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  1. Mixt
    Just an FYI, I remember I ended up recording at least Days in 1080i and deinterlacing since my capture hardware didn't support 1080p. Although I'm not sure why I didn't go for 720p. Regardless it might be worth it to see how a fresh recording looks compared to mine once you get done with the more important ones.

    Keep up the good work.
    Post by: Mixt, Mar 29, 2017 in forum: Community News & Projects
  2. Mixt
    Somehow the only one I'm missing is a Proud Mode run. Which is how I would normally play it. I don't know how I haven't gotten that one yet.
    Post by: Mixt, Mar 28, 2017 in forum: Community News & Projects
  3. Mixt
    Yes. This is our turf.
    Post by: Mixt, Mar 28, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Mixt
    Depends on my mood and stuff. I certainly don't put shoes on until I'm going somewhere, unlike my Dad. But I will frequently keep them on even if I'm done going out for the day, unlike my Mom.
    Post by: Mixt, Mar 28, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Mixt
    Really the only thing that annoyed me in that trailer was the end when the logos started popping up. That music loop did not go well.
    While I don't imagine we'll see much on that front we might see some. The PS3 and PS4 having pretty different architecture means they have to do the porting work again, and hopefully they learned from last time. Or this port sequence might just pile on more bugs. Time will tell.
    Post by: Mixt, Mar 23, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Mixt
    Alright. At least we are pretty sure we're barking up the right tree. And sorry if this turns into a lot of downloading stuff, it is kinda a necessary evil for this kind of thing.

    Next I would recommend getting MediaInfo, setting the view mode to text, and loading up one of the files that doesn't work. Then send me that text dump in whatever way you see fit.
    Post by: Mixt, Mar 23, 2017 in forum: Technology
  7. Mixt
    Actually VLC would be a great place to check if it is a codec problem. VLC comes with any codec a normal person would need baked in, and only looks at the systems codecs if it finds something it can't play on it's own. WMP doesn't have codecs of it's own and works only with those included with Windows or additionally installed. If VLC can play it then the issue is codec related (missing, broken, misconfigured, etc) If VLC also can't play it then the issue is more likely something else.

    Also you should go back and undo my last suggestion since it didn't help. Hardware acceleration occasionally messes up, but when it works it's a good thing.
    Post by: Mixt, Mar 22, 2017 in forum: Technology
  8. Mixt
    Alright, for my next guess could you go into the same program and hit Various Tweaks under Miscellaneous, then untick both boxes and save.
    Post by: Mixt, Mar 20, 2017 in forum: Technology
  9. Mixt
    If I'm right then it should. The fact that any program trying to access the files has issues is part of what makes me think it's a codec thing. And there are other things I can suggest if the problem persists (the next one being with that same tool) but for now we just wait and see.
    Post by: Mixt, Mar 20, 2017 in forum: Technology
  10. Mixt
    m2ts is just what Roxio normally uses for the preprocessed video. Here they used mpg instead. My brain just slipped on the fact that you already said you were experiencing crashes when trying to grab to source video.

    My knee jerk here is that it is a codec issue. But those tend not to be critical failures like this, especially with mpeg because of how those standard are built. I would start with downloading a program known as Codec Tweak Tool and just running their general fixes utility with all the boxes checked.
    Post by: Mixt, Mar 20, 2017 in forum: Technology
  11. Mixt
    I unfortunately can't seem to find others with the same issue to compare against. I would recommend a reinstall (if you haven't already tried that). But aside from that I can't think of much. Are you able to find an m2ts file?
    Post by: Mixt, Mar 19, 2017 in forum: Technology
  12. Mixt
  13. Mixt
    I would say yes, but not dramatically so. The biggest difference is that it looks like they are targeting a framerate of 60fps instead of 30. Textures look pretty much the same and the difference in resolution isn't as noticeable as it could be because of the art style. I would say its in the realm of "If you can get either, get the PS4 version. If you have the PS3 versions already, not worth buying again."
    Post by: Mixt, Mar 7, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Mixt
    What they said
    Post by: Mixt, Mar 3, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Mixt
    I'd go with The Stanley Parable. So much of the game's value comes from the unexpected. Once you know what's coming it can still be amusing and all that, but it's just not nearly the same.
    Post by: Mixt, Mar 1, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  16. Mixt
    Skipping rope maybe
    Post by: Mixt, Feb 22, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Mixt
    2.8 version of DDD definitely has L1 as a shortcut button. I've been using it.

    As for my take on 0.2. My favorite part is probably how they merged the KH2 magic system and the command system. Granted there were 3 moves to make and only one command style, so even in the short game it got repetitive really quick.

    The wardrobe system surprised me since I expected to ignore it, but actually had some fun with it. Maybe it was because the objective system was right up my alley and then if I earned stuff I was going to use it gosh dang it. My only real gripe with the objective system is that it lacked organization features. I would want to look at uncleared objectives by location, but you just got everything in a giant list.
    Post by: Mixt, Feb 21, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  18. Mixt
    The Axel thing I like at the surface, but not when you dig into it. The next bit of the scene where Roxas gets a good look at the stained glass platform and gives an "Oh, that's why." Axel wasn't one to care about Sora's friends much. To the point of kidnapping Kairi to get Roxas back. Plus in the death of Axel he straight up says how he could have left Sora to die but remained to fight because he was reminded so much of Roxas. So Roxas couldn't know about the death but not know why it happened.
    Post by: Mixt, Feb 19, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. Mixt
    • Why are you a ghost?
    • What is your favorite season?
    • <<
    • What is your favorite vacation spot?
    • What information might I need to steal your identity?
    • If you had to teach a class, what would the subject be?
    Post by: Mixt, Feb 15, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  20. Mixt
    This does seem to be by and large what was going on. Summed up pretty nicely in Young Xehanort's "You can move through time, but time itself is immovable" Although there is also nonsense about needing to forget future events to preserve the integrity of the timeline, then promptly saying that the events would be etched in his heart and set him on his proper path. Like if consistency is guaranteed there is no reason to force people to forget, but if consistency isn't guaranteed then they're basically saying "well we can break it a little." I guess the difference is subtle enough to be ignored while still adding some weight to the idea of time traveling forward. And the memory loss means they can choose to have people time travel in from points in the story that we know.
    Post by: Mixt, Feb 14, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue