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  1. Twilight_Nobody13
    High in the twin towers that loom above the city below the earth and yet it's spires do not touch the skies, twin sisters and rulers of the Grey Order sat, dining on some poor human who'd wandered a bit too far outside the law they'd created and dare call themself a Grey Order warrior.
    Scooting aside her food, Soldana continued her writing, using an old quill pen and what anyone other than she would assume was ink, scribbled quietly until her sister's heavily armored hands slammed onto the tabletop. Thankfully, Soldana had lifted her pen so her writing was not flawed. "Something you wish to say, sister?" she hummed. "You spend your days writing letters to those I am not sure recieve them, nor do thay realize what a great honor it is to recieve such a thing, lethilan!" Smiling at her sisters fond elvish word for sister, Soldana glanced up at her sister's scowl, "They recieve them...and with great honor. This is the last to be sent out today...those I have written to will do us a great service. Children of many races live under our banner...and also those that live under the house of the Black Order will come here tomorrow. I trust you'll recieve them with as much tolerance as you can muster, sister?" Soljana, in all her experience with battle and odd company, could never figure out her sister's complex thoughts. "Your thoughts are too hard to read, lethilan...I do not like the turn they have taken." As per usual, the demoness sisters' thoughts were connected. Each sister experienced the others' thoughts like they were their own. "You've often thought about such ancient relics that were lost to us when the humans disturbed our peaceful darkness. What are you planning?" Brushing white hair back from her face, Soldana finished the letter and whistled, "Nothing that my champions cannot handle. I assure you...this task is not something that can be done swiftly...but it must be done." A bat flew to her raised arm and she wrapped a thin string around it's leg, attaching the letter to it. "Fly my friend.... May the Maker protect you." Soljana snorted as the bat screeched and flew away. "You put too much faith in these so-called Gods of yours, lethilan. I believe in what I can touch and see with my own eyes." Soldana picked at her food, "So you have told me several times, sister..."

    Yawning, Uriel stared at the empty dark sky. Below the earth's crust they were too far away to see the stars... A pang of lonliness struck his heart and he looked away and down at the crumpled letter in his hand. Messenger bats from Lady Soldana hadn't been seen in a decade...why now did she wish to see him and who else were these others she'd summoned? No, he didn't take orders from the Grey Order higher ups...but it certainly was interesting that she'd summon him by name. The letter was vauge, telling him only to arrive at her estate at dawn tomorrow...and that she had an important task for him and the others that would arrive. He wondered if the actual Grey Order warriors were all far too busy to heel to their master's commands. Stretching his wings, Uriel couldn't help but feel a tiny bit curious about what she wanted to say...but more so interested in the reward promised to him and those that were to also come.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Twilight_Nobody13
    Well I'd prefer to begin before my precious idea gets locked and buried away. I'll write up an opening post and we'll go from there.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Twilight_Nobody13
    I suppose I should add Masamune and Shiina's skills...

    Passive Skills:
    Searching: Mastered
    Trackng: 900
    Pursuit: 857
    Listening: Mastered
    Detection: 800
    Acrobatics: 780
    Night Vision: 680
    Sprint: Mastered

    Combat Skills:
    Parry: 855
    Battle Healing: 780
    Light Metal Equipment: Mastered

    Weapon Skills:
    One Handed Curved Blade: 950
    Martial Arts: 875


    Non-Combat Skills:
    Musical Instrument: 640
    Familiar Recovery: Mastered
    Familiar Communication: Mastered

    Passive Skills:
    Acrobatics: 876
    Night Vision: 900
    Sprint: Mastered
    Extended Weight Limit: 600

    Combat Skills:
    Parry: 500
    Battle Healing: 400
    Heavy Metal Equipment: 700

    Weapon Skills:
    Two-Handed Assault Spear: 980
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Twilight_Nobody13
    Bowser's Castle:


    Xenree laughed, holding her stomach and bracing a hand on Kisame's shoulder. "Oh...oh that's too rich... Ah haven't laughed that much since I last saw you. Good one....turtle king..." Kisame turned his unblinking gaze from the crazy woman beside him to Itachi, "Now...I'm not against joining forces...and since we are Shinobi I'm used to taking orders, but Itachi...I think we both know I'm not going to follow someone who is weaker than I am." Leaving Allison to do what he'd ordered her to do, Tobi watched Sasuke carefully. His plans generally didn't end very well...leaving him to save him from certain death. "Sasuke, are you certain?"

