I just don't how that's DmCs and Ninja Theory's fault. Capcom is the bad guy here, rebooting a series not needed (though i'm glad they did, I had fun), leaving cliffhangers and plot holes and dropping characters. Why be pissed at NT, who made a good game, but forget to grief Capcom who have shafted the fans in this series and others? Spoiler: wonder if anyone will read Reapers weren't a weapon. They were an intelligence, a tool to stop Ai and organic wars and death, to preserve life. However, they came to their own perverted conclusion that the only way to preserve life was to create the Reaper constructs, the mass of a whole species genetic material thereby preserving the genes and its life as a Reaper. It came to the conclusion that organics and synthetics would always fight and destroy each other, so they had to intervene, collect all the genetic material of a species by harvesting it before it was all lost before the total annihilation of a species. These constructs were immortal, supposed to be indestructible and able to defend itself, hence weaponry and massive armour. They were also created out of both organic and synthetic life. Crazy solution, but most rogue AIs in the Mass Effect universe are crazed. The Catalyst was their central AI, their leader effectively. It came in the form of the child, because that is what haunted Shepherd on their last days of fighting the Reapers, and the Catalyst tapped into that. That's why it has the voice of the child and Shepherd, it's projecting itself using Shepherd's mind. It doesn't natively speak English, so it had to learn it somewhere, ergo using Shepherd. The three choices were the constrained options of a mad ancient AI that had wiped away life in the galaxy for billions of year, and it giving you three options was the most stupid thing it could've done? It's a mad AI! Not to mention the Catalyst was an unreliable narrator, which in narrative terms basically mean it wasn't telling you the whole truth of the matter, only what it thought you should know. It was suppose to make the choices difficult to choose from with what little information you had. You weren't suppose to know how everything turned out straight away. The Normandy didn't know the beam stuff was safe for it, only Shepherd knew what it was for when they made their choice. When it fired, everyone else would've been crapping themselves thinking they were dead. It was only when the survived it and the Reapers were defeated that they cheered. The Normandy crashed on a random planet because their ship crashed. You don't make a designated landing from that. The whole green planet was suppose to be a symbolism of new life for the galaxy, the peaceful tranquillity of a garden Eden after so much destruction by the Reapers. The last planet we saw was Earth, war ravaged, destroyed, corpse filled, on fire. Now we see the hope of new life. Everything else in term of the alien species, destroyed Mass Relays and the destroyed Citadel should've been left alone. It was a mystery and I kept wondering what would happen. Kingdom Hearts does that too with its constant cliffhanger endings. The Stargazer and the child were recounting a story of Shepherd, yeah. Like a legend, about The Shepherd, the saviour of the galaxy. Again, I could go through with the whole symbolism of why this is fine but it should just Be fine by itself. Also, the whole series is damned silly. Alien species, bug people, blue women, four testicle Krogan rhinos. The Citadel, a convenient space station found in the middle of nowhere. The Force in the form of biotics. Fornax, an alien porn mag. Ardat'Yakshi, vampire asari succubus. Reapers, ancient evil that harvests species and makes husks out of them. Salarians, lizards with a caffeine. M-99 Cain, a Mini Nuke gun on your back. Invisibility for the Engineer class. It's a silly game if you really want to break it down. It wasn't the best ending, wasn't the most satisfying, but people should read more books, this was a treat compared to what some acclaimed writers do these days. Most books don't have a happy ending where everything is wrapped up and resolved. Like Margaret Atwood wrote (paraphrasing): "There is only one ending to all stories, whether we're told it or not: Every character dies." Read her short story 'Happy Endings' if any of you are interested.
I actually like the prospect of a new writer taking over the Bioshock story, if 2K decide to make another, which they probably will. Apart from that, I really wonder if Ken Levine can focus himself better with a smaller project instead of overcomplicating it.
