Amuse me .....
It's alright. Some episodes are pretty boring. Some times, feels a bit like The OC with super heroes and villains. But it's alright as a whole.
I kind of feel like adding Chinese tot hat list is a bit incorrect. Chinese written language isn't based around an alphabetic system, and the only one it has is based around a reverse engineered Romanised one. Each symbol is more complex than what we would think. Just throwing that out there, because Wiki isn't always reliable. Anyway, Latin script is all i'm good for.
I have nice boots.
I say, come what may.
Dragon Age II still has the best range of characteristics in any team to me. The party banter as you wander around is beautifully executed and continually humorous or just foreboding as hell. Persona 3 also had a good team from what I remember.
? You don't execute anyone in the game as far as i'm aware. Btw, the Tomb Raider story has been rebooted like... three times now? This is just the one that's been a 'proper' reboot because of all the 'changes' made to the game. In reality, it's so they could use the title 'Tomb Raider' without having to add a sub title.
It's my favourite Eeveelution, not the most practical for sure. Grass is surprisingly resilient if you plan well.
Actually, I suppose QTEs is the wrong term. Context sensitive input. Like mashing a button jimmy opens windows or moving a fallen beam is more like it. QTEs imply the game is playing itself out for you, but that's not it, they're used for loading separate areas rather than you sitting about waiting for a door to open or something.
I think there is at least one unique loot that isn't story related per main mission. First 3 chapters for sure. It's all about trying to loot everything you can, I mean it's titled Thief, so that means from the coins to the jewels. There are multiple paths, admittedly only a few, but that kind of keeps the challenge of being restricted more tight. I think a speed run where being detected means perma death would be entertaining though. I think MGS might have less. The verticality of stealth games these days really opens up options. MGS has always been kind of flat ground, hiding behind objects or in grass and then just whacking out guards. I disagree. Some of the aged mechanics that have been left in here to try and appease the old PC gamers who loved the Thief series are really annoying. The few, if repetitive, QTEs, the amount of loading screens and such are just annoying to deal with in 2014. On a PS4. There are some nice updates borrowed from other games though. It just needed more of a Deus Ex Human Revolution kick up the arse.
Yeah, lot of pressure plate stuff can be removed with the cutters. That mission was actually one of the best i've done yet. I think if Thief had moved to moved to being more free in your heists and robberies and wasn't necessarily constrained so much by plot it could've been a lot better. Basically i'm saying, if they made it more like Hitman missions, but instead of killing a target you'd be stealing it. In exotic locations or in the middle of events.
Leafeon Tanks fairly well itself, because of Ingrain and Synthesis. I love Grass type, the most underrated of them all.
Anything you say may and will be used against you in a court of law.
It's just slowly reminding me how the UK is the worst at being a European country in Europe. No family togetherness, no great home cooked meal and getting pissed in front of your relatives. A real shame.
Oy, imagining that face watching Pokemon disturbs me greatly.
This is like the whole 'Even a monkey can type a Shakespeare play, if given enough time'. But now 'Even thousands of bored geeks can defeat Pokemon, if given enough time.'
1) He's working on Hamlet in the West End. 2) Nanananananananana- BATMAN!
Are you sure you're not Italian?
That's not a Barbarian.
Got to admit, if you have the game and the time to watch it being played, you can nust play the game. First hand experience is better than back seat watching.