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  1. riku1186
    The group was thrown out of the portal onto a ship, though it was different to any ship desgien they were used to. But there was great darkness around them, though it didn't seem threatning to them. The cloaked man had vanished as the ship shook around them.
    Post by: riku1186, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. riku1186
    "I will find my own way out" the hooded man said as he opened a portal that destroyed the Phantom's barrier around the world, "Choose to follow me if you wish" he said as he entered it.
    Post by: riku1186, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. riku1186
    "I can not choose what you use your powers for, only you can choose that path" Sophie said walking over to Atem.
    Post by: riku1186, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. riku1186
    "But to protect the ones you care about requires power, so if you turn down power then you will be powerless to protect those you turned power down for" Sophie said "Besides, don't you know how much we love you?" she asked, sounding almost sincear, but in truth she was trying to lure him in.
    Post by: riku1186, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. riku1186
    "How about you be quiete old woman" Sophie said in a harsh disrespecting voice. "How about we let Atem decied" she said in a sweeter tone to Atem.
    Post by: riku1186, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. riku1186
    "Atem is the reincarnation of Torxber, seems logical to me" Sophie said to Atem "So, do you want to be my king, I could start adressing you as my lord" Sophie said in her mocking voice again.
    Post by: riku1186, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. riku1186
    "Yes, Phantoma, he has the same idea as me, except he knows he won't lead it, so he picked a leader to take his place at building the new world" Sophie said looking back at Atem.
    Post by: riku1186, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. riku1186
    As Sophie walked toard Phisoxa she walked past she stroked his face she said "Because its me that should be all that matters". She walked past Atem and up to Phisoxa "A great war that destroyed the Kingdom and created the worlds" she said "This whole world was swallowed by th edarkness, along with the filth still on it"
    Post by: riku1186, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. riku1186
    "Its my father, well its Torxber but whats the differance" Sophie said to the group "And I plan to suepass my father, but I will need a king for when I remake the world" Sophie said "How about any of you biys?" she asked in a mocking voice.
    Post by: riku1186, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. riku1186
    "This place was the capital of the Empire so long ago" Sophie said, "And it will be my new capital"
    Post by: riku1186, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. riku1186
    "I have" Sophie said as she appeared behind the group.
    Post by: riku1186, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. riku1186
    After awhile the elchemy and vortex's stopped phasing the consumers as they landed and started running towards the group. At First Seth's blades cut the consumers but after awhile they simple bounced off them.

    Phantom floated in space, looking down at a helpless gummi ship.
    Post by: riku1186, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. riku1186
    Sophie prepared to block when the sky lit up. She vanished as consumers started coming down from the sky towards the mansion.
    Post by: riku1186, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. riku1186
    "Dark Gathering" Sophie said as a dark magic circle appeared on the ground. She vanished and reappeared in the sky as the circle exploded sending everyone flying up in the air, she started using a variation of Flashstep and started slashing everyone at high speed as she constantly dodged, going forst for Rako and slammed him back into the ground, she then flash stepped behind Seth and stabbed him in the back before flying towards Dante and Aia and slashed them both as she flew past. She then looked towards Traken on the other side of the and fired a dark blast threw the Dimension Wall and hit him. The cloaked man used his magic circles agin but this time the magic spells just bounced off her.
    Post by: riku1186, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. riku1186
    Sophie evil form finished. She vanished and reappered right in front Rako in the alternate world "Die" she said as she grabbed Rako and slammed him threw the dimmensional wall into Dante at speeds that just destroyed everything around the impact crater as she rained dark beams down from the sky that destroyed everything they touched, she vanished again and slashed Aia across the back as she passed her towards Seth.
    Post by: riku1186, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. riku1186
  17. riku1186
    Sophie hit the ground and got back up "Can I stop holding back now, you boring, I want to go god mode on you guys" Sophie said as if asking permission, she started gathering alot of dark energy as her body was starting to be warped into some type of demonic form.
    Post by: riku1186, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. riku1186
    The cloaked man sent a massive firaga attack at Sophie, she defelected it and it hit the wall she just created left a massive hole in the side. She ran at the cloacked man, he jumped back as five holographic magic circles appeared above Sophie and started hitting her with different high level spells.
    Post by: riku1186, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. riku1186
    Sophie placed her hand on the ground and used the darkness to quickly form a transumation circle, around the three a massive wall encircled them and trapped them in, she vanished as a massive amount of spikes started coming from every direction to stab the three as Sophie appeared outside.
    Post by: riku1186, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. riku1186
    "Is that the best you can do?" Sophie asked Seth, she backed away as she prepared to attack again.
    Post by: riku1186, Apr 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home