Birth By Sleep by itself is sad for me. Especially it's ending. This makes it a bit more sad for me but I felt it sad on it's own. For Days, it was kind of sad. Only the ending really imo but still kind of.
These are amazing. It's quite great to have played the game and then be able to see this for it. See the similarities and how it looks different from paper to game. It's all very great art and that Simba part of it is very well done.
It's hard for some people to tell what's going on in an animal's mind. I personally agree the cat looks scared. Especially when it's back is to the wall (or whatever that is). I personally would have gotten the cat away from the dog because I don't think it would come back towards it unless it really was playing. Some may argue that it would run if it was scared and not playing but you can be almost paralyzed by fear. Not wanting to move or look away because you're too scared. They clearly state that the cat is nervous but then brush it off as the cat has to learn how to not be scared of it which I disagree with. This comment particularly got me Pfisiar22 1 day ago The kitten is clearly nervous about the big loud dog. It is cautious, but not terrified. The dog is clearly trying to play and be friendly. The cat has to learn the dog's body language at some point. If the cat is in no actual danger, what's the problem? They state that the cat is nervous but then brush it off as the cat has to learn how to not be scared of it which I disagree with. People can be scared when there may or may not be danger so animals can be too.
I would say Pot Centipede or lechegrave but since you said other than bosses I guess I found Wright Knight to be somewhat scary.
Definitely not in my opinion. There's some games here and there, like for random example Sonic 06, that could have used more time on it to fix things and make the game better but most gaming companies are at least somewhat good about this. I do feel like some games get rushed and a number of them don't turn out as good as they would have had they been given more time. One thing I especially dislike is when a company promises a game of a certain series a year. Having a new game from the series every year isn't necessarily a bad thing but it requires the company to give out these games and can lead to rushing just to get it out this year. It also can lead to the series to get old more quickly. Patches are good in my opinion. If the game has few little bugs that need to be fixed that they didn't know about or didn't find in testing then making a patch to fix that is good. Most companies I've seen don't make tons and tons of patches for one game. For DLCs I'm dependent on what it is. If it's something huge plot related it should defintiely be in the game. If it's a little side story then a DLC is perfect for that imo.
I think I set my hopes too high for the timeline video. It wasn't as good as I was expecting but I still think it was very great. Kind of. As Diz said Roxas holds half of who Sora is. It's likely to be the same with Namine and Kairi. This does not however, divide their strength.
I must be that cute hedgehog that one of the main characters has as a pet.
The game definitely looks great. And that Collector's edition. Don't even get me started on that. That's just too great. The only thing that turns me off about the game and ultimately makes me not able to afford it is that monthly fee. That can add up to a lot over time (like 400 something dollars a year I think) so I won't be getting it. Other than that I can't say anything negative about the game. It looks amazing.
J-pop (mainly from anime), Skillet and the more soothing and softer KH tracks help me to relax a lot.
One Hundred and Seven
Well I do different things for the type of meeting. If it's an online meeting I just say hello and that's pretty much it. If it's IRL I usually do something simple like saying hello and waving or nodding. I'm very shy towards new people in general.
I choose Amaury so that I can finally bring No Staff Online to a conclusion.
Definitely not imo. Every game except for mobile, vcast etc. are important to the story and build up on it. inb4Re:codedispointlessthough Without things like BBS and Chain of memories you wouldn't understand half of the story of kh. As for money, every company likes money so making games to build backstory while we wait for the kh team to finish with Versus is a good thing imo.
Tell that to the over 200,000 copies of DDD that sold in the first week. The series is definitely not dying. Youtube comments aren't always reliable.
Demyx and Luxord are the top ones I want to see. For Luxord little is known about him and seeing more into his story could definitely build his character. For Demyx some nobodies have different personalities compared to their somebodies. I'm interested to see if his is different and if so, how much.
Young Master Xehanort. He has time travel and looks hot.
Different people prefer different things. I personally preferred GIMP over photoshop.
I want to see Command decks, Multiplayer, trophies and multiple playable characters make a return. A small thing from Days I'd also like to see in KHIII is having each version of a magic act differently than the last.
Days is my least favorite. While it's story was pretty good it's gameplay was very repetitive with the missions.
The guide book itself must be a lie because when I fought him at level 60ish he could barely do damage to me. Plus it's very easy to avoid his attacks.