The more pics of her I see, the more I think she's a princess.
Oh yeah the naked body of a woman is a major part of art. It is well known in the artistic world
I'm sorry Amaury I changed it as soon as I started watching When You Cry. Oh god I felll soo in love with that anime.
Calm down, when I said "You guys", I mean myself as well. It's been what.. like more than 4 years since we've been waiting for kh3? Still we should hang on tight.
Your opinion will change when beating Nocturne.
Yeah it really is. I guess an hd remake isn't enough to break the silence.[DOUBLEPOST=1379901149][/DOUBLEPOST]Well actually it's ALWAYS been quiet. Statistically about 30-50 members are usually online daily. The rest are a crap load of guests.
Oyashiro-sama's curse
Looks like to me nothing's new with the gameplay either. Though I still favor the 3rd one for sorts of reasons. Oh boy I can already imagine the spam attack bloodbath in the future.
I do alot of strange things before /while watching something. When I watch Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (When you cry) I would make sure to have something in my hand so that I could avoid being figging while watching it. Or whenever I make breakfast that's consist of eggs, I would eat it while watching a few episodes of Yu yu hakusho. Maybe a disk.
Yes I do want a child. There's nothing really wrong with a child, just depends on how you raise them, as well as certain traits they'll inherit from you. Though I'll admit that I'm afraid as to what this child would result in the future. Before that , I'll show what's good and bad, right or wrong, just, injust, I'll tech them the fundamentals of life as well as nurture and care for this child. Something that not even my father could do for me. I'm hoping one of them could be a girl as well because daughters are the shiznits and I'm hoping in the future I could find a partner that's willing to be with me till the end. Oh and I'll be showing them every episode of Yu yu hakusho once and while.
Basically this. He probably expected the movie to be alot more expensive and he obviously was surprised by this, then questioned it.
Misty you attract the weirdest costumers don't you?
Oh god I love that arc soo it was some pretty deep ****.
Im aware.
Your username is intimidating
What if that customer was one of us?
I dunno either. It's better than some other places that has a whole crap loads of kh threads in the Personal section. Kinky Hardcore Videos
She's the Vani