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  1. riku1186
  2. riku1186
    yeah, so what you been up to
    Profile Post by riku1186 for Mixt, May 13, 2012
  3. riku1186
    The knight sent the two swords flying after Nathura, they kept flying and even turned corners to get her. The knight turned and walked towards Traken to make sure the good doctor was doing his job.
    Post by: riku1186, May 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. riku1186
  5. riku1186
    hello mixt, its been awhile
    Profile Post by riku1186 for Mixt, May 13, 2012
  6. riku1186
  7. riku1186
    "I admit, you have managed to fight back everythreat, but that has mainly ended badly, and I am bringing an end to this sad cycle" The Knight said he dashed at nathura, his two swords continuly swinging at her, leaving her no chance to counterattack.
    Post by: riku1186, May 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. riku1186
    "Your all going to die anyway, think of this as getting the innocent out of the way first" The Knight said as he walked towards Nathura, summoning two more plain swords.
    Post by: riku1186, May 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. riku1186
    The Knight reversed the knives so they retook their forms and positions and kept flying at the same speed as before they were transumted, the first one was behind Nathuru and was still on target, the second was right infront of her chest and flew into it as the second was on target to stab Persephone in teh back "Nope, because I have it all planned out" the Knight said with a smirk "Though admittedly you were meant to just roll out and try and grab the first one and get stabbed in the back by the second, but its still works"
    Post by: riku1186, May 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. riku1186
    The Knight summoned two throwing knives and put a spell on them to home in on a target, the first one was thrown for Persephone as it changed direction to go after her, he threw the second one after her, it followed the same path as the first but wasn't keeping up with the first, for it had a different purpose.
    Post by: riku1186, May 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. riku1186
    The Knight flash stepped in front of Nathura while the smoke was clearing and as soon as she finished speak he slashed her chest with another plain sword before dropping it and flash stepped back as it exploded as well.
    Post by: riku1186, May 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. riku1186
    "I'm trying to kill you all, but I thought it best to quoat my friend 'sacrifice my useless pawns before sacrifing the useful pwans' unquoat" the Knight said "As I said, two birds with one stone" he added as the Plain Sword exploded, the Knight directed the explosion towards Nathura and Persephone.
    Post by: riku1186, May 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. riku1186
    "I would have, but your so weak that I didn't notic you until you were slicing and even then, well it just was not worth the effort in blocking anyway" The Knight said mocking nathura "Well, you know the saying, two birds with one stone" he said as he sent the Plain sword flying right at Nathura's daughter.
    Post by: riku1186, May 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. riku1186
    "Or what? Your gonna slice me in half again? Didn't work out to well the last time, maybe you will cut me in half" the Knight asked, mocking his opponeant.
    Post by: riku1186, May 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. riku1186
    The Knight was slashed in half, but a bunch of blue crystals in his armour glowed as they reversed the damage "Well thats new, whos there?" he asked as he took a stance with the plain sword.
    Post by: riku1186, May 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. riku1186
    The Knight sighed and flash stepped in front of her "Now now, stay calm, it will only take a minute, slight pain and after that you will be free and sent to Kingdom Hearts to wait" the Knight said as he cut her escape off.
    Post by: riku1186, May 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. riku1186
    "Tsk tsk" the Knight said "Now little girl" he said looking at Persephone "I wonder if I should start with you, it will surly start things up, but it would be so heartless to start with you" he said summoning a plain sword.
    Post by: riku1186, May 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. riku1186
    The Knight held Aia against the wall in the same fashion he held Traken "I would repeat myself, but I am too tired and too impatient, so how about this, you have already lost, the only reason I don't kill you where you stand is you still have something I want and I would rather have it before the end of the world" he said as he let go "And just so you know, Sophie will never be coming bak to you as your daughter, after what she has gone threw, well she will take more after her father, but then again your not her mother" the Knight said mocking Aia.
    Post by: riku1186, May 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. riku1186
    "For simplicity call me Knight and I am here to make sure Traken does what he is meant to, also to capture the Black Phantom and release its current host, but mostly Traken "The Knight said in a more light hearted tone, though his voice was still distorted "And also to make sure my white chess pieces don't get taken out by my black chess pieces, ah playing all the sides is so fun" he said as he paced back anf forth in front of her.
    Post by: riku1186, May 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. riku1186
    The Knight noticed Aia and walked towards her, beleiving Traken had learnt his place. He circled around her, as if inspecting her. "Hmm yes, I see, things really don't change" the Knight said as he stopped in front of her.
    Post by: riku1186, May 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home