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  1. riku1186
    The Station and the fleet around it started warping away and appearing over the consumer world.
    Post by: riku1186, Jul 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. riku1186
    Robbie smiled "Lets just say since Atem was born I have been pulling an Aizen, putting everything and everyone in place, certain things haven't gone according to plan but a true plan always has backups" Robbie said before vanishing.
    Post by: riku1186, Jul 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. riku1186
    "Well regardless, not long after that is when it started. The battle of Balmora and that is where Dace's crimson dagger struck me and created the Black Phantom that we all know, not many people remember the White Phantom though. Eventually it somehow got sucked into a time portal and so on. You heard all this. My theory is that since the two Phantoms are opposites they are effective at killing each other, but no matter how far the white phantom spreads its powers mongst the consumers it is still even with the Black Phantom, so the Black Phantom needs domething to tip the scales in its favour"
    Post by: riku1186, Jul 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. riku1186
    "Hmm, well first of all think back to when you tried to look after those orphans so long ago, and the events that followed, do you remember?" Robbie asked Mixt as he paced "When Moegiro took over and Phsioxa was a wanted criminal? Rako was still evil and had the androids and so on and so forth. Back in the day when it all seemed like a bad story?"
    Post by: riku1186, Jul 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. riku1186
    "Well I am sorry, I am dealing with the revelation that everyone and everything I have ever known has been destroyed and it is entirley my fault" Robbie said "Any thing is spcific you want to know? Its a very long list and I would rather not stick around while I am weakened"
    Post by: riku1186, Jul 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. riku1186
    "What?" he said as he appeared behind Mixt in a black coat "I am a bit busy kicking myself in the gut for being right about the consumers"
    Post by: riku1186, Jul 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. riku1186
    "I don't have one anymore" the hub said riasing a hand "I wish you the best of luck" he said before lowering it and letting the consumers to start attacking Mixt and Atem again.
    Post by: riku1186, Jul 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. riku1186
    "Not anymore, its difficult to explain" the hub said "When the black phantom was created it also created a white phantom. eventually the black phantom and Robbie just came back into one, but have you ever wondered what happened to the White Phantom, last it was seen was being pulled into the corridors of time not knowing where or when it would come out, if it ever would. Slowly while locked within the corridors it slowly regressed into the personality of a child till it eventually emerged and was attacked by darkness and left broken and alone "
    Post by: riku1186, Jul 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. riku1186
    "Its simple, he seeks to end all lonliness" the hub said to Mixt "Every person who is killed by the consumers becomes a consumer and once a consumer everything you are is sent to the nearest hub, once at the hub the hub sends it all to the core while your body becomes a vessel to protect the core, and we hubds help coordinate. If the universe we are in lacks a core we hubs are free to do as we wish"
    Post by: riku1186, Jul 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. riku1186
  11. riku1186
  12. riku1186
    "Oh no, what problem could I have, just let me go over to this console and press some buttons, its hard. I mean you can't even do it your self, even if the station is under your complete and utter control, I mean you could just think 'I want to take the station here' and bam, there we go. But you never thought of that, just proves I am still smarter then you" Phantoma said sarcastically, he didn't bother moving from his position.
    Post by: riku1186, Jul 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. riku1186
  14. riku1186
    "You are a misconception as to why we do what we do, haven't you seen our brother and heard what he has said?" the hub asked Mixt "We can't disobey any order he gives and he has given an order" the hub said to Mixt.

    "Oh, whats wrong with me? It could be that I am bound to you. You know, just saying, if your unhappy with it, to bad. I have earned the right to be snarky" Phantoma said to Traken.
    Post by: riku1186, Jul 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. riku1186
  16. riku1186
  17. riku1186
    ooc: Don't listen to her, and lock your closet, and make sure you don't go asleep alone Mixt.

    BIC: "Well I think that should be obvious, our boss sees no reason to keep you or your people around and has decieded to make you join us. I told him we shouldn't go back on our word" The old man said as he raised a hand and the consumers stopped attacking Atem "I am only a hub and I have no reason to disobey the core"
    Post by: riku1186, Jul 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. riku1186
  19. riku1186
    Ansem get on Skype, I'm bored
    Profile Post by riku1186 for Ansem59, Jul 3, 2012
  20. riku1186
    "I thought we were being patient?" Phantoma asked Traken.
    Post by: riku1186, Jul 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home