Hello and welcome to KH-vids, Zaix! I hope you enjoy it here. If you have any questions feel free to ask a staff member. Hope to see you around~
I personally think Sora will rescue her along with Lea via dark corridors.
Sora, Donald and Kairi for me. I'd imaigine Kairi would be more of a healer so having two healers makes it so you can just go all out on the enemy which is pretty awesome to do.
Please. Knowing Square It'll be BBS and Coded then, without telling us, KH3 will be in there if you unlock every trophy.
I'd make the Disney worlds more important. They were kind of important illusion wise in KH1 but other than that there have only been a few important ones over the course of the series. I'd make each Disney world to matter directly to the story rather than just illusion. I'd also make it so that you don't have to read a lot of Nomura interviews just to understand the story or, at least, I'd put them in the game itself.
TBH the heartless one looks a bit weird. And the flood unversed looks alright. The Meowjesty definitely looks the best out of the three. I'll definitely be getting these.
I'll probably only pre-order one are two considering how high the prices are and get the others later. Good to know they're coming so soon though.
Amaury. You need to end No Staff Online. Fans have been waiting for the grand finale for months. You just keep the story going, look at where it is now! It's in the XXX's! Amaury, it's time to finish what you started. Bring No Staff Online to it's conclusion before the fans disband.
These are the kind of priorities America needs
The only difference is the spam zone got number III and KH didn't.
Happy Birthday Terror of Death Haseo!
*quickly escapes thread before deletion*
Who is it for? The deletion hammer is about to strike *backs away*
or maybe you secretly wanted us to know that you were looking up nova on rule 34?
I smell a conspiracy between kh and khv
I second this inquiry
I remember when it was just no staff online and not 7438278 spin offs. Ah, those were the days.
Welcome back! I hope you enjoy being back here and hope to see you around the forums!
Banned for burying my kind here