life is kinda lonely without the young Kazekage gracing my posts...
Lowee Campground: A Helpful Surprise! Spoiler Raido's eyes...hell, all the shinobi's eyes slid to Aoi, but the information Neptune gave was enough. He stood, folding his arms in front of him, "It's them. The Akatsuki is here." Yashamaru turned his head away from Minato, "Akatsuki? Are those the people who kidnapped Gaara-sama?" Kakashi nodded, reaching out and setting a hand on Hayate's shoulder, "Neither you nor Hayate were alive to experience Pain's destruction of our village and the kidnapping of Gaara. I've fought the two members Neptune has just described. Kakuzu and Hidan....they're essentially immortal. They're both dangerous characters...but they can be beat." Kakashi went on to describe Hidan's ritual jutsu and Kakuzu's four other hearts. "In all...let us, shinobi, take care of Kakuzu. As for everything in your power to avoid being cut. Even a drop of blood is enough for him to kill you. Since we don't have Shikamaru or Naruto with us, we'll have to make do with who we have." With Yashamaru distracted, Minato pushed himself up into a sitting position, "Kakashi..." "Minato-sama, please lie back down! You're still injured and your body hasn't recovered enough of it's natural chakra for you to be moving around!" Smiling through the sweat and obvious struggle to stay upright, Minato forced out the words, "Duck..." "Wind Scythe Jutsu!" "Eight Trigrams: Air Palm!" "Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!""Corrosion Style: Lava Monster Jutsu!" "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" "Cherry Blossom Clash!" From all around the campsite came a barrage of ninjutsu. Yashamaru tackled, laying flat against Minato and each of the Shinobi tackled one of the Goddess' or their new companions into the snow. Wind Style and Fire Style colliding to enhance the flames. A wave of solid lava landing on top of the flames and finally as the lava began to harden due to the intense cold, the forced air pushed the mass of fire a ways over their heads and someone dressed in pink smashed their fist onto the hardened lava, forcing the entire combo down towards the ground a little ways away from the group. Close enough that they could feel the heat of the flames and the heated wind from the impact. Lifting their heads, they stared out towards the impact site. "Sakura?" Standing in the center of the hole was the pink haired kunoichi. From the trees surrounding the party emerged several shinobi. One carrying a large fan, rushing towards them. "Gaara! Where is he!? What have you done with him!?" Before her feet could reach the edge of their campground, a man with unkempt, black hair seemingly appeared in front of her like magic. "Temari, calm down. He's obviously not here. Obito, have a look around. Is the young Kazekage here?" At the sound of the name, Kakashi's body tensed and froze up. "I..I don't see him. What does he look like again?" "The Kazekage is a young man of about seventeen with dark red hair and tanuki eyes." The man with long brown hair and pale white eyes responded coolly as Asuma and Soushi returned from patrol, "Neji!" The woman wearing blue with long brown hair smiled at them all, "Greetings." "Oh...did our plan not go as planned? Oh! Well these aren't enemies." Spoiler
So...what's happened to the non-Pokemon side of the Haven City conquest and Naruto and Gaara's group? Are they just gonna be non-existent now?
Reserving Martel (Tales Series) as my 6th She's technically the same in all the games. Character Name: Martel Game from: Tales of Phantasia/ Tales of Symphonia/ Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of a New World Appearance: Series/Martel.jpg A brief Bio: Martel is the Summon Spirit and Guardian of the Tree of Life. She, as the Tree, suffers when the world suffers. If the Tree of Life dies, as does she. She's typically refered to as the Goddess Martel and basis of the religion for the Church of Martel. Timeline: Post Game
Minato noted the change in Kuroi and flipped backwards, keeping a constant distance between him and Kuroi. His blue eyes followed the path of his blade. Predicting each swing Kuroi made based on the last, Minato successfully dodged a majority of the strikes. Those that slipped past his predictions and lack of defense inflicted the normal knock back. "Good, Kuroi." Ducking and moving out of the way of Kuroi's destructive path, Minato put a greater distance between them and relaxed, "Very impressive. I think that's well enough training. Shiina...did you learn something from Kuroi?" Shiina nodded and whistled, "Wow! Minato, you're so fast!" Minato's expression turned into incredulity, "That's...not what I meant. Not me, Shiina...Kuroi. Did you learn anything from watching Kuroi." She turned her gaze to Kuroi, "Oh...well of course. Kuroi did reeeeeally well. I'm amazed anyone could fight like that. I...I didn't get to see your match in the tournament, but I wish I had. You fought Star and Masaru..." her expression fell, "I don't think I could've fought them...I could barely fight Masa-" She bit her tongue but it was too late. "You fought Ryu? I wish someone had told me he'd be there...I definately would've entered." Shiina looked up at her blond friend, "You know Masamune? Or...what did you call him?" "Ryu...he was my friend in the real world. I haven't spoken to him since...since he started committing crimes and well...I kinda got married." "Uh...what?" Shiina hopped to her feet, "You're married?" Minato smiled, "Sure am. My son just turned six, actually."
