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  1. Mixt
    It is an interesting take on it, allowing for stuff like taking out the MA which normally feels odd to me. But I agree that it seemed pretty unbalanced. The Iron Giant was the only thing in the video that had notable resistance to it. And while MP dropped at a decent rate things died before the total cost got bad. Maybe for demonstration they set the magic power really high?
    Post by: Mixt, Oct 4, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  2. Mixt
    The only risk I potentially see is being strong-armed into surrendering copyright. But the emails would show it's your IP, and so long as you're careful about what you're agreeing to then it seems like a good opportunity.
    Post by: Mixt, Sep 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Mixt
    This video sums up my feelings on Trump pretty well. I don't think Hillary Clinton is a great candidate, but on every flaw I see with Hillary I see a parallel one with Trump that is just so much worse. And even when you stop looking at negatives and try to look at positives it is clear that Trump has very little idea what he's doing. He doesn't ever talk plans as far as I've seen, just goals. And he's not even consistent on that front.

    Post by: Mixt, Sep 28, 2016 in forum: Discussion
  4. Mixt
    I want to help, but my house isn't very recording friendly (unless we schedule for before people get home). Plus I would be beyond terrible at that game.
    Post by: Mixt, Sep 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Mixt
    Google got curves. Also it is always watching, so...
    Post by: Mixt, Sep 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Mixt
    I swear I remember Google starting, but I would've been 6 at the time. Certainly old enough to form memories, but I doubt I would have been in the know on that stuff. Maybe I'm just thinking its early years.

    Also, if corporations are people, can Google vote now?
    Post by: Mixt, Sep 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Mixt
    I would buy from Guilty Sheep, and I didn't get the game reference. The times I've bought stuff on etsy the name is the last thing I look at, if I look at it at all.

    Plus with crochet there is the whole sheep > wool, reference going on.

    Note: I like both names, so I'm not trying to convince you keep it. Just saying it is a viable option.
    Post by: Mixt, Sep 17, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Mixt
    I feel really weird that I have votes. I need to build a wall to protect them. And make Misty pay for it.
    Post by: Mixt, Sep 17, 2016 in forum: 2016
  9. Mixt
    This is one of those where it is annoying me because I feel like I know it but just can't place it.

    "Oh I know those scars"
    "No, the other one"
    "I'm going with Leon"
    "Dangit brain. That isn't Leon"
    Post by: Mixt, Sep 5, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Mixt
    Did you leave it on the other side of the wall I'm building?
    Post by: Mixt, Sep 1, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Mixt
    It has been done.
    Post by: Mixt, Sep 1, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Mixt
    Vote for me for all the things.

    That is all.
    Thread by: Mixt, Sep 1, 2016, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Mixt
    Last stance I heard is that emulation is fine, pirating is not. But best not to dance too much with that line I guess. And yes, I was just talking about the DVD-ROM drive.
    Post by: Mixt, Aug 31, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Mixt
    If you have the disks and a DVD reader you can rip them yourself.
    Post by: Mixt, Aug 31, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Mixt
    At first I was thinking some kind of recap, but KH1 and BBS are the only games where you have a chance of trimming it down enough because you can keep those pretty self contained. But even then you're cutting out a lot and end up in a "the game was better" situation.

    New plot could be cool, but the current arc is too convoluted. They could make it an epilogue of sorts like Advent Children, or start something fresh.

    All in all I'm sure I'd get hyped if they went there but I'm nowhere near "OMG we need this" Like I would have been back at KH1 or probably even at KH2.
    Post by: Mixt, Aug 31, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. Mixt
    I just emulate. But there is the issue of if can your computer handle it, and a few games have some jankyness to it.
    Post by: Mixt, Aug 31, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Mixt
    Down on it, or down with it?
    Down with what? Down with the sickness.
    What do sick people have? A fever.
    What does a fever make? Heat.
    What does heat do? It makes things @Explode

    Post by: Mixt, Aug 31, 2016 in forum: 2016
  18. Mixt
    I don't know. Boredom? I don't claim to know the will of the earth.
    Post by: Mixt, Aug 31, 2016 in forum: 2016
  19. Mixt
    But that requires gravity and that doesn't exist in space. And space is where stars are.
    Post by: Mixt, Aug 31, 2016 in forum: 2016
  20. Mixt
    And Star is winning. Which I find funny. Because Star, in the sky, grounded. It's a pun. I think anyway. Is there a better term there? I want to say irony but the internet has taught me that literally nothing is ironic. Literally nothing.
    Post by: Mixt, Aug 31, 2016 in forum: 2016