Water And A Flame - David Merriweather ft. Adele
U OLD! Nahh, congrats on sticking it this long =D And get well soon :(
But it is the people's use, or rather abuse, that is the problem. Not necessarily the system itself. If my reply makes no sense it's because I have no idea what I wrote before ;D But it is the people's use, or rather abuse, that is the problem. Not necessarily the system itself. If my reply makes no sense it's because I have no idea what I wrote before ;D
Why are you a pansy vegetarian?
Is it with Who?
If they are implying that illustrated images involving child sex encourages pedophilia then they will have to ban any illustration involving an illegal act. There goes most cartoons.
Continuing to imagine anything beyond the already well-established and proven facts is stupid. "Imagination" may allow for fantastic stories (and believe me, I love reading fiction) but it has no place in the real world when facts are involved. In fact, fiction is a complete and utter insult to knowledge when such knowledge exists. And in most cases the knowledge does exist, so the imagination is pointless.
I am disappointed that there is no relation to Portal =/ It is also kinda freaky.
We British must stick together D:
I'm sorry, I couldn't read that without hysterical fits of laughter. I think more children need to be "lead astray by Satan", would do them some good.
It is impossible and very wrong to label abortion in general as murder. As CtR has said, every situation is different. In my mind it is the woman's choice, it is her body and she will have to live with the consequences of her actions. But I could condone the use of abortion as contraception. Ugh, too subjective X_X
Well that was morbid.
I am, for all intents and purposes, Ghandi =D
My friend went to a Skins party once. Foam started coming out of the ceiling for no reason.
I read posts as pants, if this had been so the thread would have gone in such a different and more disturbing direction.
The Way The World Works - Pixie Lott
There was really funny footage on the BBC news site of people having to crawl along a road on their hands and knees because it was too slippy to walk xD I'll see if I can find it.
38933 This is the ultimate pick up thread.