A kunai slid down Minato's sleeve and deflected the katana away from his leg. "I thought so... You don't have any control over your rage do you? You should learn to maintain control even when in a training match." Twirling as he moved around Kuroi, he elbowed him lightly in the back and sighed, "I didn't think I'd have so much trouble teaching another person... Especially...when they don't..." he flicked the rounded end of his kunai against Kuroi's cluster of nerves in his right elbow, creating the numbing sensation in his right arm, "Listen to what's being taught."
Minato moved at the last second on purpose, letting Kuroi's katana fall harmlessly down on empty air. "Hm, something told me you'd be a reckless fighter... I'd reprimand you if I didn't think you could do better, Kuroi." Minato hopped back a step and spoke to Shiina without taking his eyes off Kuroi, "You want to always keep a level head when fighting an opponent that's more skilled than you. Sticking to offense or remaining on defense won't give you an edge against someone who's fought in more battles than you have. Having a healthy dose of both will keep your opponent on his toes. Especially with your skill set, Shiina. A full on attack from you will always put your opponent in a defensive position, but switching to defense when they're expecting an attack will throw off any plan they might have created for a counterattack."
Mathematical Sciences: The blonde boy sitting across from Yoshi lifted his head and looked over to the Cooking President, his sapphire blue eyes filled with awe...or hunger... "You're the Cooking Club's Pres? You mean...there's a club for food!?" he jumped up from his seat and slammed the heel of his fist against his chest, "My name's Naruto Uzumaki! And if you're in charge of a club for food, you can count me in!" His stomach growled and Naruto's cheeks turned a bright pink. "Heh...I guess all that talk about food has me kinda hungry. I'm gonna get me some Ramen during lunch! Mmmm....ramen~" Music Class: Sai's Find Shifting in his seat, Sai's foot nudged something under his desk. Leaning over the side, his onyx eyes landed on a pure black gem. Reaching out, he picked it up, feeling the smooth edges of the gem and rolling it in his palm. Curious...what is this? Some sort of gem? he thought to himself and pocketed the gem, deciding to keep it for now. History Class: Vanitas' Prize With the class becoming ever boring, Vanitas leaned back in his seat. From the new vantage point, he noticed the gleam of the black gem under his feet. Sitting up and picking up the gem, he frowned at it. Was this the thing that spoke to him? He could believe it... Along with picking it up, he felt a rush of excitement. Grinning, he forgot completely about Mario and Luigi and began to plot his gang's next exploit. Government Class: Tobi's glowing Sharingan focused on the dull pulse of power he saw coming off the small gem under Larxene's desk. Leaning over, he set a hand on her shoulder, "There's something interesting under your might want to pick it up." Larxene jumped at the sudden drop in Tobi's voice and did as he suggested. Her teal eyes were wide as she stared at the gem in her hand. "Where did it come from...I wonder?" Larxene nodded with Tobi, unwilling to provoke her goofy friend during his moment of complete seriousness. This...was the side Vanitas had told them about. The side of Tobi that nobody wanted to meet in a dark alley....and she sure as hell didn't want to piss him off currently.
Name: Might Guy Description: A hot-headed, blood-boiling, rock solid youth maniac that enjoys pushing himself and others to the limit and beyond. Occupation: Track club coach Series character is from: Naruto Shippuden Other: (I don't blame anyone that wouldn't want to be in the track club) Name: Yamato/Tenzo Description: Dutiful and normally a calm and collected person. When around Kakashi, he addresses him by Kakashi-senpai and acts a bit less calm than normal. His choice of training method is either a friendly way or by use of draconian methods....and a scary ghost face. Occupation: Baseball club coach Series character is from: Naruto Shippuden Other: (Only Naruto is afraid of his ghost face)
Shiina recalled her wolves to her side. "Well then...maybe I should just sit out for this one. I-I'll learn more by watching you, Minato." Nodding, Minato took a few more steps backwards. "Alright...then's just you and me. Since this is training...and in town our health bars won't move even if we damage each other, I'll let you make the first move."
