I agree with this, but I think SE has always been great with diversity in their casts. That's one reason I'm not on the hate train for the game. They wouldn't just make the main characters all male for no reason. Plus it's not like every single character in the game is male.
bless you
Spoiler you hurt me first..;_; mine too!
Why don't you care?
My issue with AC Unity is that all the co-op characters are dudes. I doubt co-op characters have any story or even have names (correct me if I'm wrong?), they're just faceless avatars for your friends. That said, the biggest outrage I think comes from the HORRIBLE reason Ubisoft gave when asked about this: "Females are difficult to animate" and "It would double our workload". Stupid reasons, and outright lies. Especially when coming from a AAA developer, when making one of the most successful and financially 'safe' franchises in gaming right now.
if some ladies could weigh in, that'd be awesome~
do you think it's a problem? i already posted my opinion on this on twitter so i'm just gonna screencap that. read from bottom to top. Spoiler
I might, I have a lot of games in my backlog so it might be a while before I can try it out ;_; <3 no i don't omg shush The dream team that could have been... remember when we played on that Zelda map
OF COURSE. that nickname will always be rad as fuq.
That's actually really cool. Thank you! c:
You're about to land a critical hit. What's your cut-in quote?
Guess what video game I started playing?~ Spoiler
Doctor Who is shit
Ugh, I didn't really enjoy the way the cult stuff was handled in the newer games. And yep, I think I got it around $24 with the manual and original cover art and stuff. c: