One more time and you have a catcphrase.
My point is I've never had this issue on a console. Like Hatok says, it's been a PC issue mainly. Not to mention, it still doesn't fix my issue. An issue caused by a lot of PC piracy which companies react to. Console piracy, meanwhile, is tiny in comparison. PC is not perfect or better inherently just because of a Field of View slider or being able to put V Sync on.
How would I know if it's build? The unit works, the software doesn't always, otherwise every game I play would have an issue. You do know you need it to save the game too? If you don't play online you can't save, and DS isn't a game to sit down and complete without saving. It was working fine till Windows Live shut down its services. And I believe you can still play online with the right fixes, but i've had no luck so far.
He's just trying to find the interest and ability of people to build PCs. More a census than a here and now sort of thing. Then again, looking on the internet for people who build PCs is a pretty fair correlation, so maybe he's just trying to find about KHV members specifically
PCs are entirely unique between each other thanks to build. What happens on yours can be different on mine I can count on two hands and guess the average of them all is about 4 hours to fix. And i've been gaming on PC just 3 years now. I have been trying to play Dark Souls, and I spent hours last week trying to figure out how to disable Windows Live and Is till haven't got it to work. Meanwhile, I pop it in on the PS3 and i'd be fine.
Why do it yourself when you can get your mate to do it for free and buy them a drink later on? Eh? Eh?
On PS4, you can play whilst it installs. And my point is booting a game on console is rarely ever an issue.
With a console, I can pop in a game and play. Some of my PC games just don't at first, and i'll have to spend hours trying to figure it all out. Superb is not the word i'd use spending ages on forums and search engines, just to find your firewall is blocking it or your problem has never been encountered by anyone else before. I've deferred from buying PC games on release and opted for the console version, just because I really want to play it and not suddenly find it won't work.
Over here, big triple A PC games have regularly been £30, whilst games on the consoles were £40. I save £10 a game, generally. However, PC games are increasingly being priced at £40 on Steam, stuff like Saints Row 4, Thief, from what I remember. Console games have also been increased since the new gen, from forty to £50 on average now. Buying your laptop, from currency convertor and the usual mark up of hardware prices, would cost about £1100-1200. Think it might take 5 or more years, and that's as long as you don't upgrade any parts.
Only if you don't spend a thousand pounds on the best hardware. Otherwise it's not necessarily cheaper over all. And it is relatively only cheaper the more games you buy over time. It's not great if you buy one a month for example, you'd really have to be a committed gamer. It's why i call them PC Elitists, because it's only a few who can afford the high end lifestyle.
I hate that argument when someone spends a thousand on a extremely powerful rig, and claims that they save money on PC games prices compared to console costs. Prices of games are horrendous sometimes, but if price equaled quality, all free games would be great.
I'm preaching? I'm not trying to convert anyone, just express myself in the best way I know. It's handy you're giving these terms for me to look...
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Didn't mean to presume, btw. Apologies. If life was pure logic, we'd be mechanical, predictable and routine. Emotions, bonds and being social...
Ever since ACIII ended, the series has felt like it doesn't know where it's going. Suddenly Caribbean Pirates, next French Revolution, nothing links them and this game has been in development for three years? So around the time Revelations was released this was being conceived. And what's with the Unity subtitle? Is this a spin off? But it's a full game like the main ones, so like Brotherhood or Revelations? But those two were connected by time and Ezio... I'm looking too much into this, but it feels like they're churnning out anything now. I seriously don't care about Europe as a location anymore, we've been climbing those building styles since ACII. This'll be the fifth game. I won't lie, I want London, climbing Big Ben would be epic next to the Thames in a foggy evening. But I don''t care anymore. We have the rich wide world and you stick us with white Europeans AGAIN? I was really looking forward to the rumoured AC set in India, damned shame. Notre Dame looks epic, looking forward to the climb.
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Tis fine so far.
Have you read the Tao Te Ching? Full of logical conclusions, if many are left to make you ponder the conclusion. The Bible also has many good...