countless times i’ve been asked ‘how did you get such an amazing life?’ if i’m honest, i’m not quite sure ‘i was just born with it, i guess’ at this point, they usually roll their eyes ‘i don’t think you realize how lucky you are’ if i’m honest, it’s not all that great sometimes it gives me a big ego other times it gets me some action most times it just gets in the way sometimes it gets lonely sometimes it loses its perkiness but that changed when i found you if i’m honest, i didn’t think much of it then but later i realized my life needed you in it to fill it to the brim with joy to make it feel complete again you knock on my apartment door ‘can i come in?’ if i’m honest, i didn’t expect you to be here ‘yes . . . please’ you exhale short raspy breaths as you enter i squeal tears in my eyes ‘i need you . . . COME in my life!’
@Makaze god bless you[DOUBLEPOST=1416350075][/DOUBLEPOST]since i posted it early i'd really like to hear your guys' thoughts on it i worked really hard on it so i'd like to see it being useful!! lol
i will for the future thanks!! sorry about the strike thing tho really i tried fixing it like ten times so excuse that if you can [ you being plural ]
in order of who i think is mafia [ trig and spike are basically on the same level tho ]... >TRIGGER Spoiler: trigger POSTS: #54 – nonsense intro post #92 – has no opinions on anyone #106 – says his first post was ‘icebreaker’ post, would like to hear more from the fuk, mish, and me #126 – finally responds to makaze’s plan after being prodded two times, say it’s ‘a bit silly’ bc there isn’t much to say so early in the game, my reaction post didn’t tell him anything #128 – worries about ppl getting lynched for no reason bc of trains forming and why he is hesitant, would like to hear more from the fuk #130 – says the fuk was a ‘good player’ last game and asks specifically for his ideas on possible mafia and getting info #132 – asks me if i find anyone suspicious or would like to hear from #142 – thinks that no one can really be written off yet and says that i could still be mafia, says that i possibly wasn’t defended bc mafia weren’t on; votes the fuk [ no reason given?? ] #170 – defends spike saying that he’s at least been contributing, while the fuk hasn’t at all and also accused him of being mafia #175 – defends mish #177 – continues to defend mish by throwing in his interpretation of her post #180 – says that he and makaze should just ask mish herself #264 – unvotes the fuk; no reason given #267 – says he’ll revote the fuk in a sec #271 – says that makaze’s ‘random gamble voting’ doesn’t help town, plans on revoting after makaze does #273 – revotes the fuk; no reason given #285 – says that he unvoted the fuk bc he ‘panicked over [makaze] trying to take so much control over the situation’, regrets it #287 – would like to hear what ppl think of what he did #296 – says he intended to revote the fuk the whole time, but saw it pointless after marushi voted for him; wanted to revote him to combat makaze’s control; calls makaze out for calling ppl out for viewing thread #298 – thought the fuk had more votes at the time #310 – doesn’t mind makaze being a ‘leader figure’, but doesn’t like his idea of randomly voting someone; understood that he was taking a big risk, but felt strongly about the fuk; asks spike for his thoughts #313 – didn’t find mish, spike, or myself all that suspicious, says he voted purely on who thought would be least useful to town; says that if ppl asked him questions, he would have answered #357 – says he’ll post his reads tomorrow after makaze asked for them; has yet to post [UN]VOTE REASONING: #142 – votes the fuk; no reason given #264 – unvotes the fuk; no reason given // later states that it was bc he panicked over makaze’s control [ #285 ] #273 – revotes the fuk; no reason given OPINION: >looking back, post #170 may have said a lot. recently in the thread there’s been discussion that both trig and spike are mafia, and this post would def show some buddying going on. since the fuk is confirmed town, i think that trig is mafia. in addition, i think that if trig / spike is mafia, then the other is as well. this coupled with his absence in regards to posting his reads after being specifically asked by makaze many times and his adversion to makaze’s plans supports that he is mafia. >SPIKE Spoiler: spike POSTS: #91 – was going to vote makaze but didn’t bc he realized he is town, doesn’t like being aggressive on the first day #121 – realizes that passiveness is unhelpful, says he’ll keep an eye on trig and the fuk, votes for me bc of inactivity #149 – points out that three ppl are on verge on soft lynch, asks how confident ppl’s choices are #182 – basically says he’s very watchful and observes everyone before acting, hence his inactivity, after makaze asked him about it #184 – nothing #189 – unvotes me, votes the fuk bc he’s been suspicious of him #191 – unvotes the fuk bc he didn’t realize he was really close to a hard lynch #201 – nothing #218 – clarifies that cal, trig, himself, and i are who makaze was asking about [ who would he vote for to polarize maf ] #230 – votes for me bc i voted for cal, thinks trig’s opinions about not making rash decisions isn’t punishable #282 – asks ppl’s opinions on why tale got killed #311 – says trig’s move was ‘ballsy’, not going to condemn him bc ‘it’s not the flashy moves that incriminate the guilty’ #409 – defends himself against makaze, saying that he voted for me twice bc of my inactivity, backs up what he said about