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  1. Mixt
    Who's there?
    Post by: Mixt, Dec 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Mixt

    What is the weirdest thing you do when no one is around?

    What is something you feel like you should enjoy but don't?
    Post by: Mixt, Dec 18, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  3. Mixt
    I really don't use tumbler, but still watch that video every so often for the lolz.
    Post by: Mixt, Dec 16, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Mixt
    Unsurprising that you're gonna get a lot of biased opinions here, but still interesting to think about.

    Personally I think the closest I would get to telling my hypothetical child to stop playing with whatever would be to try to introduce them to a more "grown up" version in the same vein. Like how you described writing and roleplays as scratching a similar itch. But if they wanted to continue that would be okay with me. I mean I proudly played Yu-Gi-Oh at my lunch table through high school. And heck, one of my favorite memories from high school involved being confronted about it. And to this day I'll pretend like I'm punching fireballs or sneak around my house like a ninja. But only when I'm alone, or in a particularly loopy mood with people that I'm comfortable with.

    It's difficult because you do naturally grow out of things, and feeling ashamed or whatever can just be a catalyst for the transition. And that's perfectly fine, albeit still unpleasant. But there are other times where it's important to resist normality, learn that other's opinions of you only matter so much, and just do your own thing.
    Post by: Mixt, Dec 6, 2016 in forum: Discussion
  5. Mixt
    I've never done the LootWear stuff, although I've done some of the actual crates. But by and large I just didn't care for them. I mean I've gotten I think 5 crates, and have about 3 items I regularly use. Granted there are some items that are amusing if not practical, and several that might be cool if I ever got behind the IP. But yeah. All this reminds me of getting hyped for a crate marked with FMA stuff and it turned out to be a floor mat.
    Post by: Mixt, Dec 2, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Mixt
    I haven't played the game yet (hoping for Christmas) but even in the demo I loved Prompto for helping to keep things from being too serious.
    Post by: Mixt, Dec 1, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Mixt
    Oh god, I crashed so hard on this I forgot it was a thing I was doing. Mostly it just turned out to be a really bad month for me to do stuff of this scale, but certainly some lessons to take away from this as well.
    Post by: Mixt, Nov 30, 2016 in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  8. Mixt
    Post by: Mixt, Nov 12, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Mixt
    Profile Post Comment

    The breeze feels nice.

    The breeze feels nice.
    Profile Post Comment by Mixt, Nov 12, 2016
  10. Mixt
    Most people's first words "mama" or "dada" But this guy was edgy enough to start with "I'm gonna kill Praxis"
    Post by: Mixt, Nov 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Mixt
    That's only going to help temporarily though. Winter Solstice and all that. Although I guess a little bit is better than nothing.
    Post by: Mixt, Nov 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Mixt
    Post by: Mixt, Oct 28, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Mixt
    And now I can get a rip of this song without all the voice overs. Yay.
    Post by: Mixt, Oct 27, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Mixt
    Post by: Mixt, Oct 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Mixt
    Post by: Mixt, Oct 26, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Mixt
    I can't believe I'm doing this. But count me in.

    I'll be picking up an old idea of mine. It's a fantasy about two characters and their individual journeys as they syphon away people's experiences. One takes in the good, and the other the bad ones. Going into what that what they gain and lose as they go, along with good old fashioned light vs darkness as they meet.

    Since this is way out of my element, I'm thinking I'll be going easy on the word count. But I'm also so out of my element that I'm not sure how much would be appropriate. So I think I'll start with a 1000 words per day goal, make some adjustments by ear as we start, and by the end of the first week nail down exactly what I want the rest to look like.
    Post by: Mixt, Oct 26, 2016 in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  17. Mixt

    Math Help

    If you're still wanting the help...

    2A. You know what you're doing really. You missed one step calculating the loss from the battery that you did use in the loss from terrain.

    2B. This one has some weird wording about the terrain. It's not clear if the 30% applies only to the section with rough terrain, or if that is an average for the entire trip. Plus, the copy paste job ends up repeating 2A's question on accident. At any rate it says "reduces his average daily travel distance for the trip by 30%" so it should be the entire 3200 km instead of the last 2250 km. So you have the total distance of 3200 km and from 2A you have 59.85 km/day.

    Let's compare it to an easier problem. If I run at an average pace of 5 miles/hr, and I'm going somewhere 10 miles away, how long will it take me to reach there? 2 hours. Why? Unit conversion.
    10 miles * 1 hr / 5 miles.
    Miles cancel out
    10 *1 hr / 5
    10 hr / 5
    2 hr
    Post by: Mixt, Oct 26, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Mixt
    Just a heads up, on Android the power+home method of a screen capture is a bit dated since most phones don't have a physical home button anymore. Most use power+volume down.

    I for one have a bare minimum for outfit pieces, so I pretty much need to sit this out. But I look forward to other people's submissions.
    Post by: Mixt, Oct 23, 2016 in forum: Community News & Projects
  19. Mixt

    Looks like we'll get one for each kingdom leading up to the RT release.
    Post by: Mixt, Oct 19, 2016 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Mixt
    You can't stand in the way of the love we pretend you have for someone else!
    Post by: Mixt, Oct 17, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone