The Sophie drove her rapier straight threw raxtion's chest and right threw his spin, she snapped the blade so it was stuck in there and waited ofr Raxtion to die.
The two locked blades as they came towards each other and were sent flying in different directions. Sophie used a piece of debries to go flying towards Raxtion again.
"Tsk tsk" Sophie said as she walked out of the explosion "Time to end this" Sophie said as she rewrote the rules, blocking out all powers so they would only be able to fight using their swords.
"I was just glad to get you out of me, you feel wiered" Sophie said mocking Raxtion, she couldn't help but laugh at Raxtion.
"What do you think you can do?" the Phatom said as the world collapsed around raxtion leaving him a void of nothing that he couldn't escape, trapped alone with Sophie's heart unable to communicate with anyone on the outside ever again.
The platform repaired itself as the arena blocked Raxtion's escape as the world around Raxtion started collapsing with him in it.
A hole appeared in the platform and sucked Raxtion's sword in, never to return.
The Phantom that Raxtion stabbed was also an image, but with physical body, for a few seconds all presence of the phantom vanished as it appeared to die but the very ground around raxtion formed spikes that impaled him.
The Phantom appeared behind Raxtion for a second and stabbed him in the back before vanishing.
The Phantom created an arena for raxtion to appear in as time sped up for them, outside only mila seconds would past while they had their fight.
Sophie vanished and reappered on the otherside of the field. In truth this was just an image, but it gave of the presence of Sophie.
"Tsk tsk" Sophie said as she stood there, unfazed by Raxtion's attack "So raxtion, is this the best you can do?" she asked him as she slowly walked towards him.
"I see" Sophie said a she just waited there, waiting for raxtion to make the next move "I have to say, it is probably good you turned against me, if this is the best you can do"
Sophie used a spell to create an image of her self right were she was standing and as the beam came towards her she dodged to the left as the image was destroyed. She then charged towards Raxtion creating images everywhere.
Sophie grinned as she waited for Raxtion to make the first move.
"Everything I do has meaning, you simple won't live long enough to see the end result. But enough talk, we could stand here throwing verbal assults, or we could start with the physical assult, the one I am about to beat you with" Sophie said as she slashed her sword across the air and rewrote the rules around them, creating a barrier that prevented the others the escape until one of them was dead.
"Ha, bring it punny man, your were to weak to save your people, to weak to defeat the one who betrayed you, and you have yet to actually beat me" Sophie said mocking raxtion.
"You can try, but you will die" she said amirking as she walked towards him, her rapier drawn.
"Yes, because good help is so hard to fine" Sophie said as she stopped singing and turned to Raxtion. As she stopped singing the consumers stopped evading and their performance dropped.
Sophie stopped in mid air and started to sing quietly as a pink glow started to emite as she sang, the consumers stopped being confused as the consumer restarted their reletless attack on the others while ignoring Sophie, they started using new tactics and kept dodging every attack sent at them while station Aia started preparing a second shot at the bubble.