trig before, calls makaze out for making accusations without context, votes for mish with no reason given #412 – agrees that trig is the best bet for mafia, doesn’t vote for him bc he’s already at a soft lynch #415 – says that mish is ‘letting the chips fall where they may’ [UN]VOTE REASONING: #121 – votes for me; inactivity #189 – unvotes me, votes the fuk; bc he had suspicions earlier on #191 – unvotes the fuk; didn’t realize he was so close to a hard lynch #230 – votes for me; feels putting cal at risk by voting for her is unnecessary, says that trig keeping ppl from making rash decisions ‘is an attitude [he’s] not going to punish’ #409 – votes for mish; no reason given, backs up his reasoning with trig OPINION: >i think that spike didn’t post [ other than the flu, which he stated in post #409 ] bc he would be expected to vote for trig, which he seems to avoid. there have been cases throughout the thread where he’s been suspicious of him, or would be keeping his on him, but didn’t act on his suspicions. in fact, he’s dismissed pretty much trig’s most incriminating deed [ the unvoting/revoting] and fails to mention his inactivity, despite it being pointed out many times in the thread. i think that spike is mafia; if he or trig is confirmed for mafia, i think the other is as well. >MARUSHI Spoiler: marushi POSTS: #41 – votes tale ‘just because’ #43 – argues that first vote means nothing #52 – says there’s no need for anyone else to vote tale #55 – unvotes tale, says will vote against him again when she returns #71 – returns, does not revote tale, asks who cal is suspicious of #73 – agrees with cal, says that trig’s nonsense first post is unhelpful and will be ‘keeping an eye on him’, asks trig his opinion of general thread activity #75 – questions mish on why she claimed she was town, voted me, then left, asks why mish voted me #77 – ‘can buy’ mish’s explanation, asks the fuk and spike their opinions #82 – votes cstar, says posts ‘don’t sit right’ with her #108 – backs up reasoning on cstar, agrees with makaze and hyuge’s plan, votes for me bc my posts are few and unsubstantial even tho i ‘feel townie’ to her #133 – says that my willingness to die isn’t helping town, says my change in demeanor makes her unsure if i’m townie or not [ contradicts what she said before ?? ], points out the fuk is inactive #135 – asks for clarification about my point #139 – makes up hypothetical situation to explain to me that a lynch first day is good #160 – unvotes me bc she agrees with makaze’s reasoning, says cal’s vote for me is odd #162 – says she unvoted me bc she ‘reviewed all new information’ [ doesn’t explain further tho? ], is afraid of getting someone past a soft lynch #208 – nothing #213 – nothing #227 – says that the fuk should be lynched due to inactivity #229 – votes spike #238 – nothing #241 – nothing #256 – ‘warning bells’ on mish bc contradicting opinions and actions [ thinking i’m mafia, unvoting me in the same post ] #258 – nothing #260 - nothing #262 – nothing #266 – thinks makaze’s plan is brilliant #268 – unvotes spike, votes the fuk; replaces trig’s unvotes #270 – says trig tried to save the fuk #274 – if the fuk’s mafia, he’s ‘sunk’ #276 – nothing #278 – nothing #292 – says we need to keep a close eye on trig bc of unvoting/revoting thing #299 – asks mish what she thinks of trig explaining himself #302 – calls mish out on not stating her opinion of trig #304 – nothing #309 – waits for spike and makaze to post thoughts before voting, wants to ‘play it safe’ #366 – huge post about how mish is mafia, hyuge and spike are maybe mafia, and i’m town; asks what cal and cstar think about what she said; confirms she is hated; votes mish #369 – nothing #371 – asks makaze why he thinks she’s mafia #379 – huge post defending herself; says makaze only sees things in ‘black and white’, likes his plans but not his methods; backs up her reasoning for voting spike [ very little posts that mean nothing ]; says that she follows makaze bc he knows what he’s doing and is confirmed town; says she wasn’t hated to copy makaze’s strategy from last game #389 – says trig is most likely mafia bc of the vote thing, ‘dropping off the map’ when makaze asked his town reads; again mentions makaze’s black and white-ness; says that if mish is mafia, hyuge is most likely her buddy; overall seems very suspicious of mish, hyuge, and spike #395 – unable to answer makaze’s concerns about her scum readings due to real life constraints; realizes this only adds to her suspicion #397 – says will most likely be able to give reads tomorrow #400 – further explains that she may not be able to give scum and town reads due to comp #413 – posts reads; i’m most townie, trigger is most scummy, followed by spike and mish [ saving herself?? ] #416 – clarifies that she suspects the top three ppl individually, not as a team, would be surprised if mish and spike were both maf [UN]VOTE REASONING: #41 – votes tale; ‘just because’ #55 – unvotes tale; says will vote against him when she returns [ doesn’t revote ] #82 – votes cstar; posts ‘don’t sit right’ with her #108 – unvotes cstar, votes for me; my posts are few and unsubstantial [ even tho i ‘feel townie to her?? ] #160 – unvotes me; agrees with makaze about my lack of defense and that i’ve posted things that ‘fit a certain type of townie thinking’ [ first instance of shadowing makaze?? ] #162 – further explains that she unvoted me after she ‘reviewed all new information’, afraid of getting someone past soft lynch [ doesn’t expand on ‘new information’?? ] #229 – votes spike; follows makaze’s plan to bring two ppl up to three votes #268 – unvotes spike, votes the fuk; replaces trig’s unvotes #366 – votes mish; mainly bc she contradicts herself a lot OPINION: >i think she followed makaze to appear as town as possible. as soon as makaze called her out on it and said she is mafia, she switched gears and criticized him on his tendency to see things only in black and white. however, she also said that she followed him bc he is confirmed town and has lots of experience. i see this as her trying to distance herself from makaze without making herself seem suspicious. >she has stated many times throughout the thread that she would be ‘keeping an eye’ on trig and even said she was suspicious of him, yet she hasn’t voted him once? i think it’s a little odd that, considering trig’s behavior, she has yet to vote for him. yes, there is a soft lynch on trig at the moment, but she had plenty of opportunities prior to vote for him; instead she voted for mish. her reasoning for suspecting for mish seems legit, but the fact that she hasn’t ever voted trig once despite her suspicion throughout the thread is a bit odd. i think if marushi / trig is mafia, then the other is as well and that mish is town. also sorry this took so long to post lol i had it in a word doc and when i copied it over it messed up a bunch of stuff and i had to fix it lol[DOUBLEPOST=1416346795][/DOUBLEPOST]OMFG IT DID IT AGAIN GDI OKAY SORRY ABOUT THE DUMB STRIKE THING I TRIED TO FIX IT BUT APPARENTLY NOT SO YA
most of it is just recapping what they did so that added a lot of length but i don't think that it'll be longer than yours lol okay i'm going to post it now!!
i'm just about finished i wasn't planning on post until almost the last moment but i'll post them when i finish!! also fair warning it is going to be very long lol and sorry if it's hard to follow i tried my best
honestly marushi didn't really give me a mafia vibe before but after catching up and reading everyone's thoughts, i'm starting to see the case against her. she has been quite contradictory with her opinions on ppl and mafia reads i kinda feel like she's trying to play both sides of the court yk? if something goes awry on one side she can switch and get off scott free in regards the ppl's thoughts on mafia buddies, i'm not too sure who she's buddying up with. i don't really think it's you, and my suspicion of mish is faltering, so i honestly don't have an idea about who it is. i want to say someone inactive like spike, but he hasn't even been here to build a buddy case between them lol i think that spike should be lynched tbh he isn't really adding anything to town so it won't be a huge loss to lose him, and if he's mafia then even better. i'm not going to vote him now to see if my vote is needed elsewhere
@Makaze marushi confirmed she is hated in her post
i actually had to stop watching omg
not hated
i'm just trying to give everyone something to think about yk
i don't think the fact that hyuge is discrediting makaze is necessarily a mafia tell for a few reasons. first of all, people have their own opinions on certain things and she's the type of person that if she disagrees with something, she's not afraid to be vocal about it [ at least that's the impression i get from her, coupled with times we've talked and stuff ]. second of all, i don't think a mafia member would outwardly go against someone who is confirmed town. it just doesn't make sense bc she'd be basically calling herself out. it might be some weird reverse psychology kinda thing idk but i think it's too big a risk for a mafia member to take
bc i want to wait until almost the last moment so i have everything analyzed in one post also i'm gonna try to do what makaze did and be really specific like with post numbers and stuff and that's gonna take time as well for now i've already posted my thoughts and opinions on trig [ twice ] and you and cstar
@Mish @Makaze okay thanks so i'll post what i think just before the day ends so if i died then ppl will know my thoughts and stuff
/salutes i'll try but this is a lot of pressure lol i'll keep really good notes and stuff!! oh also @Ars Nova is it possible like if you get killed by mafia that you can post your thoughts on who is mafia?? kinda like what makaze did like if he had died would he be allowed to post that as his big farewell??
omg lol i feel really dumb i'm sorry rip tale
okay thanks sorry in regards to your mafia possibilities i def feel trig [ and the reason i'm not voting for him, if anyone asks, is bc there's already a soft lynch ] as possible mafia. in fear of sounding like a follower, i pretty much agree with your points about him. don't really have anything to add, so sorry if this isn't that helpful but however, i do have some points to address about your other possible mafia ppl. first off, i don't really think tale is mafia. i think that he's following you bc your confirmed town and he agrees with what you're saying. sure, he could be a mafia shadowing you to keep himself safe, but the same can be said for a townie no? i'm sorta on the fence about mish and cstar isn't really pegging me as mafia
@Makaze about what exactly? the trigger thing? bc if so i explained that earlier or about your mafia possibilities?
i didn't really like hoenn that much but this is def one of my fave things from the pokemon games make your own and post it below!! i'm really curious to see what you guys think would make a nice base here's mine below!