    Bowser's Castle: Third Room


    The group of shinobi and Goddesses listened to the odd announcement from Bowser. Vert clapped her hands, "Now is about the time we encounter the Big Boss of the dungeon, which I'm guessing is the person behind that voice. Let's go find him, Sasuke-kun!" Dragging Sasuke behind her, Vert ran to the next room. Hinata and Sakura examined the odd flowers curiously, "What are these things? They're not like any flowers I've ever seen." "Remember...this is a different world...I-I'm not sure anything that we know would be useful here."

    Forest Edge: Konan's Group


    Konan anxiously shifted on her feet, " my friend...he is our leader. I must go to him." Even having said that, she had no idea where he was. Panic set in...Konan always knew where Nagato was...always and now...she hadn't the slightest clue. "We'll find him, Konan...don't worry. Yuan...would you please..?" Nodding, Yuan shot up into the sky and looked around. Even if Cruxis was dissolved...he was still an angel and his angel senses were fine. "I'm not seeing anything, Lady Martel. I don't think he's on ground level..."

    Desert: Haunted Wasteland:


    Temari and Kankuro stood, brushing sand off their clothes, "Up and at 'em now. We're setting out." Kankuro sighed at his sister's "everyone should be able to keep up with me" attitude. Gaara poked his head outside the ruined building. Seeing the sandstorm hadn't lightened even a little and instead worsened. He couldn't see two feet in front of him. "I don't believe this... H-hey! Look over there! It's that creepy floating lantern thing again!" Six pairs of eyes focused on the sole light bobbing around in the raging sandstorm. "Oh man...ghosts really aren't my thing..." Temari nodded, agreeing with her brother even though her reluctance to step out was more due to her concern for Gaara. Watching their little brother, Kankuro and Temari followed him out into the sandstorm, trailing after the bobbing and waving lantern. "I don't think we'd be able to get very far...the poles are gone...we'll just have to follow this...and trust it's going where we're going." Temari kept a firm hand on her fan, ready in case they were attacked as they walked...and soon were running after the quick moving lantern. The elder siblings watched Gaara chase after the lantern like he was a little kid again...except happier. Suddenly the sandstorm vanished, leaving the small group blinking in the searing sunlight. Panting, Gaara held a hint of a smile as he turned to look at his siblings, "This is the place." Nodding, Kankuro and Temari cautiously moved forwards towards the little oasis tucked behind a few rocks. "Amazing...a place like this exists in thi- huh? What's this?" Bending down, Temari picked up a shiny metal lighter from the sand. Frowning, she turned back to Gaara, "This is Shikamaru Nara's lighter. What's he doing here?" Kankuro looked around, bending and examining the sand, "This is blood here...I think someone was injured. Gaara...I think other shinobi are here." They all exchanged worried looks and looked towards the temple entrance carved into the side of a mountain. "In there?" "The source of the feeling...something malicious... We must be careful and look for Shikamaru Nara and whoever else is here with him."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Twilight_Nobody13
    Sighing, Masamune glanced down at his small party member. He knew that look. "So you don't think I'm a killer huh? That's very optomistic of you. By-the-way...I doubt anyone's going to think you're a PKer just because you've entered a tornament with one. two hours I'll be green again. You've nothing to fear...until after the which I'll have made sure you're far away from me." Even if he couldn't remember her aside from her face, he felt...yes felt, a touch of protectiveness for her. Reaching his hand out towards her, he listened to the battle cry of the first battle and dropped his hand to his side. Moving so he could see, Masaume paused only briefly once the contestants came into view. Ittoki...that one he remembered clearly. The boy that was an idol or something.... "Never thought I'd see him again..."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Twilight_Nobody13
    Masamune watched the girl cower away and the holder of the tornament ask for a partner out of the three he'd bumped into. "My thanks for letting me in, Miss trouble here today... You be good little ones. Mya!" He turned and reeled in his partner, "We're heading inside. Nothin' to worry about."

    Shiina took in a shaky breath and her wolves calmed too. Turning back to Masaru, Star and Scarlet she stared at Star after she'd proclaimed Masaru to be hers. "Uh...o-okay. I'll go with you, that's okay with you. I...I have a high defense and I'm fast... Mina and Koru," she guestured down to her two tamed wolves, "Generally play offense for me... K-Koru has the higher health...and a few Hate" Was she still talking? Oh brother...