Never played Devil May Cry. Played a bit of the third but got bored quickly. I can't judge it since i've never played it. I was generalising though, so i'm sure there are cases that aren't overly complicated. You can't bring every enemy towards you, the big bruisers especially when in a big fight with a lot of enemies who can interrupt your attacks. Not to mention you can only do the one at a time. I don't get the complaint that it's easy to get an SSS rank by spamming a move. Not only do you have to not be hit to keep it, but who plays a game, with a terrible story, to exploit it? I've played games where I can cheat in the best weapons and armour, but it made the game unchallenging, and as a result, boring. I would never try to exploit a game if I want to have fun with it. That's the gamers choice. Kingdom Hearts 2 is all Reflect to exploit, but That'd be a boring 10 hours. Enemies attacked me when I didn't attack. Don't know what your problems were with that. Actually I don't think I ever use the dodge button, I just jumped or ran. Forgot it was there most of the time. Opinions. I hated the cocky narcissistic original Dante who acted like the kind of guy who would talk sarcastically all the time. This one was clearly a cocky selfish man child, but he was a dick trying to do something with his crap life. The original story also sounds like an anime, which I find increasingly boring because they try to be over the top but it feels all forced and like i'm watching an 80s action film. At least DmC tried to make parts serious, and therefore play on some ideas. It also made it seem even weirder when the preposterous swearing came about. Actually, it felt like it was commenting about trolls and other groups that hate serious topics and swear about them like idiots. Got a smirk out of me.
Thought you might like the free education and healthcare. But i'm English. It's my duty to purposefully insult every other English person and group from around the country. It's why we have a sense of humour.
Oh, how's the Scottish Independence going by the way? You a 'We'll exploit those English bastards and stay!' or a 'We'll stand on our own two feet, ya English BASTARDS!' ?
I could remind you, ha. I remember the days when English and British were the same term to describe anyone in the United Kingdom.
Remember those Scottish jokes? Good times.
It's a devs job to improve on what they've done, not to alter anything to appease a few pissed off entitled shouters. But what did the big ending DLC do? Nothing for pissed off fans. Well, a few who got some closure, the ones who didn't feel the original ending explored enough and thus were more satisfied with explanations. Most people were pissed that they didn't get a happy ending. I saw the end coming from Mass Effect 2, and the foreboding in the entire of Mass Effect 3, having a last farewell to everything you've done. Just because it was sad shouldn't have been the reason they hate it. That's not a bad ending, that's an ending you disagree with. Doesn't deserve hate. Especially when the rest of the game was great. I never said immune to critique, but no one should demand an artist, a story to just change because it's not the one they want. Bad ending or not, that's the published edition, you shouldn't change that for anyone, you should have the balls to say no. Clearly, you do better next time, not just sweep away the mistakes you've made. Also, Citadel DLC was in the planning stage post ME3 release before the ultimate shitstorm. I don't like CAGs like I said. Usually because they're overly complicated, with more combos than I ever use and cater to their really niche hyperactive fans. DmC had this nice mix of fluid combat with simple attacks. It was perfect for my play style, it also wasn't so fast I was inputting combos in wrong like I usually do. There was plenty of depth within DmC combat. You could juggle two to three different enemies if you're good enough, and it felt gratifying when I got an SSS rank, all but once I did get it. Story in action games are generally pap, and DMCs was okay. Classic story of vengeance. I liked Dante when he was trying to do some good with his hate filled lost life, hated when he acted like swear box. From what i've heard, the original series story was pretty poor too. Also, you played Heaven and Hell difficulty? One hit kills you? And that was still easy?[DOUBLEPOST=1392759648][/DOUBLEPOST] Why was it silly? The ending was a shock, but nothing you couldn't put together or understand. The closure is also a writer's choice. you can leave a story as open ended as you like or wrap up everything or just allude to what happened. I've read a story about Kublai Khan's rise and it ends mid way into his life. The writer in their afterword said that he wanted to leave Kublai when he was at his happiest, his best before his fall into drunkenness, the death of his son and failure as a leader. That was the writers choice, even though he promised he'd do the whole of Kublai's life. But I wasn't mad, I was satisfied where it was left because I understood what the reader's intention was. It's their story, not ours, ever.
When reviewing the game's controversy, I found the petition that demanded it be removed from shelves. What a bunch of immature babies. A lot of fans usually feel entitled to a series' creative direction because they're fans. The bs from Mass Effect 3 'fans' who demanded a change to the ending were insulting. Fans are just terrible when they don't get whatever they believed they were going to get. Like the devs are suppose to read minds or something.
See, you've nailed Toriyama down in one sentence.
I'm fairly sure she'll appear in a KH game of some description. KH3 is a good bet