happy birthday or whatever
ff is lame #shotsfired
avi seven / ten > it's clean and well-placed but other than that there's not much special about it sig four / ten > the gif isn't the best of quality and maybe it should be centered??
lol the quality wasn't good enough to make it bigger
「 sugar free 」
cnc would seriously be V E R Y appreicated bc i spent quite a lot of time collecting these screencaps and deciding which parts of the mv to use [ i took a lot of screencaps lol ] and how to organize them and such so please please cnc would mean a lot!! thanks so much!! [ all screencaps taken from this mv ] [ you should really watch + listen to this song it's soooooo good srsly ]
uh good i guess lol not much going on you ??
avi + sig: eight / ten bc both look really sharp and clean it's not too much of an eyesore but still very prominent and easily recognized i would rate it highter but idk what game it's from lol so blame my ignorance for the lower score
it's okay i understand
oh i thought he was kidding lol
lately on tumblr i've been posting lots of edits of kpop mvs + mv teasers + member teasers and such and i'd like to hear some feedback on them there are quite a few of them [ waaaay too many to all post in one thread ] so instead i'll just like to the tag http://ta-beau.tumblr.com/tagged/edits i know this is gonna sound like self promo but i promise you that that is not my intent any cnc or feedback at all would be much appreciated!!
awwww omg thanks it means a lot ;; <33
lol i mean like i'm sure it's not exclusively a gay thing ahah
eh i can see that a lil it's probs just going way over my head lol