    Masamune checked and double checked his equipment, satisfied he allowed a small smile to creep onto his lips. The Beater and her much fun it would be to finish them off. He checked the remaining time he had as an orange cursor. Might set him back a few more months if he did it now...of course it could also permamently fix him in the red zone. "That girl...I wish I could remember what I did..." Shutting his eyes, frightening images of lightning flashes and blood splattered on the walls of an unknown house flashed through the darkness. "Once a killer...always a killer."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Twilight_Nobody13
    Masamune stepped up to the sign up booth, registering himself and Mya.
    Shiina grasped for reason as Star suggested she pair with Masaru. "Wh-what?, i-is that okay?" Her hands shook nervously as she flipped through her equipment, equipping her new spear and looked down at her furry friends. "D-do you think these two will be okay?"
    Turning his head slightly, Masamune noticed a few familiar faces...or at least he thought they were. Hadn't he been threatened by those two? The nervous one...she wasn't familiar at all. "Alright...let's head inside and check the place out." He didn't want to linger here with the wide-eyed looks he was getting from the people around them. He nudged past the four, bumping into the nervous one. "AH! Oh, I-I'm sorry!" The two wolves at her sides growled dangerously and he took a step back. He hadn't seen them when he first looked over. "No problem..."
    Shiina's entire world froze at those two words. They echoed in her head. "Wh-what...did you say...?" His face was hidden by the hood of a cloak but the orange cursor over his head and the deep timbre of his voice was enough clue for her. "M-M-M-M-Mas....!" the word simply wouldn't leave her lips completely.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Twilight_Nobody13
    Masamaune chuckled again, the girl was smart. "If I teamed up with another guild member, I'd most likely end up ordering them around in the fight. PKers don't take very well to being protected in idiots would just out right kill our opponent. They can't be trusted. And there's the fame issue...not a lot of people in our guild have met me. Just Mack and a couple others...not including PoH. I'd end up with a stary eyed fool as a partner. Even the most skilled fighter will make mistakes when they're trying to show off to someone they think is famous." Tugging her close to his side as they stood in the gate, he lifted his crystal, "Floor 29, Battle Arena!"

    Shiina was glad for the system that immediately put all the equipment away for her. "Wh-what? But I..." Suddenly she was being dragged off with talk about a tornament and finding Masamune. "What?! want me to enter the tornament? E-even if it is just to find him...I can't kill him! He' strong and I' terribly weak." A part of Shiina was happy that she'd found someone to help her find Masamune...but another part of her was terrified she'd be alone in fighting him and end up dead too.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Twilight_Nobody13
    Masamune smiled, finding her words funny. "A woman with a quick wit...very nice. Anyway...right that thing... There's a tornament being held on Floor 29 that I'm going to. You and I are going to be partners and fight in it. Or at're going to help me get in. I heard it's a nice little guild holding the tornament...something like the Army but...nicer in terms of handling the people." He draped his arm around her shoulders and walked her towards the gate as he spoke, "Since you saw my man back there...I'm assuming you know now that I'm a part of a guild. I run the Laughing Coffin Guild along with my somewhat good friend PoH. We're not on good terms as of now...but...if I were to go missing it would be a problem." Carefully, he flicked open his menu and equipped a cloak. Pulling the hood over his head, he lost his smile, "I'm not saying you'd try to finish me off yourself...but as fair warning I'm no pushover. This tornament is for a bit of fun. See...PK guilds are all work no fun. A lot of our members find their fun in killing so much. It's more of a job now than fun. Since I've probably never met you's not important." Continuing walking towards the gate, he hummed a light tune...Canon in D.

    Shiina panicked, her hands fluttered about as she tried to make them stop. "N-no, please! It's not your fault! I...I know that I can't go back in time and ask you to stay and have helped him...but I don't think you could've stopped him... M-Masamune...was level 5 back on the first floor. I...I've heard that even back then he was apart of the front lines for a while. He...has a lot of experience in fighting..." Biting her lower lip, Shiina's wolves padded forwards, rubbing their coats against her legs for comfort. "I...I knew...Masamune in r-real life. He...he worked part time at my father's shop...until he murdered my mother. isn't just about m-my partner.... M-my vengence is just a part of who I am now."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 8, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Twilight_Nobody13
    Masamune's going to it.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 8, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Twilight_Nobody13
    Savannah: Kakashi's Group


    Kakashi, Yamato and Colette stared up at the darkening sky. "I don't like the looks of this..." Agreeing, Kakashi's expression grew serious, "We don't have time to waste. The look of the sky...reminds me too much of the war. Let's get going everyone. If we find the source of whatever is making the sky like this...we might find whatever made Goku attack us." Touching her pendent, Colette's wings emerged from her back, fluttering, "I'll go take a look from above. I can carry you Mr. Hatake...if you want." Softening his harsh gaze, Kakashi nodded and she grabbed him under his arms, lifting him easily into the air.

