Jayn indirectly got me to try my hand at game design again. So this is a no brainer to me.
I may have gotten into HunniePop recently, which is twofold. First is the obvious, it's videogame smut. Second, I don't even normally like match-3 games. Past that I have to stretch the definition of guilty pleasure a bit. Like I've noticed that I like a handful of J-Pop/K-Pop songs that I probably wouldn't if they were in English. But that's less guilty pleasure in the "I hope no one finds out" sense and more makes me feel like some weebo hipster. Also, if you'll allow me to jump back to 2007, I liked both Heavenly Sword and Lair. Come at me bro.
Not yet. showtime is about 5 hours out still.
Instructions unclear. Summoned The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
I'm really glad to hear that the movie does a decent job of explaining itself. I'll be going with a a couple of my friends on Sunday, and I've been avoiding reading the story bits to XV news while they know nothing at all. I remember watching Advent Children having only played the original FF7 and I was just confused all over the place.
Honestly the retcons are the only big thing that annoys me. Like, with all the plot twists my instinct is to dissect things to figure out what the next one will be. But you just can't here. KH doesn't do twists in this "Here are a bunch of threads that all converge to make this" nearly as much as it goes "Here's a new concept and let's show how this changes everything." And having done the latter so many times it gets hard to remember what state things currently are in.
What are you talking about?
Work harder. You must slave for our affections.
Impressions (I can't resist. Not remembering is perfectly cool) How do you take your coffee? Do you like espresso drinks? The zombie apocalypse has started. It is too dangerous to go outside. How long could you live with the things you have nearby.
There are no rules. This is just a new twist on Question Time. I like fire but I don't like frost.
None of them are bad, just personal preference. Personally I would space the endash just because if word wrapping becomes a thing you don't want the piece before to get dragged down. (although if that actually happens varies, and I'm not sure how browsers normally handle it).
It's weird that Pokemon Go would have issues. The way it should work is that you sign into Google yourself, and then Google talks to Pokemon Go and goes "Yep, that's them." Pokemon Go would never see your password, only the email address. But yeah, email hacking is scary no matter how it happened. For gmail people I recommend turning on 2-factor authentication. Basically to long in you need to use your password and another password from your phone that changes constantly. Makes logging in a bit of a pain since you need to pull out your phone to grab the changing password, but it makes hacking you insanely harder. EDIT: Well I was suggesting something you already did. So I feel silly now. I read things good.
It's a shame that the restaurant plans fell through, but it will all work out fine and then that will be a bit you can laugh about afterwards. Can I just say I'm way more excited for this than I have any right to be?
A friend of mine is having a family emergency. I'm not sure how long it will take (hopefully its done tonight), but if it lasts longer I'm not going to have time to think about this thread. Sorry this is coming up at such a critical stage, but obviously I can't help it. I don't want to talk details openly, but IIRC my phone number is in the staff section if any of the staff reading this want to text me.
Sorry, I'm doing work at the moment. I've just been checking in so that I'll have less catching up when I'm ready to actually post. I marked myself as invisible to avoid being called out, but either it's not working or you see it anyway because of being staff. Regardless, I'll be on later.
Are you a hivemind of fruit?
Man today was a wild ride. But if this works out will be epic. Hell even if it was a different lie and we lose, what a way to go.
Fair enough. And Midnight is the one voting Ghost now, so we can take that into account when Midnight flips.
Okay, I'm having dejavu from yesterday. My gut instinct says to go for the quiet people first, which like I said before would be mainly cstar and Ghost. And with that I'm leaning on Ghost due to being lower activity on my modified list and being the one people were focused on when they thought I would see a mod death. With two hours left would it be too messy to put down that vote? It's not down to the wire like yesterday, but it is late.
So I wanted to start my searching with Ghost because they were in the hotseat most of today. But I think my late night might be catching up with me. Unfortunately, despite a lot of digging, I really don’t see new tells for Ghost. She fits the bill for the quiet profile, but a lot of the list does. Here are raw post counts for the four in Judge’s pool plus myself. Midnight - 70 Mixt - 43 Mish - 35 Ghost - 30 Cstar - 26 And for the most part I feel like that is fairly accurate for activity levels. Midnight had a fair share of non-committal posts, but I feel like that is counterbalanced with the log. Ghost and myself had a several throw away posts, so my level would be right around Mish's, and Ghost probably drops a bit below Cstar. I'll do quick analysis of the other 3 and get that in. Plus I'll try to do them proper during the night phase after I've gotten some sleep. In the meantime I can really go with anyone. As was shown with tale, I'm more suspicious of quiet members given the choice; leading me to Ghost and cstar (although the tale one did blow up in my face) I still think a vocal player makes sense, and Midnight is that on this list by a decent margin. Mish has me personally worried because she has me on her list. We only have one incorrect lynch left. If we are sure the entire Mafia is in a pool of four we can wipe out the entire pool and win. If we have a pool of five, then our death lynch is in there. But... Today was definitely not my best foot forward. I do not blame anyone for not being convinced I'm Town. Those last two notes are why I need to insist that people do a breakdown on me. If we are in agreement on Judge's plan and analysis of me then we are golden. But if not then we need to re evaluate what we are doing,