same here,since i tried to make axels HP Mod and stats mod but couldn't cause of the addresses keep changing every time i searched for it,when i fought him.
Yo guys I'm currently making and editing the Songs (opening/closing) full versions of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood to kill some time.(TBH I'm hell bored these days since my exams are near -_-.) So yeah anyway hope you like the songs and the vids. :3 Again By YUI: Spoiler [video=youtube;eNtmRzAlbV4][/video] Hologram By Nico Touches the Walls: Spoiler [video=youtube;aZtMD1lQKUU][/video] Golden Time Lover By Sukima Switch: Spoiler [video=youtube;tZWo_vhpjTQ][/video] Period By Chemistry: Spoiler [video=youtube;3SeGgvoh_dw][/video] Rain By SID: Spoiler [video=youtube;mg2z5T-ZyKw][/video] Uso By SID: Spoiler [video=youtube;qVnT_49Vhho][/video] Let It Out By Fukuhara Miho: Spoiler [video=youtube;IEpq9IlyUTU][/video] Tsunaida Te By Lil'B: Spoiler [video=youtube;mMUZjKYi_B8][/video] Shunkan Sentimental By SCANDAL: Spoiler [video=youtube;IvGWkV3XaSM][/video] RAY OF LIGHT By LonE: Spoiler [video=youtube;ZeOulq7xsI8][/video] NOTE:Also for all the other people,Mods,Admins etc. Don't worry,I'm recording the boss battles and cutscenes from Kingdom Hearts Re Coded,it's just that my exams are starting fro Tuesday which is day after tomorrow here,So I've been a little busy with studies lately and also im recording Fullmetal Alchemist BrotherhooDs Episodes in WMV format.So I'll record the rest of Re:Codeds cutscenes and Boss battles after those are done. ^^ (Hope you all are at ease now. :P) EDIT 1: ALL OPENINGS DONE. EDIT 2: ALL ENDINGS DONE.
well yeah if you want to yup
just a word of precaution warrior Riku would T-stance every time it deflects an attack for some reason so yeah,its pretty useless.
hmm well like i said im busy with exams these days so have to study so haven't hacked games like in ages XD and about the limit form code i think...
those codes are quite simple actually,i just replaced the model of Roxas into Shadow Roxas and about those other codes for DW and things its mostly sub status mod and about the two organization weapons,thats simple arm mod
well ive been reading through the pages and seems to me liek you guys are trying to make a lookalike limit form code for this region right??If so then what would you need to be exact is well Valor form with ONE flying keyblade,Final Form and Master form as allies(if you want to give valor masters attack animations that is) and well thats my idea basically.Now since Valor clothes already are red just switch one of valors finisher animations (air) with masters finisher (that tornado attack) and his finisher animations(ground) with finals zigzag finisher,Since then he would be really powerful and mostly hard to deflect and if you want you can also switch Valors running animations with Finals running (levitating) animations. :D
what kind of help??
well they are going to start on 26th oct ^^
hmm thnks,i'll see ^^
Yo guys,i need help with something on megaupload and thats like this I've seen some video files on megaupload,which ALSO says "View on Megavideo" below its name like this Now i wanted to ask you if i want that to appear,then do i upload the video file on megaupload OR megavideo?? Since i uploaded a video on megavideo but it doesnt allow me to download the fiel unless i have a premium account :/ Hope someoen can help me. ^^
hmm.. if im not wront,that fix was made by me XD
correct and i wont be able to help you for some time since my exams are near so ill get into studying and stuffs ^^"
thats soras arms name
yeah like W_EX010 and etc.
well is that code for final mix or NTSC?? ^^" and about the arm mods,it's just that you have to search it in the dumps you make,in PS2Dis. ^^
hmm well tbh even i dont know about that since i never hacked one ^^"
hmm well i tried to do tht long time ago but the weapons texture didnt changed at all :/ the only one who was able to do that as far as i know was truth
you can search it through googling ^^"
Game ID: BKAJ-34A21EC0 creators: elixerdream, basher11,other coders ::Game Enabler Code (bypasses AP) E20004A0 0000004C E59F002C E5901000 E59F2028 E1510002 059F1024 05801008 059F1020 058010A8 059F101C 05801148 059F1018 058011E8 E12FFF1E 020D1164 E15F4ED3 36AA8EFD 36AA4415 36AA19B8 36AA9B60 00000000 520009F8 E12FFF1E 020009F8 EAFFFEA8 D2000000 00000000 !Misc Codes ::Max Money 94000130 FFFB0000 02197008 000F423F D2000000 00000000 ::Clock Gauge Never Decrease 520CB3E8 E00781A0 120CC3E8 0000E005 D0000000 00000000 ::Clock Gauge Quick Fillup 52071D94 58514907 12072D96 00005222 D0000000 00000000 520CB3E8 E00781A0 120CC3E6 0000E000 D0000000 00000000 ::Inf. Jump 520C6FE8 C203CB03 E2000100 00000018 1C38B506 F0A62102 2800FF69 2003D001 203CBD06 BD065630 020C7FE8 F88AF738 D0000000 00000000 ::Max SP (SEL+R) 94000130 FEFB0000 0219e7e4 0098967F D2000000 00000000 !Stats Related ::HP Never Decrease DA000000 02060974 D7000000 02060972 D2000000 00000000 ::Max Stats 12060976 000003E7 02060978 03E703E7 1206097C 000003E7 ::Max EXP 94000130 FFFB0000 02197004 0098967F D2000000 00000000 ::HP999/999 94000130 FFFB0000 12060972 000003E7 12060974 000003E7 D2000000 00000000 !Unlock Codes ::All KeyBlades 94000130 FFFB0000 02197114 00010101 C0000000 0000000C 021970E0 01010101 DC000000 00000004 D2000000 00000000 ::All KeyBlade/Weapon Support 94000130 FFFB0000 02197120 01010101 02197124 01010101 02197128 01010101 1219712C 00000101 2219712E 00000001 D2000000 00000000 ::All Status Chips 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 0000003A 221970A0 00000032 DC000000 00000001 D2000000 00000000 ::All Accesories 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 00000018 22197130 00000001 DC000000 00000001 D2000000 00000000 ::All Attack and Magic Chips 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 00000048 2219753A 00000001 DC000000 00000004 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 D5000000 00000000 C0000000 00000048 D8000000 0219753B DC000000 00000003 D4000000 00000001 D2000000 00000000 :Clock Gauge Multiplier ::2 5206CD5C E886F78D 1206DD5C 00000068 D0000000 00000000 ::4 5206CD5C E886F78D 1206DD5C 000000A8 D0000000 00000000 ::8 5206CD5C E886F78D 1206DD5C 000000E8 D0000000 00000000 ::16 5206CD5C E886F78D 1206DD5C 00000128 D0000000 00000000 ::32 5206CD5C E886F78D 1206DD5C 00000168 D0000000 00000000 :Movement Speed Multiplier ::1.5 520C8C34 FFFFF4CD 020C9C38 00000399 020C9C3C 000004CC D0000000 00000000 ::2 520C8C34 FFFFF4CD 020C9C38 000004CC 020C9C3C 00000666 D0000000 00000000 ::2.5 520C8C34 FFFFF4CD 020C9C38 00000600 020C9C3C 00000800 D0000000 00000000 NOTE:I haven't tested all of them so if someone else can test them and tell me which one works and which one don't.