    Minato's Group:


    Minato was about to hand over the odd little creature to Kirito when the sky darkened above them. The Kazekage glowered at the darkened sky. "This isn't any jutsu I've seen before. I doubt it's Kabuto's doing. Hokage...we shouldn't waste time standing here. Perhaps this...Konan person you speak of will know more." Minato nodded, "Naruto, other friends...we must go now." Crouching, he touched a finger to the ground and shut his eyes. " I can see them. Somewhere...northeast... I don't sense any other shinobi that way other than one....this chakra is very different than the others I've sensed to the east. It's wind based...I think it might be Konan. Shall we go see?" Nodding the Kazekage turned northeast.

    Genma & Hayate VS Hirkuo

    [​IMG][​IMG]VS [​IMG]

    Hayate and Genma glanced up at the sky bewildered before refocusing on Hiruko's tail shooting at them. "Hayate, we shouldn't linger fighting this guy...taking our time isn't going to give us any more of an advantage." Nodding, Hayate's Shadow Clones disappeared, "We're running out of chakra... Hiruko is only a puppet...Sasori is inside... Genma..lets fall back for now." Hiruko's tail retracted back under his cloak as the two Jonin fell back to a distance he couldn't reach. "I'm impressed you two have been able to stay alive this long."

    Forest Edge: Konan's Group


    Martel shivered, "What is this..." Yuan gripped Martel's shoulders, "Lady Martel...are you alright?" Glancing up, Konan frowned, "What's happening? Nagato..." From Martel, the World Tree's image disappeared, dispelling any chance for Kratos to find them. Yuan's blue wings sprouted from his back as he felt waves of shivers run through Martel's body. "Something evil is hurting the planet..." Konan pursed her lips, "We have to go... Nagato needs me."

    Nagato's Hidden Location:

    Nagato trembled. Interference with his chakra transmissions recoiled back at him, whiplashing at him. "Konan..."

    Desert: Haunted Wasteland


    Gaara chuckled at their companions laughable behavior. "They're very lively...aren't they?" Standing, Kankuro glanced outside, spying the floating light again. "That thing is still there... Temari, Gaara...we should get out there now and..." "Let them rest, Kankuro. You were the one who told me that others need to rest even if we're able to keep going. Are you alright, Gaara?" Nodding, Gaara pushed himself up. "What I felt earlier...seems to have strengthened in power." The Sand Siblings exchanged worried glances. "What do you mean, Gaara? What strengthened in power?" He rubbed his head, "I...don't know. I can't...quite place what it is...but it's dangerous. Something...alive...something...pulsating." Kankuro swallowed, " we're in big trouble if we actually find whatever you sensed." Gaara's turquoise eyes narrowed onto the shifting sands outside.

    Desert Collossis: Temple of Spirit


    Sai jumped back, away from the dangerous range of the heavy axe. " careful. This guy is way too strong for my Shadow Strangle Jutsu." Panting, Sai held his half sword tightly, " out!" Ducking and rolling away from the axe as it clashed into the ground, Shikamaru stood with his back to Sai's. "We might not make it out of here alive...but we'll go down fighting! Like real shinobi of the Leaf!" A heavily armored hand backhanded Shikamaru into a pillar and a heavy axe clashed onto Sai's half-sword, slamming him into the ground. Hazy and on the border of unconsciousness, the pair stared up at two hovering figures as red and blue magic washed over them.

    Bowser's Castle: Throne Room


    Tobi stepped away from Allison, allowing her a bit of room. "The barrier...if you will, Allison...and then...the creature inside it." The explosion went through Tobi. Xenree and Kisame moved away from the explosion. "A bit over done...wasn't it, Sasuke?" Silver eyes narrowed on Bowser, she knew him...didn't she? "You're...Bowser, King of the silly little Koopa's...correct? Shouldn't you be in your own pathetic world? All the worlds I invaded and stole the life from were returned to normal when my heart was removed. It's not like we ever had an agreement...but you did your part in serving for my cause."

