Stand alone I think this volume is pretty meh, but I'm happy for that. It's important to have a downbeat after the hectic last volume to keep spectacle creep from coming in too fast. And it serves as a nice foundation for next arc. It becomes hard to truly judge this volume without knowing how well they use that foundation. But especially if they are going to be doubling up I've got no complaints.
I'm not sure how I feel about the buying Prem stuff. Ideal would probably be to strip out some the Prem benefits from Contributor and then insert a new P&C group. But that might be a bit much. And depending on how the system handles usergroups, it could require manual assignment from admins. Ultimately though I see Prem as a way of recognizing people who are committed to the site and added value to it. Which being a Contributor certainly does. My main concern is actually that with the site being less active, Prem is harder to achieve and I don't want this to be the way you get Prem now. But that's just a new twist on an old problem with no easy answer.
MROUND(X,0) is going to round X to the nearest integer. Timecodes (at least the ones used here) treat each day as an increment of 1. So MROUND(X,0) if X is a time will give you midnight every time. You'll only see a difference if you format it to see the date. But that is also why we are using MROUND instead of just ROUND. MROUND rounds to multiples of the second argument. So with 1440 minutes in a day you want MROUND(X,1/1440).
You are adding one day, not one hour, but other than that you're good. If you want to use conditional formatting to see what changed in column D the expected value is less than one if unchanged, and greater than or equal to one if changed.
So that date system apparently handles negative time such that negative time is mirrored rather than just more days. So when you get the result of -12:17 AM, what that is really saying is "17 minutes into negative time" where what we want is more like "17 minutes before the end of the day" or 11:43 PM. It did the math right, it's just presenting the result in a way that isn't very intuitive. If you want the date system that way you could do something like adding 1 to average to force it into positive time. But you'll have to edit formulas either way. I forgot that formulas don't work well in find and replace though. It's the kind of problem I might be able to muddle through myself, but I don't think I can walk someone else through it. Not without it probably taking longer than just hand replacing them.
Basically if you had logged a time like 1AM the math was treating that as early in the morning instead of late at night, pulling the average way down. In hindsight it might have been better to set the break point at like 6AM instead of noon. But so far you haven't had issues of times registering as later that you wanted, so no harm in keeping it. There is a find and replace option. I'm not sure where they put it in menus these days, but a quick google says that the hotkey of Ctrl+H should work.
While I'm not surprised that 2.8 won out, I'm a little surprised by the margin. This brings us back to new content, whereas HD collections just aren't for everyone (especially in Japan where they already had Final Mix versions and the collections were strictly remasters). Although on the other hand this can easily be seen as just another collection and considering the leading title is Dream Drop Distance as opposed to a numbered title, that could have downplayed it.
Fair warning, I don't have Excel here so I can't test formulas before I send them to you. So make especially sure to test that they work as you want them to. Anyway, it indeed looks like Excel just isn't equipped to handle negative values of time. So instead of moving the PMs back we need to move the AMs forward. So something like this should work. =IF(HOUR(C2)<12,C2+1,C2)
When setting it back from the joke one I wanted to update it to be a higher resolution. But I've been lazy.
Zero saturation colors are interesting in that they don't really have a hue, but I would hardly say that they aren't colors because of it.
Video can only be done on one output. But since audio is cheeper to process they allow that to have a multi out. The intent is for something like having audio to both a TV and dedicated speakers. But it can help to make sure audio is being sent out and narrow down where the problem is. So get video to both Roxio and the TV, you would need a splitter.
IIRC audio is split into HDMI, optical, and everything else. You would want the last one. Although there is a quick and dirty method here too since you aren't trying to do anything fancy like surround sound. Under sound settings there is an option called something like "audio multi out" (I don't have my system or a manual in front of me right now) that will give you sound on all outputs.
Ah, you actually want the "composite / S video" option. The AV multi that it's referring to has a connector like the one that plugs into the PS3 on both ends. You could also try the quick and dirty method of getting the PS3 to auto-detect video settings. Turn off the PS3, unplug the HDMI, and hook up the Roxio device; then when turning the PS3 on continue holding down the power button until it beeps again. It should adjust the video settings accordingly, assuming it detects the Roxio device correctly.
So how do you have everything set up right now? Are you using some kind of splitter to get video to both your TV and to Roxio? How bad is the discoloration when you do get video to Roxio? Can you upload a screenshot? Off the bat I'm not sure what to tell you since it should work almost exactly the same as the PS2. The PS3 can get higher resolutions, but RCA doesn't support them so you would just be stuck with the same 480i.
I'm not fond of of needing to unlock Critical, albeit I'm likely to start with Proud anyway. Aside from that though I'm getting pretty excited.
I'm actually impressed that everything is suspended in there. I'm guessing he got it to a slushy consistency before mixing the money in and freezing it solid.
Demon Hunter isn't a band I've ever thought about in terms of AMVs (despite listening to them a lot), but this song works really well. I normally try to do some cnc, but I'm too out of touch to say much. The bit at around 3:45 seemed to get lost in the filters some and just ended up pretty muddy to me. But I did really like the handoffs between the two of you. Both in that they just look really well done to the point that it isn't obvious that a handoff is being done, and in that you did so several times instead of just doing a first-half/second-half split. Overall really well done.
$135 FFXV Kingsglaive (Steelbook version) DS4 PC dongle A phone upgrade (long story) Beard measuring shirt World Series shirt Cubs branding iron A trip to the movies Plus a couple of small things coming when I do Friendsmas.
Spoiler I just got to the point where the movie happens, and yeah the like 30 seconds of Kingsglaive they show doesn't work well. It would have been better to omit it and leave the player wondering how much of the news was true.
Moma who?