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  1. Beau
    i read this as nine muses and i got excited

    but no
    Post by: Beau, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Beau
    sorry just got back from work

    i was a little late to the party that day so i didn't experience the events first person, but when i discovered what trig did i was very confused. like what did that accomplish?? idk if he's like a townie that was trying to trick mafia into changing their vote at the last second or something or if he's a mafia member who did something very odd because no one would expect a mafia member to do such a thing. regardless it was a very pointless move that only ended up freaking people out

    like i said i viewed the thread afterwards when it already happened and i was freaking out a little so lol
    Post by: Beau, Nov 14, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. Beau
    well younger me didn't think i'd be interested in boys

    but here we are

    more seriously tho, i didn't think i'd be into foreign languages but i'm like obsessed with them rn lol

    tbh i listen to more foreign music [ french, korean, japanese rarely ] now than american

    and i'm much more fascinated by them than i could have imagined when i was younger
    Post by: Beau, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  4. Beau
    that's very true

    and i'm also really bad at it lol so i think i'm better off without
    Post by: Beau, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Beau
    but idk if i want to yk
    Thread by: Beau, Nov 12, 2014, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Beau

    oh ya i visited seton hall a few weeks ago and forgot to post
    Post by: Beau, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. Beau
    also apparently people in new jersey are the only people to call the night before halloween mischief night??

    what is the matter with the rest of this country
    Post by: Beau, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Beau
    clean - taylor swift

    and basically her entire album haha
    Post by: Beau, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. Beau
    everyone belongs in jersey v u v
    Post by: Beau, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Beau
  11. Beau
    avi: 7 /10

    i like the bg color and the contrast it has against the figure [ looks like some kind of batman thing?? ] but like makaze said i think it's a little too far off for my tastes i'd like to see more of the person in the image

    sig: 8.5 / 10

    i really love how simple and clean it is it looks very nice!!
    Post by: Beau, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. Beau
    i like the first one in the first row and the second one in the second row

    i also kinda like the third one in the first row too

    they're all so cute ugh
    Post by: Beau, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Beau
    sorry just got home from school

    and sure i trust your judgement since you're a confirmed townie haha

    ##Unvote: Calxiyn

    ##Vote: Mish
    Post by: Beau, Nov 11, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. Beau
  15. Beau
    oh sorry i misunderstood

    yeah i think that that's a good plan i mean polarizing the mafia is smart bc that separates them and makes them easier to pick out.
    their decisions will be very telling, i think

    i would most likely vote for calxiyn bc i feel like she hasn't really added any sustenance to the thread, at least in recent discussions [ and before y'all say anything, no it's not bc she has a vote against me lol ]. however, i also feel like that maybe she would be more active if someone were to gear specific questions at her that way she'd be able to add something.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1415669337][/DOUBLEPOST]kinda like what makaze has done with me lol
    Post by: Beau, Nov 10, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. Beau
    your plan about getting a soft lynch against an inactive?

    i was opposed to having any kind of lynch on the first day [ for reasons i stated before ], but after reading marushi's scenario post that was directed at me, what you've said to me, and the general discussion throughout the thread i think it's actually a good plan

    i mean i feel bad for the townie [ most likely ] who will get hanged, but if it gives a good basis for weeding out mafia, then it makes sense

    and also i'd be willing to vote for an inactive if i was given an additional reason or two [ other than being inactive ]
    Post by: Beau, Nov 10, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. Beau
    sorry for the inactivity but i've been doing a lot of hw that i wasn't expecting

    i've been trying to read along every once and a while to stay in the loop and try to retain everything but it's not really working lol

    i don't really have any questions or concerns right now, because those i had have already been answered [ like i was wondering why mish suddenly changed her vote, but then she explained herself ]

    if anybody has any concerns for me tho i'd be happy to answer them. i'm much better at answering questions than coming up with them lol
    Post by: Beau, Nov 10, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  18. Beau
    I have no opinions of anybody at the moment sorry like I've been saying I feel like it's too early at least for me

    I'd like to hear more from @Spike and @Mish[DOUBLEPOST=1415597295][/DOUBLEPOST]
    oh okay I see your point that makes a lot of sense thank you!!

    maybe I was wrong about ppl's gut feelings not being worth anything then lol[DOUBLEPOST=1415597401][/DOUBLEPOST]also I'm going to bed bc I have school tomorrow lol I should be on at like three ish
    Post by: Beau, Nov 10, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. Beau

    i'm not saying that. i'm gonna impose on ppl and try to tell them what to do, that was just my two cents. i just meant that i had no intention of voting someone on the first day, basically.


    i understand what you're saying but i don't really agree with it. i feel like that ppl's votes do matter, whether or not the voted get lynched or not. you can gain just as much information, except if they do get lynched, then that's just one less townie. like i said before, if someone were to vote against someone else and then end up dead [ even tho there was no lynch ], that still says something.

    unless i'm totally misunderstanding and being dumb lol
    [DOUBLEPOST=1415596471][/DOUBLEPOST]*not gonna impose

    sorry lol
    Post by: Beau, Nov 10, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. Beau
    the reason i'm not helping is because i honestly don't believe that anything can really get accomplished. in my opinion, the first day is a bunch of gut feelings and hunches. in a game like this, the way someone rubs off on you isn't exactly a great way of achieving anything. if anything it just gets an innocent townie killed bc someone's 'hunch' told them they were maf. there's really no rhyme or reason to it lol

    at least waiting until the next day when a townie gets killed gives everyone a place to start, kind of. like say if someone voted against a somebody else [ and maybe even got a wagon against them ] and were then killed, town would be suspicious of that person who was voted against.

    that's just what i think anyways

    and also i'm not freaking out this game bc i realized that it's just not worth it lol last time i let it get to me but i realize that this is just a game and it's not that big of a deal ??
    Post by: Beau, Nov 9, 2014 in forum: The Playground