    Bowser's Castle: Piranha Room


    Hinata ripped her hand from the Piranha plant's mouth and punched it into the ground, "Worthless loser!" Fire singed her coat and she glared at the rest of the plants, "I'll kill you...!" Dodging a majority of the fireballs, ice breath and launched poison at her, Sakura's fist connected with a pipe, shattering it, "CHA! How do you like that?!" Hinata's tucked in fists blazed with blue chakra until the heads of lions formed out of chakra around her fists. "Gentle Step: Twin Lions Fist!" Hurdling towards the Piranha Plants, Hinata smashed into them beside her duplicate, while Vert hung back protecting Sasuke. "Sasuke-kun, do you think you could do that trick again?" He grinned, winking at her, "No problem. It's no trick, but it's pretty cool, right? Here we go! Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!" His handsigns took longer and a bit more chakra was used but three separate fireballs were launched towards the plants.

    Mt. Imulsion: BOSS: Lambent Berserker:


    Yashamaru's chakra drew out his kunai's, holding them hovering in the air in front of him. "Karura, stay back." With a flick of his hand, a dozen kunai launched at the Berserker, stabbing and sinking into it's flesh.

    Abandoned Village: Pakura of the Sand:


    Pakura's flesh knitted back together like bits of paper after she was hit. Setting off the explosive tags on the support beams on the building, Raido grabbed Leah and fled away from the collapsing building. "You're not safe here anymore. We can't take her down alone. We need to fall back and find someone from the sealing team from my world." Pakura brushed off her clothes as the building collapsed on top of her. Another explosion was set off as her balls of fire exploded, freeing her from the rubble.

    Outside DoD:


    Lee frowned at them and then at the sky. Neji's clear white eyes opened, staring up at the darkening sky. "Lee...I want you to take...Juliet and Ganta...and find the others. Knowing you...I know you came with others. This full of other people. I'm sure....there are more from our village. Keep them safe...from someone named Legato." Lee nodded, but still crouched beside him, wrapping bandages from his med-kit around Neji's wounds. Lee couldn't move very fast at the moment...his entire body hurt from opening the fourth gate. It had been excessive but he'd wanted to save his friend. He'd met Guy-sensei's requirement for opening any of the gates.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 8, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Twilight_Nobody13
    Waving his hand, a party invitation popped up in front of Mya. Waiting for her to accept, he turned a cold glare on his guild mate. "I'm not skipping out on the tornament. I figured since I'm going to be green in either a couple days or a few hours...I might as well go with someone else who was green. You guys...would just attract unwanted attention. You needen't worry Mack..." He pouted like a spoiled child. "You said we were going to enter together...and now you're going to enter with this...girl? Even with no connection to's still an insult to our Masamune." Gritting his teeth, he knocked Mack's leg out from under him, twisting his arm behind his back and onto a nearby table. "Thanks for your was very valuable..." Leaning down to whisper into his underlings ear, he snarled, "Piss me off and you'll be the next one I kill. I suggest you stop while you're ahead." Releasing him, he scurried away. Refocusing on Mya, he took in her expression, "I'm going to take it as we do know each other. I'm no good with names, but your face is definately familiar to me."

    Shiina shuffled around, her wolves immediately sitting down at her sides. Her eyes widened as she saw Masaru and Star. These were the two that left and came back the day her friend had been killed. "You're.... Wh-what? N-no...I..." Picking herself up from the ground, she bowed low at the waist, "My with Masamune, the Kin-Slayer....leader of the Guild Laughing Coffin." Her nervousness disappeared and her hands curled into tight fists. "He has to pay for what he's done...for my friend and for the others he's killed." Jerking upright, she patted the grey and white wolf's head, "Um...this is Mina and that's Koru. We're hunting Masamune...b-but...I've heard he's level 70...I...I wouldn't be able to touch him even if I found him."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 8, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Twilight_Nobody13
    Masamune chuckled, his hair falling into his eyes. He knew she'd run the second he told her who he was. Oddly the thought saddened him. "Masamune... If you join my party for a little something, I'll tell you something interesting." Skimming through his menu, he selected the option to add party members, giving Mya the option to join or refuse. Brushing the hair out of his eyes, his features softened, emitting a much more gentle aura than he did at the guild. Noticing he was much taller than the girl, he started to lean down to her when a hand slapped his shoulder, "Masamune, you little cheat! Ya think you can just skip out of the tornament and hang out with your..." he gave Mya a once over and snorted, "Little girlfriend? What...did you think the rest of the Guild wouldn't notice your significant lack of actual movement? Ima said you were giving some kids a break out in the forest the other day." Irritation swelled in his chest. "If you haven't noticed...Ima is a worthless liar. I've just been busy. Now if you'll excuse me...I'm in the middle of a conversation." Shrugging off the rude interruption, he turned back to Mya. "You have my name...may I have yours?"

