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  1. Beau
    i thought i'd post a link to another mafia game i found a while back!

    it's called town of salem and i'm p sure a lot of ppl have seen it [ or at least heard of it ] through youtube or streams or something haha

    it's really different from a forum-based mafia game bc the matches are much shorter, there are lots more roles to play as, and so much stuff i can't even get into haha

    anyways i've been playing it a lot lately and it's really fun!!

    if you decide to register you can add me [ Tabeauu ] and we can play together!

    you can also post your username below so ppl can add you and maybe we can have a lil town of salem party all together!!
    Thread by: Beau, Nov 9, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Beau
    lol i don't really know what to say

    i can't really defend myself since it's so early

    but if i'm the lynch that gets the rest of the game going then so be it haha
    Post by: Beau, Nov 9, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. Beau
    uh i mean it just started lol

    i'm not really sure bc i wanna say i'm suspicious of ppl who've been random voting

    but then again that's a common townie tactic too to do on the first day so idk

    so to answer your question no one at the moment
    Post by: Beau, Nov 8, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  4. Beau

    also hi guys
    [DOUBLEPOST=1415499090][/DOUBLEPOST]oh wait nvm i saw your reasoning sorry lol @Mish
    Post by: Beau, Nov 8, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  5. Beau
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Beau, Nov 8, 2014
  6. Beau
  7. Beau
    { images }
    { text

    Thread by: Beau, Oct 25, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Beau
    i'd just join snsd and make that **** a coed group replace jessica lol
    Post by: Beau, Oct 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Beau
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Beau, Oct 18, 2014
  10. Beau
    i've been obsessed with marina and the diamond's new song froot for a lil while so i decided to add it to my phone's music but it didn't have album art [ that i could find ]. i decided to try and use some screencaps from the official audio video to make one myself.

    while working on the original i felt really proud of it but then the next day upon closer inspection i realized that the FROOT was not even centered and a bunch of other issues [ including too much open space ]

    so today i decided i'd start fresh and try something new. the FROOT was taken from a different time in the video to get a different shade of colors [ which i prefer greatly to the original ]. i also tried to make sure that all the six main fruits were equally spaced from the FROOT. then i just cut some other minor elements from the video and added them in accordingly.

    overall i really really like the second one much more than the first. i may have gone a little overboard with the minor details on the second one, but i like it so eh.

    anyways, any cnc would be much appreciated!! though it didn't take much actual photomanipulation, deciding what things to include and place where was a big challenge and was a lot more time-consuming than i thought haha

    also question you were looking for album artwork online and you found these would you use one of them? if so, which one and why?? i'm really curious lol


    [ also y'all should really listen to the song it's sooo good!!! ]


    [ screencaps taken from:




    Thread by: Beau, Oct 17, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Beau
    lol okay i know i said that i wouldn't join this game but i'm legit a sucker for murder mystery themed anything

    and i promise i won't drop out lol

    [ however, due to things that have happened previously, i'd understand if i wouldn't be allowed to participate just fyi so there wouldn't be any hard feelings if so ]
    Post by: Beau, Oct 16, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. Beau
    nichijou or die
    Post by: Beau, Oct 13, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Beau
    np lol
    Post by: Beau, Oct 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Beau
    psst he's her father
    Post by: Beau, Oct 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Beau
    enfp ayyy

    pink symbolizes ones that i / other peeps [ might ] find most interesting

    some peeps i thought were cool:

    genie - aladdin
    aang - atla

    harley quinn - batman
    number three - codename
    aoi anahina - dangan ronpa
    phoebe buffay - friends
    anna - frozen
    sora - kh
    sulley - monsters inc
    ash ketchum - pokemon

    sayaka miki - pmmm
    sailor moon - sailor moon
    rapunzel - tangled
    jane - tarzan

    beast boy - teen titans
    ariel - little mermiad

    some peeps other might find cool:

    phoenix wright - ace attorny
    stephanie brown - batman
    goku - dbz

    shinra kishitani - durarara
    rydia / locke cole / zack fair / zidane tribal / tidus / vanille - final fantasy
    ryuko matoi - kill la kill
    avatar wan - legend of korra

    pippin - lotr
    pinkie pie - mlp

    danny - game grumps
    obito, first hokage, jiraya - naruto

    luffy - one piece
    anakin skywalker - star wars

    kamina - gurren lagann
    Post by: Beau, Oct 4, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Beau
    i haven't really played any mortal kombat games but it looks really cool. the new characters, the revamped looks of veterans, more stage interactions, three variations for each character, and fatalities all look so cool!!

    i'm not a big fan but really gory and bloody stuff but for some reason mk strikes a chord with me haha

    despite not playing any of the games, i know a lot about what happened in previous games [ specifically mk9 bc this game is a sequel to that ] and i'm hoping some veterans will be included

    what do you guys think of the game?? who do you think is gonna be included in the game? anybody planning on getting

    [ lol oops i should've looked harder oh well ]
    Post by: Beau, Oct 2, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  17. Beau
    feb-you-ary scrubs
    Post by: Beau, Sep 27, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Beau
    Profile Post Comment

    lol thanks!

    lol thanks!
    Profile Post Comment by Beau, Sep 27, 2014
  19. Beau
    ayyy mafia pulling in the win

    good job y'all
    Post by: Beau, Sep 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. Beau
    Profile Post

    「 ayyy 」

    「 ayyy 」
    Status Update by Beau, Sep 26, 2014