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  1. riku1186
    Hey no heart, how you been
    Profile Post by riku1186 for No Heart-X, Aug 29, 2012
  2. riku1186
    Än hour, ör two" Phantoma said sounding worried, then a grin crossed his face "Whats wrong worried they might realise you are completly defenceless and remove you while they have the chance"Phantoma said sarcasticlly.
    Post by: riku1186, Aug 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. riku1186
    "I don't have to tell you anything" Sophiw said smirking.

    "Not close enough"phantoma whispered back.
    Post by: riku1186, Aug 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. riku1186
    "Hold on a moment Traken, i have a few things to do, I will kill you in a sec" Sophie said casually as she looked at Aia "Hello Mommy" she said mocking Aia.
    Post by: riku1186, Aug 20, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. riku1186
    Sophie sighed as she stood up and launched a mass of dark energy balls that destroyed the consumers attacking "I guess there is no point in try to keep this civil" she said as she aimed another dark energy ball at traken.
    Post by: riku1186, Aug 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. riku1186
    "Don't tell me you want to be like me to" Sophie said as she got comfy in her seat.
    Post by: riku1186, Aug 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. riku1186
    "At least you can amit your weak, besides, only an idiot would tell their enemy how to defeat them, I don't know if you noticed, I'm not an idiot" Sophie said mocking Traken "And I don't play games with my enemy, most of the time anyway"
    Post by: riku1186, Aug 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. riku1186
    Sophie simple laughed for a minute "Thats funny, I never knew you were such a good comedian Traken, you know I hear all these speeches all the time, I should start counting how many times I hear certain lines"
    Post by: riku1186, Aug 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. riku1186
    "As I said, I heard people where talking about me, I want to know what you where saying" she said as she sat down in the Captains chair as if she was in charge "Come on, speak up"
    Post by: riku1186, Aug 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. riku1186
    "I heard people where talking about me, I wanted to make sure they got their facts right" She said putting her hand on Traken's Core "God it would be so easy" she said as Phantoma moved closer "Stay back little man, I'll make sure you don't survive round 2" she said mocking him.
    Post by: riku1186, Aug 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. riku1186
    "Yes, and the other forces have already begun with the cure" Phantoma said, before Traken could respond the wall to the control room exploded as Sophie walked in whistling.
    Post by: riku1186, Aug 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. riku1186
    "Well no, other then finding a nice cozy corner and cowering in it, because with the consumers and Phantom any idea someone comes up with sounds stupid" Phantoma said sarcasticly.
    Post by: riku1186, Aug 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. riku1186
    "So what, your just going to swarm it, what if it uses a mass area attack and wipes out all your consumers?" Phantoma asked.
    Post by: riku1186, Aug 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. riku1186
    "Hmm, good question, you could ask Aia since she is a god" Phantoma said.
    Post by: riku1186, Aug 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. riku1186
    "Well from what I know he said he was blessed by the gods with the power to kill the Phantom, but I believe that was before the Phantom upgraded with the rule powers" Phantoma said getting bored.
    Post by: riku1186, Aug 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. riku1186
    Weaknesses" Phantoma asked and then started laughing "You are a fool, it has no weakness, the only one who could kill it was Raxtion, and look how well that went!"
    Post by: riku1186, Aug 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. riku1186
    "Well you know if you've seen all that and still can't figure it out then your a bigger ifiot who can't realize it, I mean I met it once, and it killed me so thats as far as my knowledge on its motives go" Phantoma said "Maybe you should ask people who have experiance with it, like Phisoxa, Mixt, Rako or Raxtion, oh wait you can't ask Raxtion, rest in peace bud" Phantoma isad, he was mostly sarcastic until the final part, where he went quieter and sounded slightly sadder.
    Post by: riku1186, Aug 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. riku1186
    "I don't know, why does it do anything, usually so it can laugh and taunt you. You are talking about a creature who is made up of the hosts darkest elements. While it always carries the same goals, whatever they are, its personality varies from person to person, on its own its just plain evil but while in someone it can be influenced by the host" Phantoma said to Traken.
    Post by: riku1186, Aug 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. riku1186
    "Well think of it this way, if it comes here I will be unable to defend you since it already defeated me once, so while your immobile it has the advantage, then again it always has the advantage, so I wish you the best of luck if it comes back" Phantoma said in a mocking voice.
    Post by: riku1186, Aug 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. riku1186
    "How do you expect me to know? You should know how unpredictable it is, wait you never met the Phantom except that one time, but then again you are a researcher and should reserach all possible threats to find a weakness, a weakness?" Phantoma started laughing a little as he finished.
    Post by: riku1186, Aug 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home