[?] Seek the Sec. Mod
You lot need the inspiring words of Linus. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone (in America), hope you have a grand day~
Ho ho ho, happy hanukkah. Someone could also reserve the satanic Santa from supernatural what yanks people up chimneys. c: Also I found this image of Simba, and well..whoever is playing him is contractually obligated to use this banner because of Simba's antics in Miami. Spoiler
"Well, that de-escalated quickly." Coulson nodded at the unscathed by enormous bomb, Savanna. "Yes, but why? We didn't do anything, it just..vanished." "I'm not complaining, bloody thing was shaking my tea." The Queen sat back in her chair and smiled. Fury asked Hill for answers that she couldn't produce, the computers couldn't pick up anything. "It was there one second, gone the next. There is nothing else that I can tell you, sir." "Find something that you can tell me then. Bombs don't disappear!" "And yet this one did, it's funny when pieces act out. A bishop moving horizontal, nobody would except such a thing, yet it's happened right before us." "Quite down if you're not going to state something useful." "Oh I'm sorry director, the entertainment is over for now anyways. I suppose we have a certain someone to thank our intact selves for, I'll be sure and give him your gratitude." Izaya waved as he exited the control room of the base, Fury rolling his eye at the crazed man. "Yes, gratitude for the entertainment." Strolling down the hallway into his room, Izaya closed the door behind him and sat in his chair. He turned his computer on and logged in, his room was bigger than most in the base, but it was modest. To the left of his desk was a coffee table with a nice couch around it, sitting on the couch was a calm girl clutching a familiar looking teddy bear. She looked soft, yet empty. Spoiler "What do think of this, Yin?" Izaya peered over at the girl with a grin plastered on his face, knowing that he'd get no response. "It's pretty amazing how everyone reacted to almost certain death." He got up from the computer and sat beside Yin, before them was what appeared to be a chess board, but there were pieces from multiple games on it. "This newest development changes the entire landscape of the game." Izaya switched pieces around randomly to any onlooker, but there was purpose in every position, in every pawn. "I love it Yin, chaos and uncertainty are what make humans so fun to observe. Of course I enjoy my fair share of control." He grinned as he moved the king to the center of the board, "The wars are becoming more frequent and bloody, it almost makes you sorry for humanity's sick state of health." Izaya's words appeared to be falling on deaf ears as the girl remained sitting there, her grip on the bear constant and her expression unchanged. The computer buzzed as a message had popped up on the screen, Izaya gazed over his shoulder at it and nodded, "So he's in Haven?"
No problem, I'm willing to extend the deadline as long as everyone needs. It'd be good if everyone who hasn't already sent me their piece to chime in that they're working on or going to make a piece so I know who to wait for.
Sup fo shizzel.
It was very cute and the music was beautiful. I think it's the best short I've seen before a Disney movie, going along with how great a movie Wreck-it-Ralph was it was a grand combo.
[?] Package
That moment you attempt to like your own comment.. Obvious choice. [?] Back to the desk
Me cries.. [?] Examine Desk (plums edit: You posted beforee I fixed the command xD /godmodpowa)
Colorado cookies?
>Strut Your Stuff
~Haven City~ "Eh, who are these punks?" Shizuo inquired about the guards, but they didn't appear in a talkative mood as one attempted to slam him over the head with the blunt side of his blaster. The weapon was easily relived from the guard, Shizuo grabbing then snapping it in half with one hand. "So a bunch of numskulls huh?" He reared back and punched the guard square in the middle of his helmet, he went flying into the air in a hyper spin before slamming into the side of the arena. Meta Knight was taking a more finesse approach, flying overheard two guards while they attempted to shoot him out of the sky. "If I time this right I'll eliminate both of them." Meta Knight pitched in the air into a dive, speeding straight for the guards. Just as it looked like one of the shots had his name on it the knight's wings transformed back into a cape that he quickly swooshed around himself. The guards stared dumbfounded up into sky, no sight of their target. A spit-second later Meta Knight reappeared between the guards and sliced their blasters in two, afterwards he began spinning fast enough to whip up a small tornado that shoved the guards into the ground unconscious. "Come back when you can put up a fight." He taunted.
>Everydaycollegeisinvolved but especially cold, wet and windy days.. If today wasn't my last day before the Thanksgiving break I'd just fall over..
Sorry. Spoiler