I didn't really care for the DDD bosses :U I think the only ones that I liked were the final bosses. The actual disney bosses weren't too great. So I think the bosses got worse in DDD compared to past games. I guess my favorite boss would be Xemnas. He was really the only one that stands out as fun to go up against to me.
The biggest one for me is when Lea got his keyblade. Some honorable mentions are in KH2 finding out that Roxas is Sora's nobody and finding out about Ven's heart being in Sora in BBS.
hotspot .
Tales of the Abyss 3D and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue team
idk how I got here again
Banned because I have returned to this thread
Four This game cannot simply be won. As long as mods and ads post the members can't win and vice-versa Therefore I agree that giving conversations ago helps. At least we will get something out of the experience rather than pointlessly counting.
March on - Twewy http://www.square-enix.co.jp/music/sem/page/subarashiki_cotb/
The spam zone is the home of me and my hedgehog kind.
Hug a hedgehog .
I'm priceless
Buy her a hedgehog .
Nice recreation of Tetris
M. night shyamalan It would be quite interesting
<--------------- Hedgehogs
You should fill the whole first page of the spam zone with your threads.
Six .
Hello and welcome back to kh-vids! I am new to the forums so I don't remember you but I hope to see you around the forums!
Unless it doesn't say OH HO HO
Your idea has been stolen and remade 50 times now. It's no surprise it was done again