lol its actually hard :P
well yeah you can say that,u just used the sora allies code and gave donald and goofys weapons to Sora its kinda like Weapon target mod so yeah,the weapon wont attack unless their original wielder attacks so its kind of useless but cool :P
yup ^^" everything has to be the same exact way like how the dump was made,even changing the weapon wouldnt make the code work ^^"
unfortunately it wont work for anyone except me since this code is SUPER DMA and will have to get hacked by the one who will use the code ON the save file the dump was made
[video=youtube;QpHtofAdsXs][/video] Well just as the title says,this is a code which was discovered recently by SilverRupee on youtube but before that was discovered by KeyToTruth on youtube.Well i just made a short story of it showing that Sora DREAMS that in the future he is holding alot of keyblades and in the end he sees two man,one in black cloak and the other in an armor with two swords fighting each other,So yeah HOPE YOU ENJOY IT :D ALSO i would like to thanks Zerox for the young Xehanort pic that was shown in this video ^^
[video=youtube;HJOk84JkztA][/video] Yo guys a preview of a code which was first found by Key To Truth and then was later found by SilverRupee AKA Rukato in KHV XD well enjoy ;D
codes how else :P vid coming soon ;)
something that was first found by truth and then re founded by rukato ^^
well just use the ability mods for that one ^^" and well the boss warps works fine ^^ since i had Ultima Weapon equipped and i used the boss warp to go to Terranorts fight and well it worked fine ^^ same for Ven and Aqua WHEN in Terras story i used the character mod to change into Aqua and Ven ^^"
those are weapons mod not arm mods ^^" so u want the weapon mod or the arm mods?? ^^" since arm mods makes it possible for other characters to...
oh kk thanks evil ^^
i think i already released the resistance mod one or two pages back ^^"
2AM Club - Worry About You
Fire By Jay Sean
Hmm well the wooden sword MIGHT be possible to wield but it wont damage since its just a cutscene sword and so its kinda useless ^^" and about the Lea battle dont think so since lea doesnt have the animations for him fighting ^^"
Ride it By Jay Sean
Hmm which codes did you used?? ^^
nm gettin bored :P wht bout u?? ^^
thought so :P and what did you used to edit them as in you know like put in the KHV Intro and Closing?? ^^"
Well i think because axel met two persons who he really CARED about and that changed him.Roxas and Xion became Axels best friends and that made him felt like he had an heart and also the reason Roxas made him felt that he had an heart was because Spoiler Axel(lea) and Roxas(Ven) met when they were somebody as in not Roxas but the real person whome roxas looks like,since axel and ven sparred each other in radiant garden and became quick friends ^^ roxas reminds Axel of Ven at the time when he had an heart and so does Sora since Vens heart is inside Sora