It's not a want to have the title as much as it is what you identify as. Misgendering is generally rude and can cause someone to feel dysphoric.
Yes. The game is a sort of crossover of Disney, Final Fantasy and it's own stuff anyway so more Final Fantasy would be nice. I understand Traverse Town and Hallow Bastion have served as the worlds for majority of the Final Fantasy characters in the past but an actual FF world would be very nice. It would also be good to see some of the newer Final Fantasy characters as well as some of the older ones involved. Most of what we've seen so far are from FFVII.
This can also be said for KH2FM. Terra's lingering will mentions the one he chose (Riku), Ven, Aqua and Xehanort. At that point it made no sense but then it ties up with BBS's plot. You could also say BBS did this (though minorly) with the Unknown who turned out to be Young Master Xehanort.
I'm indifferent towards Sokai and kh shipping in general. I don't particularly like any of the ships including Sokai but I do not dislike any of them either.
According to Dissidia it's "Tee-dus" but I've always pronounced it Tidus. It sounds nicer to me.
Sixty One Only a matter of time before a staff posts.
I have done as you have requested. Where is my payment?
The 87 is throwing it off. You get 2/3 of the sycronization.
About the pronouns part misgendering is a big thing. If someone prefers you to call them by a certain pronoun it's respectful to call them that pronoun regardless of how they "act".
Forty Nine I'm still surprised it got higher than 100
Happy Birthday, Chevalier! I hop you enjoy it. :)
I do not own any Kingdom Hearts manga but have read all of the Kingdom Hearts II manga (translated) and am looking forward to the next volume to be translated
The most likely places I could see it happening at: Keyblade graveyard, Kingdom Hearts itself, TWTNW, or one of the stations I think it should take place within Kingdom Hearts itself personally. Or even have the battle go across multiple places with teleportation of some kind.
I don't think it was ever stated whether it was the same armor or not. Actually, Nomura has said that he may be able to wield a keyblade but chooses not to so it could go either way on that one.
My favorite is definitely Aerith Spoiler Her death was very sad for me
The main reason Disney got famous was due to their animations. Heck, the only Mickey mouse I've seen on Disney in a while is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. They don't have him on nearly as much as they should. Also, Disney seems to have a deep liking for sitcoms. Sitcoms are by no means bad but Disney doesn't need to have as many as they do on their channel. There are still some good shows on Disney though but most that I find to be good are shown on Disney XD. Disney has gone downhill imo.
It seems logical for some English gameplay of 1.5 to be shown. Also hoping for Versus to (finally) be announced. I do doubt it though. Overall, I'm looking forward to the event and can't wait to see what Square shows.
I definitely can't wait for this. It'll be nice to take in all of the series in one video. Looking forward to seeing it posted on here! :D
So close to 138. Three
Wishing Star: It's not a bad design per se but it just doesn't appeal to me as the other keyblades did.