You mean the "release date"? That's an oversight with Amazon that I'm frankly amazed they haven't fixed yet. If something has been announced but they don't know the release date they just list it as December 31st, and as that date draws near they bump it out a year. They really should have a way to say the release date is unknown, or at least list the date as being a several years out. Although since they also don't charge until just before shipment, there's no real harm in someone getting confused and placing an order. If you meant something else- uh, sorry for the mini rant?
The global app got updated on Friday to include this. So that went live much sooner than I expected. I suck at these games though. Not sure if it's the games themselves or my ongoing dislike of controllers on touchscreens.
I had to trace the link back to see it. This should work for peeps. I think. I love his patch of bluck fur on his chin. Looks like a goatee. Or like he's super surprised. My brain keeps switching. EDIT: Well that kinda worked, but now it's tiny. EDIT2: There we go
You're not jealous are you?
I don't hate it but it feels weird to me. I think she looks younger. Maybe it's just that we haven't seen her with short hair since KH1 and my brain is getting wires crossed. But this is kinda how I would imagine her looking at some point in the CoM time-frame.
That was fun. I hope this event sticks around. It reminded me a bit of the old SotW challenges, but way more eclectic.
The trailer for this is now posted on YouTube.
I'm more amused than I should be by the fact that everyone that used a weapon, used the same weapon.
Sounds interesting. Probably won't have much time, but I can always aim for amusement when I don't have the time for a serious attempt. Let's do this biznis.
Who are you again? Wait, no. I remember you. Who am I again?
Game preservation is a rather interesting thing actually. And we're starting to see strain on it already despite how young of a medium it is. Like the technology that makes light gun games like Duck Hunt work requires a CRT screen. Modern displays refresh differently and just straight up won't work. So do we try to keep CRTs alive in some capacity? But how long do we expect to be able to do that? Or do we modify the games to work on new hardware? Well then you're hitting issues about if that counts as preserving the game and how many games can we patch like that (if it's even legal to because of copyright).
I know a big gotcha is that when the moogle rewards you with materials it goes into your own inventory, not directly to the moogle's. So I would talk to a moogle again and verify that you handed over the one for collecting all materials.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to the Windows version too. Draw distance on PS4 was driving me nuts, and I'm sure mods will be fun. Only part I'm not thrilled with, but I get, is the need to buy core DLC when I own the season pass. But to be fair the pass was only advertised as the three character episodes when I bought it, so getting Comrades was already a bonus.
Sora returns for KH3 confirmed
I have a friend that would love this if he ever gets himself a PS4, but that's pretty much it.
I'm actually thinking I could pass on the comforter, but I want those pillows.
To celebrate Columbus Day we should head over to KHI and claim it as our own.
Well they did include cases for the Xperia X line of phones, but I know what you mean. Case selection is just complete crap unless you're on a Samsung, and even that pales in comparison to the selection available to iPhones.