Haha it's almost like Bones, but different agency. Ah ps3...the last game I remember playing from that console was Last Of Us. Really great game.
Dude that's hardcore
Apparently the prize of gaining that much likes is a kiss from Llave
I heard something about a bright pink layout ......... Wow looking at these styles makes me think that whoever hacked this place really **** us over. But that's ny opinion.
Omg I love bones! Have you ever tried watching Castle? Oh you'll get a kick from it. Wait what console do you play these on?
Do you prefer brass knuckle?
Oh you <33333
So how's the scissors wound going?
Oh don't worry I'll just feed it to the sparklies. Oh and um in case you're wondering.. Ben 10 was my favorite childhood show and to this day...
Hmmm let's see here... View attachment 36760 CLEAR!
Can I just hug you?
<33333333 This is beautiful...
@Sora: I'm on a quest to save my girlfriend!
I personally think we should stick with the text box but do it in a wayy different manner. How about instead when engaged in a conversation, add an animated version of the characters in the dialogue on the left and right side? Kinda like how square did it in CoM. Would be nice.
What are the chances of the pre ordered version with the limited edition content being available in gamestop?
Am I the only one that thinks Sora looks like a monkey in this image?
Yes that was my cropped version which killed the quality. Here's the original...
First an Otter, now a walrus? Khv is quite the zoo these days. Sorry but all we have to eat here is spam and wondering souls. Welcome to Kentucky Heated vacuums -I mean kh-vids, I hope you enjoy your stay.
Can you do one for me? http://imgur.com/hPwR49ml.jpg Mobile phones arnt good for this stuff.