Ah returning member I see, welcome back. Beware of the Makomaury
Still the biggest flirt huh.
Original: K3YBL4D3 KHIGHT Default: Labrys Jesus Chris I really did come along ways .
Thank you c:
Oh yeah I found it http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lq38idTmy31qg5jwmo1_400.gif
Shrek is god Shrek is you
If I recall, Kontona
School days
You can tell from the characters on the top left
It'll be hard because I got it from YouTube
Jesus Chris
Looks like the chicken from family guy
Omg dat avatar ~
Googled mine, only found hentai images.
But Batman has a bigger advantage than Superman when it comes to smarts....
He did in kh2 before he fought sora. Still it's kinda weird I guess.
Oh yeah Kirito whoring around is one reason, but my main complaint is about how rushed the overall story was. Hell there wasn't even a story in the first place.
Ew Sword Art...... .