"Well 'Just Kuroi', it's nice to meet someone Shiina is comfortable around." Shiina pushed on his shoulder and half hid behind Minato, "I'm not comfortable...I don't know him very well..." Dropping Kuroi's hand, Minato's trademark smile graced his face, "But you're not I call that comfortable." Turning his gaze back to Kuroi, Minato took a step back, "Are you interested in training? I know...or I hope, Shiina's gained something out of it."
Shiina panted, exhausted from trying to compensate for the wide gap between her skills and her friends'. He looked up, away from Shiina and noticed Kuroi. "Seems like we've gained an audience." Shiina half turned and brushed hair out of her eyes to get a better look into the setting sun to see Kuroi. "Friend of yours?" Shiina pushed herself up, "N-Not especially...but I do know him. He was at the tourn....ah..." His blonde eyebrows rose, "Tournament? You mean the one the Moonlit Swords held today?" Patting Shiina's head, he moved closer to Kuroi, "Hello...I haven't seen you you must be someone like my friend Shiina, here. Sorry if that sounds horribly arrogant of me. My name's Kiiroi Senko...or Yellow Flash." Shiina followed after him, "Minato...we're not done training!" Waving her off, he continued, "I usually let my friends call me Minato."
Reserving Yuri Lowell, Kratos Aurion, Yuan Ka-Fai, Kain Highwind EDIT: StardustXtreme has given me Sephiroth. Character Name: Sephiroth Game from: Final Fantasy VII/Advent Children Appearance: A brief Bio: Sephirothis the main antagonist ofFinal Fantasy VII, and one of the major villains of itsextended universe. Before his fall from grace, Sephiroth was one of the most lauded success stories of the Shinra Electric Power Company’sSOLDIER program. A great warrior who was idolized by the public and infantrymen alike for his supreme strength and his impeccable discipline in combat, Sephiroth’s many successes in the field of battle during the conflicts surrounding the Shinra Electric Power Company’s bid for global domination led to his status as a celebrity war hero and the poster boy for both the Shinra Military and the company’s SOLDIER program. However, after learning the truth behind his origins, and coming to believe himself to be the only remaining survivor of theAncients, or "Cetra”, Sephiroth rebels against the Shinra Electric Power Company and enacts a world-wide vendetta against the “corruption” of humankind with the ultimate intention of fulfilling the original purpose of his existence and bringing death to the planet. Timeline: Post Character Name: Yuri Lowell Game from: Tales of Vesperia Appearance: A brief Bio: A young man from the Imperial Capital,Zaphias, Yuri is forced to leave his life in the lower quarter behind to pursue the thief who stole theblastiacore required for regulating the area's water supply. Yuri's pursuit of the thief eventually leads to him being imprisoned in the castle dungeons. After making his escape, he continues his journey with Estelle and his faithful dog Repede for the sake of the common people. His journeys have him crossing paths with many new people, places and thrilling adventures, eventually escalating into a quest to save the planet. Timeline: Post Character Name: Kratos Aurion Game from: Tales of Symphonia Appearance: A brief Bio: Kratos is one of the Four Seraphim, one of four of the first angels Mithos created to begin his Age of Lifeless Beings. Kratos is first met in the Church of Martel in Aselia, and later hired as a mercenary to protect the Chosen Colette on her journy of World Regeneration. Timeline: Post Character Name: Yuan Ka-Fai Game from: Tales of Symphonia Appearance: A brief Bio: Yuan is one of the Four Seraphim. He traveled with Mithos, Martel and Kratos on their journey 4000 years before the events of Tales of Symphonia and fell in love and proposed to Martel. Disagreeing with Mithos' twisted ideals, Yuan established the Renegades to prevent Mithos' revival of Martel after she was killed. Yuan spends a majority of the game as a minor antagonist, but he often helps out by lending Riehards to the party. Timeline: Post Character Name: Kain Highwind Game from: Final Fantasy IV Appearance: A brief Bio: He is a Dragoon from the kingdom of Baron, Cecil Harvey's childhood friend and adoptive older brother. He also has feelings for Rosa Joanna Farrell, but he hides them so they do not hinder his relationship with either of the two: Rosa in turn has feelings for Cecil. Timeline: Post
Shiina and Minato are on Floor 42. Masamune's out of play currently.