    Shiina dragged her heels as she walked to the gate. "Um...F-Floor 3." Shiina and her wolves teleported, despite her shy command. Emerging out at the third floor, she wandered around, pausing at a smithy, she cracked open the door, peering inside. "U-um..." Pulling the door open further the bell clanged and she jumped and stepped backwards, stepping onto a delicate wolf paw. Hearing the yelp, she jumped again, falling over onto her backside inside the shop. "I...I'm sorry Mina...a-are you alright?"
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Twilight_Nobody13
    Masamune, currently co-leader of the PK guild Laughing Coffin, lounged in the corner of an inn on the 54th floor. He didn't feel like moving. The place had practically emptied when he'd sat down but other players figured they were safe inside the town. Scratching his head he remembered the time when he met that scraggly group of kids on the first floor. He was positive most of them had caught up to his level by now. PKing was stressful on him. It never helped when PoH would praise him like a child. The thought of PoH brought a warm wave of anger to his skin and he opened his messages, re-reading the latest one from him. An order... He was getting a swelled head if he thought Masamune was going to obey his every command like the rest of the guild did. He typed out a snide reply and sent it promptly with a small smile. Picking himself up, he headed for the door. Laughing Coffin hadn't committed a crime in a while...meaning he hadn't killed anyone since floor 48. Was he trying to go green again? Checking the status in his menu, he figured he had about two days before it changed. Once it did, not only would PoH question if he actually did kill those players but the guild wouldn't respect him. "I guess that's just how things work in a PK guild...bunch of worthless little..." He trailed off as he bumped into a girl leaving at the same time as he was. Sighing, he stared at her green cursor for a while and his gaze fell lower to her face. Curiosity settled on his features. Didn't he know this girl? Not like he had the time to get their names...but her face was familiar. "I'm losing my mind...maybe I should buy a room or something..." She spoke...but not to him. "Don't I know you from somewhere....?"

    Shiina's shoulders drooped as she meandered away from the group of people laughing her off. Her proposal wasn't absurd...she needed to find that PKer. She would avenge her partners' death...even if it meant taking another human life. Floor 7 was low leveled enough for her to have done some training, having only reached level 40 just recently. A whimper came at her side and she glanced down to the grey and white wolf trotting beside her. Patting its head she smiled, "We'll be okay... Its not like I'm going to let him kill me too." Another whimper from her other side and soon she was crouched on the ground, flicking her gaze between large pools of blue and orbs of brown. Her other beast she'd tamed was another wolf, a pure black one. She was a wolf tamer...that's all there was to it. Collars hung around their necks to designate they were tamed. "I...we'll find somebody who'll go with us to find him. I won't give up." Standing she immediately regretted saying that. Even if it was to her wolves, she felt like they knew she would give up eventually. No one here seemed to want to hunt a PKer. Swiping open her menu, she stared at the tip of information she'd gotten. Starting a guild for PKers...being called the Kin-Slayer...if it were true she was in for a world of hurt. Dragging her heels towards the gate, she sighed, "No one wants to hunt down the famous PKer Masamune...."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Twilight_Nobody13
    Aye, that is who he was. Gotta love extras. Unless you'd rather I start asking to kill off your characters?

    I think I'm ready for the time skip.

    Masamune, during the time skip, created the guild Laughing Coffin with a fellow PKer named PoH. PoH is involved with those in the main story as Masamune holds a place as leader of the guild beside him. Masamune's name has become somewhat of a threat to players. He holds an increasing level of 70, having killed just barely 100 players.

    Shiina obtained level 40 and tamed two level 36 wolves. She's sworn a vendetta against Masamune. She has an abnormally high evasion, accuracy and strength.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Twilight_Nobody13
    Blocking the first strike towards him from Masaru, Masamune growled, "Then children should know their place!" Looking towards Star, he snorted, "Oh good grief..." Sheathing his sword, he pushed past them, "If you're all done accusing me of being a fake...I'll be on my way now." Irritated and scowling at the hall in front ot him, he slung his arms behind his head and meandered into the boss room, leaving the party behind.

    Shiina, the young girl crouched in the corner trembling, covered her mouth as her friend died. "This...isn't happening. You're insane! You're all insane!"
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Twilight_Nobody13
    Got it. After time skip, small. Yup. Guild of PKers...yay.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home